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Corporate Shells
A corporate shell could be liken to a house that had been occupied by a family, prior to the family moving out it was a home. But now it is just shell, a skeleton a plain house with nobody in it, but if a family was to purchase the house and moves in, it becomes a home. Similar, a corporate shell was once the home of an operating company but once the operating company ceases to reside there because of adverse circumstances ( bankruptcy or liquidation ) all that remains is the shell. Buying and selling corporate shells has become big business, just a couple of years ago a corporate shell sold for approximately $150,000.00 today they go for upward of $500.000.00. Talk about inflation! The increase in price is due to increase scrutiny by the Securities and exchange commission and the demand for shell by Chinese companies seeking to become listed in the United States. As usual when there is money to be made the vultures appear with their unscrupulous practices. In most cases the shells are own by the same operators who are also acting as consultants to the companies they are helping to become public. This may be a conflict of interest but they are able to hide their ownership well with the help of securities lawyer who may also have a piece of the shell. The situation described above creates a huge conflict of interest that the regulators have yet to figure out because of the intricacy of the many participant who work in harmony and are able to conceal their actions from the regulators. If the consultant indirectly own a shell and is trying to sell it to the company that they are advising, how well is he going to represent the client when it comes to price and the amount of shares that they are to Retain? And how about with assisting the company in performing the proper research on the shareholder list and the history of the shell. Don't get me wrong there are many honest and well meaning consultants and shell vendors who established the shells for the sole purpose of creating a vehicle for private companies to go public, Just like you have the unscrupulous characters that appear every time there is an opportunity to make money, you also have honest enterprising individual who see an opportunity and take advantage of it. Once the operating company purchases the corporate shell and merges into it, the owner of the private company receives a majority of the shell corporation stock (usually 90-95% ) through a new issue of stock for the private enterprise. The public corporation will normally change its name to the private company's name and elect a new Board of Directors which will appoint the officers of the company. The public corporation will usually have a base of shareholders sufficient to meet the requirements for listing on the Nasdaq Small Cap Market of Nasdaq Bulletin Board. Although some shell have as few as 35-50 shareholders and are currently listed on Bulletin Board or the NQB pink sheets. At our company we don't have an inventory of shells nor do we recommend a single vendor, instead we recommend several and after the private company selects a vendor we approach the process as if we were buying the shell for ourselves. For more information please visit our website: http://www.genesiscorporateadvisors.com Joseph D. Quinones, President of Genesis Corporate Advisors has spent over 25 years in the securities industry. In 1992 he founded JDQ Financial Group, Inc. and proceeded to build it up from a one man operation to the point where it employed many traders, advised numerous client and generate millions in revenues.
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Reaping the Rewards of Cost Cutting In these days of insecurity and uncertain futures, the tendency is to manage for survival but the smart business leaders are actively hunting for profits. Business Success - The 42 Greatest Business Tips What does it take to grow a business and run it successfully? The main ingredient is attention to the basics, operating with integrity and following the way other successful people have run their operations. Why Do Most Online Small Businesses Fail? Search Engines account for almost 90% of all web traffic! The Single Most Powerful Small Business Marketing Tool On The Planet Let me get right to the point. The single most powerful small business marketing tool on the planet is a marketing plan. Now before you roll your eyes and run for the hills let me clear a few things up. Big Successes Never Happen Overnight Treat your business as a serious, full-time business and be serious about making it work. Put your plans on paper. Neglecting to develop and follow a consistent marketing plan can be devastating to the growth of your business. Big successes never happen overnight. Market and promote your business everyday. There are subscriptions available that can assist in your conquest to success. Dealing With a Crooked on the Take Government Worker Many government department heads are on the take. Oh they'll jump up and down and swear legitimacy, but it just is not so. Over one-third of Americans will lie to a small business owner to save $2.00 and that same one-third of our population works in government. I am not condemning anyone, merely pointing out fact thru observation and 27 years experience dealing with governmental department heads. Now then two-thirds are honest and would never think of defrauding the public or taxpayer. We are not talking about those fine folks in government in this article. We applaud their public service even if half of them are totally inept, they are not crooks, so let that be known right here. How to Find a Microenterprise Loan for Your Business If you're looking for start-up capital for your business, but you don't have the credit, collateral or background needed by your bank to get a business loan, then microenterprise might be your best bet. Share Ad Expenses to Boost Profits The challenges of the small business owner are well documented. They must battle for market share against larger competitors, run all aspects of their business, and even pay higher rates for advertising and other marketing related expenses. Small businesses generally do not qualify for volume discounts when it comes to buying advertising space or marketing materials, and thus they end up paying higher rates for the same ad space or marketing materials purchased by their corporate counterparts. 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Yes come rain or shine they attend the workplace and put in the day for you; coffee to drink, gossip to catch up on, spying on management and colleagues, frequent toilet breaks, long lunches, long phone calls and let not forget the email needs to be checked and replied. Off course the home business needs more customers so a few phone calls here and there are quite appropriate so they think! Local Government Relations for Small Business Most small businesses simply go about their daily business and serving customers without ever worrying about local government relations. For some it turns out okay but for others it can become a disaster. You never know when a new project down the street may call for new plans to adjust the roads or put in center medians. If you are on a busy road you rely on traffic from both directions. A five-month road project can kill a business and what if it is in your busy season. If you are in retail that could be Christmas Time; imagine half you customers not being able to turn into your driveway? Then imagine after the holidays are over you have to deal with a center median which does not allow cross-over traffic. Or a do not cross over the line sign with a police car enforcing the new laws from your drive way leading into your business? Survival Tips For Small Businesses You may be in Mail Order, Direct Mail, or you may be a local merchant with 150 employees; whichever, however or whatever---you've got to know how to keep your business alive during economic recessions. Anytime the cash flow in a business, large or small, starts to tighten up, the money management of that business has to be run as a "tight ship." Preparing to Launch Your Small Business Small business owners often enter their field with great expectations. Unfortunately, reality strikes shortly afterwards. Here's how you can enter the entrepreneurial battle ground with confidence... Environmental Boat Washing and Detailing Some marine biologists feel that the concentration of dead marine growth on boats and in boat harbors can create hypoxic zones or a lack of oxygen. This causes a decline in the water quality and may at times cause adverse effects on living marine life such as salmon in the case of the State of Washington. Also some paints have heavy metals in them, which come off with the use of pressure washers. If you coat the boat with our glass-coating product and wash it with our readily environmentally biodegradable soap, we can actually re-oxygenate the water. Bogus Investor and Consumer Complaints and Consumer Misrepresentation Like most regulatory bodies in the United States, the Federal Trade Commission gets investor and consumer complaints. But how much of these are actually real? These agencies then act on such complaints and increase regulations. Let's look at the Franchising industry for example. The complaints of fraud are non-existent for the most part in franchising, yet the FTC franchise group is dead set on making more regulations which in turn stifle the industry. Awning Cleaning Business Case Study: Entrepreneurship 101 It is most fascinating to study how entrepreneurs spot opportunity in the market place. "My name is Lance Winslow and I am a serial entrepreneur, I admit I am addicted and need help." ..."Hello Lance." Let me explain how I formed one of my companies which became a franchise system in itself and became a module under the umbrella company I had formed many years the prior. I at first saw it as another business to fit into our growing niche of cleaning businesses. It was to be called the Awning Wash Guys. This is an interesting case study in how businesses form and how companies seek, find and exploit opportunity in the market place. Here is the story: Outsourcing ? A Positive Approach For Small Businesses Outsourcing is the strategic use of outside resources to perform activities traditionally handled by internal staff and resources. Small business owners can outsource non-core functions to specialized and efficient service providers. It is required of businesses to hire special contractors for particular types of work or to meet the demands put forth by sudden spurts in the workload. Recently, the trend of partnering with firms whose capabilities complement their own giving them an access to resources that were beyond their individual reach has come up. The difference between simply subcontracting and outsourcing is that outsourcing involves the wholesale restructuring of the corporation around core competencies and outside relationships. The End -- Fireworks or Fizzle? Seems as though there are a lot of business closings going around lately. Everywhere I look small businesses -- one on top of another -- are closing their doors. An Example of Business Automation - eCards with pizazz The last time I spoke and went into a bit of detail on business automation. Today I would like to give you some details of how I actually used it personally so you get to see first-hand what I wanted, how I went about doing it and finally executing it. ![]() |
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