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A Business Tail: Veterinarian Foams at Mouth, Chases Tail, Learns New Tricks--Case Study
Many self employed professionals find themselves overwhelmed, frustrated, and confused when it comes to running their businesses. The deep skills they have in their professional field do little to prepare them for the dog-eat-dog world of running a business. The following is a case study from the client files of small business expert, Caroline Jordan, detailing a typical professional's experience trying to run a business without foaming at the mouth. The Best Doggone Veterinarian in Town One of my clients, I'll call him John, is everything you could ever wish for in a veterinarian. He's kind, concerned, competent, and willing to call in a specialist for cases he doesn't feel comfortable handling. His office is busy, his staff pleasant, and service is good. But John has a problem. He's exhausted. From the time he started his practice twelve years ago, he's been doing all the accounting, tax preparing, human resources, dealing with insurance companies, banks, labor surveys, building maintenance, and calls from sales people while trying to work full time as a veterinarian. As such, his accounting is a mess, his tax returns haven't been filed for five years, and office policies and procedures allow unproductive employees to continue receiving a paycheck. The Hair Loss Isn't Mange-It's Stress! Meanwhile, John is pulling his hair out all day long. He's starting to look like a dog with mange. His staff is continually asking him routine questions, he's taking one unnecessary phone call after another, and chaos hangs like a storm cloud over his head everyday. John hires an accountant to straighten out years' worth of problems with his books but still keeps his hands in the process. He has the accountant take care of his books but still insists on being the one to cut the checks and sometimes he enters credit card charges and sometimes he doesn't. The accountant spends hours each month trying to figure out what John has done and fix his errors. He shies away from having a CPA handle his tax problem because he is determined to fix the problem on his own. Because he's already overwhelmed with his practice, the tax problem doesn't get fixed. Even worse, John drags the problem around with him everyday; feeling the pressure, the stress, knowing that with every tick of the clock the problem is getting worse. John decides to rent a second office so he can get away from his office to get his taxes done. And still John is exhausted and overwhelmed. His tax problem continues to drag on. The problems in his office still all land on his desk. And he continues to handle them feeling stressed, frustrated, and helpless. Chasing Your Own Tail? Are John's problems unusual? Are his actions that of a business owner whose mind has finally become unhinged? Not at all. John is making the mistake that many small business owners make. Instead of focusing on what he does best and improving on those skills that he has a strong aptitude for, John wants to do it all. If he worked and studied for years, he would at the very best be a poor accountant. He just doesn't have the aptitude for it. He can continue to spend money on subscriptions to newsletters on how to get organized and he can continue to purchase organizing tools, bins, baskets, and totes (most of them still empty) but he will never be organized because he does not have an aptitude for organizing. A Prescription for Dr. John So what can we do for poor John? We can't leave him hanging in the storm, tempest tossed and headed for the rocks. Here are my recommendations: 1. Take all the tax mess, put it in one of the empty organizing totes, drive to the CPA's office, say "Call me if you have any questions." Go fishing. 2. Tell the accountant handling the day to day books that she's in charge of making sure things get done right. Keep your hands out of it. Request the data that you need to run your business-sales numbers and trends, monthly financials, delinquent customer accounts, a regular report of bills that need to be paid, etc. Go sailing. 3. Tell the office manager that she needs to come up with an operations manual of how routine things in the office and clinic need to be done. Give her a deadline and the time to do that by having her assign some of her routine tasks to staff members. Take your wife out to dinner. 4. Hire an outside consultant to clean up the back office clutter-not a friend or family member, someone who is able to deal with the emotions of a clutterbug without backing down or getting discouraged. Learn the new system and follow it. This will involve discipline and teaching an old dog new tricks. 5. Assign a staff member to maintain the new system, someone who isn't afraid to ride herd on you and the paper. Have them train with the consultant so they know how to keep it up. 6. Keep track of all questions you are asked during the day. Create a Frequently Asked Questions list and give it to the office manager for inclusion in the operations manual. 7. Limit the times of day when you can be disturbed-this includes phone calls, questions, email, sales people, etc. Define what constitutes an emergency or a critical situation and instruct your staff (or yourself if you work alone) to use their judgment before disturbing you. Just these few actions will save John between 20-30 hours EACH WEEK! Avoiding Separation Anxiety When a business owner is faced with the concept of saving a chunk of time every week, the first response is "What will I do with all that time?" It's a very uncomfortable feeling. "Does that mean I'm not necessary any more? I won't be as important as I was when I had to do everything." They immediately start trying to fill that vacuum with the tasks that used to fill that time and before you know it they're right back where they started-overwhelmed, confused, and frustrated. But added to that is a sense of failure because they had it in their grasp and lost it. New Tricks for an Old Dog So what can John do with his new found time? 1. Use the time to think and plan for the future. Where do you want your business to be in one year and five years? How will you get there? Remember, as a business owner your real job is to steer the ship and chart the course. Swabbing the deck and repairing the nets is a job others can do. 2. Build his reputation by writing articles for professional journals or speaking to associations. 3. Build his business by writing tip sheets or articles for his customers or speaking at local organizations or visiting schools with his favorite dog to teach children the proper care of pets. 4. Spend more time providing veterinarian care to raise his revenues. 5. Work 60 hours instead of 80. 6. Catch up on that stack of professional journals. 7. Attend a seminar on marketing or a new veterinary technique or Spanish dancing. 8. Take that vacation his wife has been bugging him about for years. 9. Spend more time with his kids and grandkids. 10. Go fishing. Or sailing. Or golfing. Or lie in a hammock with a good book. Life doesn't have to be so hard. 11. Drive down the road with his head out the window. One of the toughest transitions a business owner has to make is moving from being a technician (a deck swabber) to being The Captain, the one who steers the ship and charts the course. And for business owners who operate alone this switch is even more difficult when there doesn't seem to be anyone to delegate to. But by doing those things that you have an aptitude for and hiring out the other tasks, your business moves ahead much more quickly. There are consultants and coaches available to handle every aspect of your business from planning to operations to finances to marketing. Find results oriented people you can trust who complement your strengths and help you move your business forward. The alternative is living with the stress, frustration, and confusion that come from trying to play all the roles in your business. Caroline Jordan, MBA is an old dog who has learned lots of new tricks to help self employed professionals create successful businesses without losing their minds. She provides advice, training, coaching, and services to help her clients Get Knowledge?Get Focus?and Get Results. If you are a self employed professional who is really serious about wanting to end the stress, frustration, and confusion you feel trying to run your business, visit http://www.TheJordanResult.com for more tips, articles, and services designed just for you.
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The single most powerful small business marketing tool on the planet is a marketing plan. Now before you roll your eyes and run for the hills let me clear a few things up. Profits are within 6 Degrees of Freedom How far away is the person you need to meet? Small Business Ideas - Your Image Can Lose You Business What image do you and your people portray to your prospects and clients? Here's a situation that happened to me recently and hopefully you'll glean useful small business ideas that will make you money instead of costing you money. Bringing Home the Bacon In general, all of us know how to accomplish the task and get the work done. The problem is in how to actually 'get paid' for what we do. If you, like me and most of the entrepreneurs I've worked with, have completed the project, turned it in and been left holding the proverbial bag waiting to be paid for months on end, you are probably just as tired of that scenario as the rest of us. So what can we, as entrepreneurs, do about that particular scenario? Environmental Pressure Washing in Pennsylvania If you run a mobile car wash, mobile fleet washing company, mobile auto detailing business or a Pressure Washing firm in Pennsylvania there are things you should know. Pennsylvania is serious about cleaning the environment. Alliances: What works, what does not Why Alliances Fail Grants vs. Contracts Commonly folks have asked me what the technical difference is between a contract and a grant. The difference is not about the dollar value or who the buying entity is nor the kind of work being done. Instead it is about the legal concept of default. In my eyes, the corner stone of whether something should be called a grant or a contract lies in whether one is legally bound to produce results as one is in a contractual relationship or whether you are simply granted funds to do something. Did you get that nuance? Perhaps that is oversimplifying it. Creative Business Card Marketing Announcements can be handed out as a business card Franchising Industry Burdened in Over Regulation There were only an estimated 1800 active franchisors in this country at the end of 2002, that number down from 6000 in a single decade. It is not hard from this effort to increase regulations to see why. I believe the Federal Trade Commission's franchising expenditures should be cut by the same rate of decline after all they caused it. Why is the Federal Trade Commission favoring one business model over another, actually the franchising model lowers prices to consumers through economies of scale, efficiency of operations and competition. Any and all increased regulation over the franchising business model is a clear sign that the Federal Trade Commission is titling the field for the larger corporate box store and by doing so is hurting our country, decreasing competition in the market place and decreases choices for forward advancement of every citizen who wants to have a fulfilled life and a meaningful job. Shame on you, FTC; what an insidious consequence of this rule-making group at the Federal Trade Commission? Such a small group gets to decide the fate of hundreds of thousands of American workers and the destiny's of thousands of America's future bright star entrepreneurs and innovators. If this whole process is not evil, then I cannot even imagine what is? Small Business Checks ? Money Saving Options When you go into business for yourself, there are many things to consider. What you don't want to worry about is spending too much money on unnecessary items. Business checks are one of those things. They don't have to be expensive. Your bottom line keeps your business going, and it is important to keep it that way. Small Business Health Check-Up If your home business is not performing the way you hoped for, rather than stay away at night...use this simple list to check-up on possible reasons why your business is under performing. 11 Things Small Business Owners Can Learn From Punxsutawney Phil 1. Look Over Your Shoulder ? Of course, Punxsutawney Phil has to look over his to search for his shadow. You should, too, every so often, to check out your competition?and see whether they're gaining on (or leading) you. Pressure Washing Business and Post Fire Cleanups Many have not experienced a fire up close. One year about 15 years ago I almost lost my house as did our neighbors to a wild fire. It moved so fast and the sky so black, with cinders everywhere and soot like a nuclear fallout horror movie. Luckily our neighborhood was spared except for a couple of homes. The fire fighters did a good job that day, others living further down the path of the fire and lower in the canyons did not fair so well, a few people even lost their lives. From that day on, I take fires seriously and you should too. How To Plant Seeds of Success With Small Business Ideas Think of all of your business ideas as tiny seeds that have the potential to germinate and grow into huge fruit bearing orchards! However, the proper steps must be taken; you can't scatter the seeds haphazardly on pavement and expect they will germinate. Growing a business is no different; it needs a fertile environment conducive to growth in order to germinate and thrive. Seedlings needs protection from the wind and rain when young, and can withstand hurricane force winds when mature. A business is no different. The strongest businesses are started as a small idea in the mind of an entrepreneur. The idea is then cultivated, nurtured, planted and cared for. It just didn't start out as a large orchard! Collect that Debt - Your Business Depends on it The efficiency of debt collection is the difference between a business that will succeed and a business that closes up. How to Wash Mobile Homes as a Business Washing manufactured homes, mobile homes, can be a lucrative and steady business. Generally Mobile Home owners desire to have their mobile homes washed twice per year. There are many mobile home washing companies who make a very good living and have multiple rigs running. If you currently own a pressure washer you may wish to consider a new business washing mobile home and manufactured houses. WARNING to Home Based and Small Business Who Want to Buy Television Cable Advertising Most small businesses will not even try to advertise on television. It's too expensive and the audience is too broad. The ads on television are not targeted enough. Think back to the last time your entire family was gathered around a television set. It was fun family time, but think of how different each member of your family is. The children at different ages want different things. ![]() |
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