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FTC Report on Franchise Rule Making; What Purpose?
The Federal Trade Commission out of the blue decide in November of 2004 that they wanted to revamp the franchise and business opportunity rule; specifically addressing franchising. Now then, why now? To prove to the masses that the Federal Trade Commission is in control? After all it is nearly 10 years after the Federal Trade Commission considered revising the rule, before this report has surfaced again. Ten years? Franchise companies have come and gone since then, technologies have come and become obsolete since then. The Federal Trade Commission does not need to prove self worth in the franchising realm, for the industry is fully under control with fewer than 2000 active franchisors at this point. Making rules which will only effect 2000 total companies in an already over regulated industry is just not needed. Do not worry about it. Change some definitions, reduce these over burdensome regulations in the franchise rule to prevent unnecessary barriers to entry, maintain competition in the market place and everything will be fine. Right now as it stands these regulations in franchising and those proposed changes will actually create criminals or perceived fraud of entrepreneurs who will be investing capital into markets and providing jobs. Making criminals out of the hard chargers who create, build and innovate, merely because they did not fill out a form correctly, have an extra sentence in a paragraph or make a chart just right is simply something that the Federal Trade Commission should not be involved in. The statue in front of the Federal Trade Commission shows a half naked man on steroids who could not make the Olympic team in Athens due to doping issues. This man in the statue is attempting to control the mighty wheels of commerce depicted by a horse, it does not show a man shooting the horse in the head with an unregistered handgun. Either way this cruelty to animals is so highly and politically incorrect it must be stopped at once. The Federal Trade Commission needs to get with the program, provide a seem-less market place and work with the business community or remove the statue. Since 1980 the number of active franchisors is down from 5800 to about 1700 as of 2003. The franchising industry employs a huge chunk of our workforce. Franchising accounts for almost 1/3 of every consumer dollar spent in America, which drives sales and sales tax revenues for state and local governments at a time when they can use all they can get. Franchising accounts for over 350,000 plus outlets, which open each day to sell their wares to willing buyers of their products and services. For us to consider the few complaints in franchising a trend that fraud is increasing and for the Federal Trade Commission to go out of their way to bring cases about out of mere complaints and further burden the industry with additional rules is truly absurd. Think about it. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Small Business Secrets: Self-Confidence Can Be Arranged At first blush this idea might be difficult to wrap your brain around. That's because you've been taught that self-confidence is achieved through mastery of knowledge or skills. Small Business Debt Collection Laws In your small business debt collection laws will eventually become important, as your debt grows and some clients do not pay. To collect small business debts legally, you must send a written notice that collections have begun, within five days of first contacting the debtor for collections. The letter must include dispute instructions. Technology Community Helps SMBs Focus on Their Core Business If you're starting your own business or currently work for a start-up, you wear a lot of hats. Any disruption in your business can eat up hours of your time and kill your productivity. Many start-ups are so focused on getting their business off the ground, that they overlook technology considerations that can help increase their productivity and enhance their efficiency. Unlike mid to large corporations that have dedicated IT personnel, start-ups typically do not have in-house IT resources to evaluate and deploy new technologies to pre-empt unforeseen issues, such as virus attacks, and streamline processes to increase efficiency gains. This is due partly to time and partly due to budgetary constraints. Small businesses want to focus on the next sale, not the next purchase. Largely for this reason, many small to medium businesses (SMBs) are categorized as laggers on the technology spectrum -- classified as conservative IT buyers and slow adopters of new technologies. This profile make it seems as if SMBs are risk adverse, when in actuality, SMBs are more risk takers than corporate employees ? after all, they've started their own business or are part of a start-up where the P&L is felt throughout the company. Real World Accounting for Small Business Owners If you're like me, you love accounting. It's so fascinating and such an ingenious system. Don't you just think that Double Entry Accounting is the most beautiful creation of all humankind? Cabinet Refacing Business Opportunities With all the cabinet refacing business opportunities out there, you could have a home based business that grows in this expanding industry. You've wanted your own kitchen updated, or talked to friends and family who have put out thousands of dollars remodeling theirs. It is an industry that will expand continuously, as homes are getting older and people want a new modern look. Three Ways to Add Leverage to Your Small Business Remember those drawings from science class of how a lever works? Questions to Ask as Your Business Grows Here are some of the questions that you need to ask yourself regarding various areas of the business before you start your growth push. More Business Card Uses Why would you use an event pass? What is your Motto? Company mottos can easily be printed on a business card. Small Businesses With Work Trucks; A Warning If you are a non-operator owner of many work trucks, you should keep your business credit card with you not leave it in one of the trucks. You should not issue them to employees without strict guidlines. Employees may tend to abuse credit cards by buying things that are not an emergency such as tires that are over priced instead of simply plugging a hole in a flat or spraying fix-a flat into the valve stem. How To Plant Seeds of Success With Small Business Ideas Think of all of your business ideas as tiny seeds that have the potential to germinate and grow into huge fruit bearing orchards! However, the proper steps must be taken; you can't scatter the seeds haphazardly on pavement and expect they will germinate. Growing a business is no different; it needs a fertile environment conducive to growth in order to germinate and thrive. Seedlings needs protection from the wind and rain when young, and can withstand hurricane force winds when mature. A business is no different. The strongest businesses are started as a small idea in the mind of an entrepreneur. The idea is then cultivated, nurtured, planted and cared for. It just didn't start out as a large orchard! Have You Thanked Your Competitors Today? Competition in the business world is often viewed as a negative thing, but it doesn't have to be. Competition can benefit you, your competitor, and especially your customer! Avoiding the Small Business Cash Flow Roller Coaster A solopreneur I know disappears from my radar screen for weeks on end when she's actively engaged on a project for a client. During this time she is heads down, totally focused, and immersed in delivering her service to her current client. She works long hours each week, sacrificing her personal life, relationships, and self-care to meet her commitments to her client. Effective Customer Interviews Make Life Much Easier! One of the critical success factors for service-related businesses is our ability to understand a client's needs and requirements. Misunderstandings can lead to loss of repeat business, economic loss, and damage to reputation. Arent Small Businesses Lucky? Why? Because they have access to world class public relations no matter how small they are. Preparing to Launch Your Small Business Small business owners often enter their field with great expectations. Unfortunately, reality strikes shortly afterwards. Here's how you can enter the entrepreneurial battle ground with confidence... Mattress Cleaning Business: How To Manual A Mattress Cleaning Business might be just for you if you have tried everything to contain your allergies, but feel like it is not enough. Instead of just purchasing the equipment to rid your fabric furniture and mattresses of allergens, you can also help others in your community to feel the relief and make a good income at the same time. The Key to Small Business Growth? Buyer Alignment Unfortunately for all buyers, each selling organization and their individual sales professionals are unique and often require immense amounts of energy to build a relationship with. This keeps buyers guessing, which in turn keeps the sales organization guessing. It's a constant game being played out across offices across the country. Leveraging Business Relationships for more Profits When should you leverage the relationship? Proper Care and Feeding of the Business Owner That sizzling sound you're hearing may be a symptom of a major hidden cause of businesses closing their doors. It's called burnout. And you may be its next victim. Often the last thing a business owner considers is his or her health and sanity. The burnout that results from overwork and stress can deliver a death blow to the very enterprise you've been giving your all to create. Setting a course for your business that includes the proper care and feeding of the business owner is a critical success factor in every business. ![]() |
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