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How to Successfully Avoid Becoming One of The 80% of Small Businesses That Will FAIL
It's a commonly quoted statistic: 80% of all small businesses will fail within the first five years of running. In fact, in Internet marketing, this figure can be as high as 95%. Yes, it's a commonly quoted statistic but for some reason, people are not very good at saying exactly why this happens. And it happens to what seems like nearly all newborn businesses. It may be simply due to the usual factors i.e. inadequate time and energy investment in advertising, poor dedication, lack of perseverance, no focus, ambitiously low goal setting and so on. But the sadder news is that even with full and enthusiastic application of none of the above, many entrepreneurs may be headed slowly and steadily towards what can only be described as business suicide. The number one reason why several businesses fail is lack of good quality, regular, astounding and highly relevant advice. It's that simple. Running a business successfully is all about making decisions on a daily basis. The decisions that we make depend on a number of things including: 1. Past experiences and 2. Factual knowledge. A new business owner may have relatively little or no experience. No one individual can know all the facts. The solution then becomes this: Create a skilled team. Put a skilled team together and not only would you have a combined increase in experience, but also your level of factual knowledge as an individual becomes somewhat less relevant. To identify who should be in your team, you need to break-down decision making into specific areas. Try doing it like this: If it is a legal problem, don't try to solve it yourself. Seek advice from your lawyer/solicitor first. If it is a complex tax issue, speak to your local tax office. Contact the IRS or Inland Revenue as appropriate. If you're getting severe accounting headaches, don't cut corners. Contact your accountant. If you are having problems with finance, don't make the decision to borrow form lender X. Seek advice first. Would your bank manager have any good ideas or suggestions? When faced with challenges, what you want is NOT to make decisions straightaway. What you want is advice. Good advice and lots of it. Then and only then can you decide before committing yourself to a specific plan of action. Next, and probably the most overlooked, is this: Do you know someone who is experienced in the same or similar line of business as you? Are they active? Are they successful? If you can answer yes to all of these questions about this person, then make them your best friend immediately. Put them somewhere near the top of your Christmas card list (If you send such cards). Try not to think of them as a business rival or competitor but think of them more as a mentor. Of course, it helps if they are approachable and keen to share their knowledge, tips and experience with keen and enthusiastic fellow business people. In summary, remember this fact: No one ever became extremely successful all on his or her own. They got help and advice from lots of other people. Usually from people who are experts in their own respective fields. Ugo works and trains as an Orthopaedic Surgeon. He also set up and runs several successful Internet Businesses including http://www.businessomatic.com a resource and guide for any aspiring Entrepreneur. Copyright Ugo Okonkwo http://www.businessomatic.com/. Please reprint or reproduce exactly as is together with resource box.
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Hosted PBX, Is It Right For You? "Order Now!" "Your Business Will Fail If You Don't Have This New Technology!" "Your Competition Has This Tool, Why Don't You?" Does any of this sound familiar? Does it make you cringe? It seems to be impossible to keep up with all the new trends in business today. It's hard to know which trends are just flash in the pan gimmicks and which are valuable tools that your business can actually benefit from. It's important to do your research. Find out what these tools can do for you and make sure it is right for your business. One of these recent trends is the hosted PBX service. These "virtual" phone systems can automatically answer, screen and route all incoming calls to your office, home and/or cell phone. Although they have been on the market for some time now, hosted PBXs have recently been getting the attention of more and more small and medium sized businesses. Is this technology right for your business? Does Your Small Business Marketing Suffer From The Bulldog Effect? If you're an entrepreneur responsible for your own small business marketing, there's a marketing method you should avoid at all costs, which I've coined the bulldog effect for reasons you will understand shortly. Keep reading to find out if you're guilty of using this technique in your own marketing and learn how to fix it. How To Create A Business Note That Is More Attractive To A Note Investor You are selling your small business (business value under $1 million for this article). You would like the buyer of your business to come in with an all-cash offer, or be able to qualify for an SBA guaranteed loan. However, in many cases the owner of the business ends up taking back the financing because the buyer is not able to make an all-cash offer or does not qualify for an SBA guaranteed loan. So you create a "business note" and you now become the "bank". At first that may seem okay, but after a couple of years of receiving payments you may decide you want to get back into business and you need the cash that is tied up in your business note on which you are receiving payments. So now you want to sell your business note to raise cash for your next business venture. What is it worth? That will depend a lot on how you structured the note. Image of Your Franchise Automotive Outlet is So Important Image of your franchise automotive outlet is so important. Some say image is everything, well then if you buy a franchise you should be constantly thinking of image and cleanliness. If you read Ray Kroc's book "Grinding it Out" (McDonalds Visionary) or Tom Monahan's (Founder of Dominos Pizza) book "Franchising for Dummies" or Howard Shultz's book; "Pour Your Heart Into it" (Story of Starbucks) you will see they all built brand on image. Even for those of you who are the extroverted sales type, plenty of examples such as "Customer's For Life" by Carl Sewel and "Exceeding Customer Expectations" by Jack Taylor (founder of Enterprise Rent-A-Car). But as I travel the country and have literally been to every city in the country over 10,000 population in the US; Pressure Washing Business; Steam Cleaner Fuel Maintenance It is essential that you fully understand how the fuel system works on your hot water pressure washer or steam cleaner. If you mess it up it could catch on fire and if you are not right there to put it out, you could potentially lose your machine. This type of equipment has been known to explode and Hydrotek out of California actually has a CD Rom video of a machine exploding when a fuel leak is ignited just to show operators what could happen. We recommend the Hydrotek Hot Water Pressure Washers. Some people prefer Landa, but we have tried them all. Build Credibility with Expertise As an Investment Representative you've worked hard to build trust with your pension clients. Now, you can solidify that long term relationship with your expertise on one of the greatest fears of small business retirement plan sponsors. Small Business Pricing Strategies TACTIC #1 -- Never simply slash your prices, unless you're trying to empty obsolete inventory. Instead, try repackaging your prices so they're more affordable in the short-run so more prospects can afford them. For example, rather than pricing your service for the year, "Our monthly newsletter is only $39 for the year." Instead, try "Our monthly newsletter is only $3.25 per month." If you accept credit cards, it's very easy to set up reoccurring monthly charges that are billed to your subscribers without having to intervene every month beyond the initial account set up. The upside to offering your subscription on a monthly basis is that you can now market a $3.25 headline versus a more expensive $39 headline, i.e. you're able to offer services at a more affordable rate without slashing prices. One Of The Best New Business Opportunities May Be Right In Your Home - A New Daycare Business The day care industry is expanding. There are now more than 100,000 licensed child-care centers and 250,000 licensed family day care homes across the United States. Franchise Sales and Use of Online Franchise Directories Franchising Directory Sites-Paid Advertising, Lead Generation for Franchising Build Credibility, Value, and Trust on a Shoestring Setting priorities in your business? Your first job is to sell. Selling is - writing the orders; receiving the cash; feeding the beast. If you don't sell; the beast, (your business), dies. The impact of selling is immediate. You may love it, but it is a beast. You need to feed it and control it. Getting City Contracts; Local Government Contracting All cities have a purchasing office and/or a procurement officer. They handle all city contracts that are sent out to bid. Usually, to become a small business vendor of the city you must satisfy either some or all of the requirements listed below: Asphalt Paving: Striping Your Parking Lot As you may already know, asphalt paved parking lots do need maintenance from time to time. One known asphalt paving maintenance technique is to have your parking lot re-striped to add a nicer look to existing asphalt paving properties. How the Humble Ice Cube Made Business History Gather round while I tell you the story of Kennebec Ice. It's a story full of valuable business lessons even though it happened long ago. Six Sigma for Small Business It is not surprising that some people may perceive Six Sigma as being only for large corporations. Major corporations such as Allied Signal, Black & Decker, Dow Chemical, Dupont, Federal Express, General Electric, Johnson and Johnson, Kodak, Motorola, Sony, and Toshiba have all rolled out Six Sigma efforts and achieved outstanding results. Yet, it is incorrect to think that Six Sigma process improvement results can only be achieved by huge organizations. Small businesses can also succeed in implementing Six Sigma and reap the process improvement benefits that Six Sigma provides. How to Profit Handsomely From a Secret Business Model Virtually No Small Business is Using! Have you been searching for the perfect home-based business? I have spent nearly twenty-five years searching for the holy-grail of home-based businesses. Now this article is not about a business, but rather a system that Fortune 500 companies always use but it's rarely used by home-based businesses, affiliate or network marketing companies. And based on my experience, you should not even attempt a home-based affiliate or network marketing opportunity unless you use a system that almost guarantees you'll be successful. How to Integrate Yourself in Someone Elses Business When do you need to get more involved with the day to day activities of your business partner? Questions to Ask as Your Business Grows Here are some of the questions that you need to ask yourself regarding various areas of the business before you start your growth push. Business Valuation is Critical What is Business Valuation? The term business valuation is the method by which the business worth is determined. This usually happens when the business is for sale, when the business is looking for extra funding from the banks, when the business is considering taking on extra investors, or where the business is looking at merging with another organisation. Detailing Business Options So you want to get into the auto detailing business and are not sure what options are right for you? It is a difficult choice indeed and there are so many options. Let me tell you a few having been in the industry some 27-years, we have seen a lot of businesses come and go and we have seen what works. Looking for a New Office Chair? Perhaps you are building a new home office or you are redoing the one you have. Or, maybe you are looking for an office chair to replace that broken down model sitting in your office. Regardless, the office chairs of today offer more then just comfort. Choosing an office chair can be as much fun as getting a raise! Well, maybe it's not that good, but it's still a great moment! ![]() |
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