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Choosing a Truck Wash Location in Nevada, Case Study
There are several well-known truck washes in the Great State of Nevada. Truckers need to get their truck washes as they travel West into California after coming off the mountains thru the weather, which dirties their trucks. There are two truck washes in Reno and two in Las Vegas, another strategically placed in Fernley to catch traffic coming from Las Vegas to Reno and on I-80 before the traffic. When picking locations from truck washes you must consider many factors and look for well-traveled crossroads, which are heavy on the truck traffic. The other day I got a call from a gentleman wishing to put in a truck was in Northern NV. Where would you put a truck wash? Well it would need to be on I-80 for sure but there are only a few areas, which have labor supply. So which city? There is Winnamucca which has a highway going North into Boise Area and thru the desert to post Cascade OR. Then there is also Battle Creek nicknamed the armpit of the world. And there is Windover at the border after the Great Salt Lake. How about Elko, strong population base, labor and even its own market, well they are all good for truck wash and I-80 thru Northern Nevada is highly traveled. If you have been to Windover and the Bonneville Salt Flats you will see that would not be a bad choice at all and I actually made a comment that it would be a good place for a wash indeed. http://www.carwashguys.com/tour_saltflats.shtml http://www.carwashguys.com/tour_elko.shtml Outside Reno there is a Blue Beacon Truck Wash and it always a line in Fernley, NV. http://www.carwashguys.com/tour_fernley.shtml There are Two truck washes in Reno, and a Scale on the way up the hill in CA on I-80 means truckers who are dirty can expect excessive grease tickets without a wash. Elko, NV seems like a good location indeed, because of the cross roads into Idaho shortcut some take? Other than that anywhere along there ought to be good as dirty trucks from I-70, I-80, or I-15 coming from Salt Lake into Northern Cal would be significantly dirty indeed. Having been on the road thru there to Twin Falls by the Basque establishment, it seems viable at the I-80 junction. There is little truck traffic on that road compared to the massive I-80, but I do believe that one would find adequate volume for it to work. There is not need to do further research. I understand that the Flying J there does a good 200,000 gallons a day Tuesday thru Sat. Surely enough truck traffic. One would have the place cornered the day you start? It would be easy to corner the market with no competition for 160-200 miles either direction, it is an ideal location, providing one could get labor resource there, remember those desert areas have huge drug problems. The LDS crowd might provide you with good labor. I would go inexpensive to start there due to the profit motivation; Steel Structure, Above ground reclaim and skid hot water pressure washer unit. RO system, then someone could make a go of it if one went low cost to start, heavy on the signage and also invited the motorhome traffic in for a wash. If you are considering opening a truck wash here are some Internet resources you might wish to check out. www.truckwashguy.com/truckbbs www.Truckwashguy.com Here is some information you might like: http://www.truckwashguy.com/08072003_1.shtml Having traveled the nation, I have been to 1,000's of car washes. Not as many truck washes because, well there are not as many, at least 150 of them. Since I drive this unit as my house on wheels, http://www.carwashguys.com/blitz.html generally I get it washed at truck washes, sometimes I wash it myself with on board washing equipment. When you travel around the country and observe things you see where a truck wash is needed. Best to ask a truck driver, where in your state they desperately need a good truck wash. Think on this. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Increase Your Profits with a Point of Sale (POS) System Whether you operate a chain of restaurants, a mom-and-pop convenience store, or a medium-sized retail shop, you are in business to make money. And, one of the most critical aspects to your profit and loss is your ability to track information? you need to know which products are making you money, what items need to be re-ordered, who your customers are, and so on. This is where today's point of sale (POS) systems play such a valuable role. Bad Regulators Cost Small Businesses When a regulator finds a target to go after to collect fees to insure next years budget, often it is a small business. In fact the definition of a small business includes what normal people might even think of as a medium sized business. Often a Federal Regulator might be a 26-year old kid fresh out of college being supervised by an older regulator. The younger regulator often wishes to secure his or her case in the name of Justice and wants to change the world being fresh out of college. But they know they must win the case. Look Out for that Great Accountant There are many factors to be considered when you are trying to select the accountant who is right for you. In other words how to find that good one. Better still, how to find that "great one". Routine Maintenance of High Pressure Hot Water Motors If you run a pressure washer business you need complete uptime on your equipment, break downs can be costly if your billing rates are $100 to $150.00 per hour. If you are bidding by the job there are times when it is absolutely a great profession to be in. That is if your equipment is working properly. Here are some preventative maintenance for your high-pressure hot water skid unit. 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Keep reading to find out if you're guilty of using this technique in your own marketing and learn how to fix it. The Single Most Powerful Small Business Marketing Tool On The Planet Let me get right to the point. The single most powerful small business marketing tool on the planet is a marketing plan. Now before you roll your eyes and run for the hills let me clear a few things up. Debt Collection Techniques Here are some sound debt collection techniques that can be followed by businesses to mitigate the bad debt crisis: Marketing Your Small Business with Success Stories -- The One Pager Shortcut Series -- Survival Tips For Small Businesses You may be in Mail Order, Direct Mail, or you may be a local merchant with 150 employees; whichever, however or whatever---you've got to know how to keep your business alive during economic recessions. Anytime the cash flow in a business, large or small, starts to tighten up, the money management of that business has to be run as a "tight ship." 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What's your job profitability? Do you know? Auto Detailers and Competitive Aspects of Automobile Detailing There are both fixed and mobile detailers. Consumers often will use either or both during the life of their car. Mobile Detailing is nice because they come to you. Fixed site auto detailers often work in a controlled environment and can produce higher quality work. Due to the competitive aspects fixed site detailers generally will offer pick up and drop of services. Due to costs to run an automotive detailing shop the prices are often a little higher and this gives the advantage to the mobile auto-detailing practitioner. Mobile Detailing Expansion Considerations Expanding your business requires you to take a good hard look at your business (checking under the hood). You need to ask yourself. What am I making money at in my business and what isn't making a lot of money? It requires coordination with all aspects of your business. It requires a look at your schedule and where inefficiencies lay, if any. Just expanding is easy. Anyone can go out and buy a new truck. If you are expanding for ego sake, that's ok as long as you understand that it is your primary objective. If your ego is that important to you go out and buy a sports car for yourself, but realize why you are doing it. If you are trying to satisfy your ego, great. Just don't fool yourself. Dispute Resolution of Territory for Mobile Franchised Companies Franchisors of home based and mobile businesses need to carefully watch their franchisees who innately try to hunt in their fellow franchisees territories. The most important advice a franchisor should give the franchised outlets in this case is to work it out themselves. A simple policy is best for example here is a possible excerpt from a franchise manual which lays out some basic understandings: ![]() |
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