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Money Series 1: Who Takes Your Money
Your business is making profits, but where is the cash? It seems that someone has taken away your money. Your bank account is still the same, and your personal wealth is still the same. There must be someone that took your money. Based on my over 18 years of professional experience and study, there are 8 persons that take away your money without your knowing... The First Person is YOU Yes, if you do not have accountability, you have taken away your own money! According to NLP experts, 95% of the people in this world live their live below the line. They blame others for their own problems, come up with excuses and worst of all, deny what they are doing is their fault. Sounds too common? Many people blame the government, blame the economy, and blame the VAT or GST (tax) increase etc for their business woes. The remaining 5% of the people (successful people) live their live above the line. They take ownership of their situation, take responsibility for their actions, and be accountable to themselves. The Second Person is Your Lack of Planning Yes, if you have no planning, or you are simply reacting to everyday challenges, you're simply taking away your own money! To take back your money, respond, don't react. You can choose to over-respond if you like. Like faced with a new competitor, you can simply react by cutting your price, or you can over-respond by always maintaining a USP so that there is no real competitor. The Third Person is Your Customers We all know that customers that don't pay are simply taking money from your pocket and putting it into their own bank account. The best is to have no credit policy, and even collect cash in advance. The Fourth Person is Your Suppliers Suppliers often take away your money by giving you lousy service, noncompetitive products and worst of all, sell you extra stocks! So have a JIT (just-in-time) system for purchasing and inventory, and you'll take the money back from your suppliers. The Fifth Person is your Staff If you only have staff and not team, you're working for your staff for free! Staffs are simply reactive people on your payroll that you need to continuously ensure that they do their work, especially when you're not around. Team are those that work as though they're working for their own company. You need to build winning teams or you'd end up with losing money. The Sixth Person is your Marketing If you are like most people who believe that marketing will generate you name recognition, and once you have name recognition, customers will come to you, you're throwing away money for good. Marketing must be Profitable Marketing, i.e. it generates you profit every time you do it. The Seventh Person is your Accounts (or your lack of understanding of accounts). Many people don't know how to read Balance Sheet, and can't figure out what is a cash flow Statement. Lack of understanding of accounting can pull you down as you could be doing things that wrong and not know it. The Eight Person is your Selling If you are like most people still relying on providing answers in your selling, you're missing a lot. The only way to sell is to ask questions. Jerry Ang is Business owner cum internet marketer. He is offering FREE Wealth Building Software for average person in creating Unlimited Streams Of Escalating Income
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Environmental Pressure Washing in Pennsylvania If you run a mobile car wash, mobile fleet washing company, mobile auto detailing business or a Pressure Washing firm in Pennsylvania there are things you should know. Pennsylvania is serious about cleaning the environment. The Role of the Business Model and Strategy for Business People will always stress that having a well researched business plan is key before you start your business. Although creating a business plan is often an important step in the evolution of a business, particularly if you need financing or you are not experienced at running a business, it is not necessarily the essential first step. There are two key elements that should be completed prior to the business plan: How to Profit from Business Consulting Opportunities Business consulting opportunities might be just what your are looking for in a home based business. Small Business - Is The Accounting Profession Ripping Them Off? My 16 year-old daughter said, "Gee Dad! You look just like an accountant" And she wasn't being complimentary. Accountants are perceived to be boring, stodgy and conservative. Over the years we've been the butt of many jokes. I've heard them all. Why did the accountant cross the road? Because he looked up the file and that's what they did last year! Ha Ha! What do accountants use as a contraceptive? Their personality! Ha Ha!" Why do accountants become accountants? They don't have the charisma to be undertakers! Ha Ha! What do they call an accountant at the bottom of the sea? A bloody good start! Ha Ha! I think I am the exception. That's why I've begun to call myself a business strategist and counselor. "You're still an accountant," says teenage daughter. I am still an accountant and I'm still as passionate about it as the day I started. Because accountants have an impact on people's lives. The advice we give changes people's businesses which in turn changes their lives. I'm excited in my role of accountant. Accounting is not stodgy. Accounting is exciting. Accounting is cool! My ambition is to become the "cool dude of accounting". (do they still say "dude", do they still say "cool". Remember that song: When I say, "cool, man, cool, I don't mean cool, man, cool, I mean you leave me cold, Jack") We were throwing some ideas around with some of our clients as we do from time to time, looking for that unique benefit that our firm gives to our clients. That unique something that distinguishes us from other accounting practices. One said, "You have helped me to improve my business. Not only am I making more profits and have more to spend, but I also have more time to spend away from the business. The more time I spend at home with my family the happier my life is. And the happier I am the happier my wife and children seem to be. When my wife is happy all sorts of good things happen ? even our sex life improves. That's it! You can advertise that using Kelvyn Peters CPA and Associates improves your sex life" I don't think so! Sorry, we haven't accepted his idea. You're completely on your own in that department, but we can help you improve your business and consequently your life. And your goal might not be extra profit but extra time for living! We know we can because we are doing it for others. We repeat ourselves so often because the truth is the truth and there is only a limited number of ways to tell it. You've heard this before. If you are spending every waking moment in a hassle about your business, there must be a better way. There is! Accountants have been ripping off their clients for years In 1973 I attended a workshop for accountants at the Finance Management Research Center then headed by Dr Keith Cleland. The workshop was intended to drag participants into the 20th century. "Accountants have been ripping off their clients for years", he told us. The 25 participants were shocked. These represented vibrant accounting firms from all around Australia, both large firms and small. They were at the cutting edge of the industry. Otherwise they would not have been at this kind of workshop. To a person they resented that comment and one fellow wanted to punch him on the nose. (It wasn't me, but I would have held his coat). By the week's end we discovered how we were charging high fees for things that our clients couldn't understand, couldn't use and didn't need. At the same time we were neglecting the information that they did need to increase their profits and safeguard their businesses. 20 Years Later what's Changed? I attended a week long seminar hosted by CPA Australia in 1993 which was to train us in "client based accounting". Dr Cleland presented the initial module. He did not openly criticize accountants this time, after all, it was the CPA's hosting it, but he gave almost the same speech (same jokes, too) as he had 20 years before. "These things aren't taught in Universities", he said, "so the accounting profession has mostly ignored them. They have let small business down but things are changing". Know-it-all, Kelvyn Peters had to jump to his feet and say that the doctor had said exactly the same thing 20 years ago. Where were the signs of change? Universities were still not teaching accountants how to help their clients. "This seminar with CPA Australia and the suggestion they might make client based accounting a speciality is a good sign", he replied. 10 Years Later? Nothing has changed. Our hopes have withered on the vine and small business must look elsewhere for help. Recently I was called in to assist an ailing restaurant. We were happy to work with their existing accountant. We'd rather do the fun stuff and let the accountant do the boring tax returns and compliance work. In this case the client insisted we take over the whole of the accounting function. The accountant was most unhappy. "They are difficult clients", he said, "I have kept the fee lower than it should be and I have done extra to help them". Indeed, he had! The financial statements were beautiful to behold with colored graphs and key ratios compared against industry average. (most accountants still don't do that. I had advised that both wages costs and cost of foodstuffs were too high. Our focus was to form tactics to reduce them. "But I had already told them that", said the Accountant, "what do they need you for?' I told him that the client knew the kitchen wages were too high and what he wanted was for someone to show them how to reduce the wages in the kitchen. "I can't do that", he said, "I'm an accountant". I would have to camp down there in the restaurant to see what's going on. And they wouldn't pay the fee". Yes they would. They were going to pay me. Most accountants see their role as being the provider of financial statements, cash-flow projections and tax returns, and there's the rub. Each of these is a tool not an end in itself. It's like giving the client a hammer and saw and telling him to go build a house. He needs more than the tools, he needs to be shown how to use them. Of course the client will complain about fees whatever the level if all he receives are not useful to him. Accountants generally are flat out preparing financial statements and tax returns. Meeting dead-lines. They haven't the time to 'smell the roses'. Anything that doesn't help meet a dead-line has to wait until later. Often its too late. I may still look like an accountant, even the cool dude of accounting, but there is nothing I like more than talking with a business owner about his business. There's nothing a business owner likes more than discussing his business and planning to make more money. It's great fun and he loves to pay me for it. Want to Grow Your Business? Make an Irresistible Offer My clients and many of my readers are small and home-based business owners, and one of the biggest struggles they face is getting new customers. 11 Things Small Business Owners Can Learn From Tiger 1. There Are No "gimmes" ? They count two-foot putts on the PGA Tour. Hold your small business team accountable for completing everything they commit to starting. Dont Wait - Sell The Future Now! Just as you are about to say "good-bye" to your hair stylist, you get the question, "shall we make our next appointment?" Site Selection - Slice of Life, A Car Wash and Detail Center DownTown There is a continual trend we are seeing which I can remember participating in over a decade ago, when cities were trying to figure out how to increase sales tax revenues when the large box stores outside of town came into nearby or surrounding areas. For instance a big and easy example would be Wal-Mart. Sam was smart and built his stores just outside of town near towns, which drew from neighboring towns of 5,000 or more from three to five directions. If you look at an over lay of Wal-Mart stores to an atlas of that state you will see the rural America can get anything they need at the best price without driving all that far. Book Yourself Solid Key #5: Go Forward With Gusto & Articulate What You Do Want your small business to flip instead of flop?! Statistically half of the entrepreneurs reading this will be out of business in three short years. Establishing a long standing, profitable and successful business absolutely depends on your ability to convey a clear message. A heartfelt message that tells clients exactly what you do, the specific 'invest-able opportunities' you bring to the table and all the ways clients will have a bigger, better, fuller life as a result of working with you. The Most Important Decision of Your Massage Business Career Don't you find that there are so many decisions you need to make each and every day regarding the direction of your massage practice. Especially if you are a solo-preneur or own your own massage business. The Franchisors Heavy Load Why are we over regulation the franchising industry, what purpose does it serve? Rules and laws are fine, level playing fields are nice, but the customer votes with their dollar and the entrepreneur and companies can only sell what people are willing to give up that unit of trade we call a dollar for. Get Free Payroll Forms Download from the Internet Having a successful business means also having a good working relationship with your employees, and nothing more makes it sour than having problems with the payroll. You can't expect them to work gratis, employees expect to be paid and compensated fairly. If this is done, the working environment will be pleasant and the employees will be more productive. Many company's experience labor problems because they don't have a smooth payroll system. If that is the case, many complaints will arise. Salary is a form of payment for the services rendered provided by the employer to the employee for a certain period of time. This payment should be in accordance to what has been agreed upon by both parties prior to the start of work provided. Small Business - A Thing Worth Doing Is Worth Doing Badly A thing worth doing is worth doing badly. Yes I know that it should be 'well'. My grandma drummed into me that whatever I did I should do it as well as I possibly could. Small Home Business: Ad Copy Secrets So it's time to invest some finances into advertising your business and you are considering producing a flyer to advertise your business. Rather than sweat all night on writing the perfect flyer, first take some time to consider what the experts have found to be effective. Who Does Over Disclosure Really Hurt In Franchising? Costs of over regulation and over disclosure end up hurting the very consumer that the regulatory bodies are trying to protect. Over disclosure and over regulation is in itself the worst evil of civilization, as it stifles free enterprise, innovation and free markets. In franchising the disclosure documents have in fact grown to over 200 plus pages in length on average. You should be happy you are not a tree in the forest right now. Small Business No How - Dont Give Away the Farm You're pretty proud of yourself! After all, only four months ago you came up with the idea of opening your own business - "Jenni's Interior Design" Your friends have always said you were gifted when it came to arranging furniture and picking out colors, and you love to do it, so you decided it was time to get serious. Overcoming Your Biggest Competitor Before you read any further in this article, I'd like you to take a moment and write down who your biggest competition is. The End -- Fireworks or Fizzle? Seems as though there are a lot of business closings going around lately. Everywhere I look small businesses -- one on top of another -- are closing their doors. FTC Report on Franchise Rule Making; What Purpose? The Federal Trade Commission out of the blue decide in November of 2004 that they wanted to revamp the franchise and business opportunity rule; specifically addressing franchising. Now then, why now? To prove to the masses that the Federal Trade Commission is in control? After all it is nearly 10 years after the Federal Trade Commission considered revising the rule, before this report has surfaced again. Ten years? Chamber Membership will BOOST your Business When is the Chamber ideal for your business? ![]() |
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