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Marketing Your WinRunner Team
It won't matter how effective your WinRunner Team is if no-one outside your immediate organization knows about your accomplishments. For this reason, marketing your WinRunner Team is vital to your success. When times get tough, executives look for cost-cutting measures. The QA group is often the first on the chopping block. If these high level executives don't fully understand and appreciate the value of your service, they will see the cost of WinRunner licenses and maintenance as well as the highly skilled, but also more expensive WinRunner engineers as a nice place to start trimming the budget. They will not have the time or luxury to launch an investigation to see if these services are really necessary. The next thing you know, you have a nice library of WinRunner scripts, but no tools to execute them and no one with the skills necessary to modify the scripts as applications are updated. However, if these high level executives have personal knowledge about the benefits of software WinRunner in terms they understand, which are time and cost savings to the business they support, they will be less likely to put it on the chopping block. High level executives don't have the time or energy to seek you out and find out what benefits the automated testing has to offer to the organization. Instead, you must make the effort to seek them out. Marketing your WinRunner group is the responsibility of the entire team, but the heaviest burden lies upon upper-management and Vice Presidents because they have daily contact with peers at their level and higher. Demonstrations for High Level Executives One of the best ways to market your WinRunner team is to demonstrate to Executives, what you have done with WinRunner tool and how it helps their business. When you know an executive will be in town for a day, arrange for a thirty minute meeting. Executives are busy and everyone wants a piece of their time, so limit the time to thirty minutes. It will be sufficient to demonstrate what you have done with the product as well as how it benefits their business. When you have confirmed that the executive will be able to attend a demonstration, it's time to find a suitable conference room. Choose one that has live network connections and a screen to display the laptop image. Schedule the conference room for thirty to sixty minutes before the executive arrives in order to prepare. Use this time to set up the laptop, projector, and perform a dry-run of the script. Verify with the development engineering groups that no loads will be affecting the application you plan to demonstrate. Explain how important it is that nothing impact the environment, which will cause the application to go down during the presentation. Invite as many members of the WinRunner team as possible so that the executive has the opportunity to meet everyone. However, if this is not possible due to the current work-load, invite only key individuals, preferably the ones who created or currently maintain the script that will be part of the presentation. They know most about it and will be able to troubleshoot any problems that arise more efficiently than someone who is not as familiar with the application or script. Begin the meeting by making introductions and pass out an agenda so that everyone knows where the meeting is going and what will be covered. Give a brief overview of the application that will be demonstrated. The application should be one that the executive is familiar with and the script should run the length of the meeting (or longer). Ideally the application will have a lot of fields, making hand-typed data entry tedious. WinRunnerl will whiz through the application at an impressive speed. While the script is running, explain how long it takes to manually run one test case verses how long it take WinRunner to execute one test case. Translate this into one test iteration so everyone can see how much time WinRunner saves on a weekly or monthly basis. Mention that the manual testers, who used to perform this testing, are now free to work on other projects, while this one is testing it's self. At the end of the meeting, bring up the report to show how easy it is to identify which test cases passed and which, failed. Executives are usually in back-to-back meetings, some of which run over their time limits. Less-important meetings, such as your presentation, may get rescheduled at the last minute. Don't be discouraged. Simply reschedule the meeting for a later date. These presentations are not a waste of time. Executives who see the benefits of WinRunner and the cost savings will not only hesitate to cut your program out of the budget, but they will also inform their peers, who are struggling with long testing cycles, of your success. Ultimately, your success is their success. Take Advantage of Status Reports Status reports are one of the best ways to demonstrate to the business, on a weekly basis, how much time and money they are currently saving by automating the software testing. Status reports should contain the following figures: Weekly hours saved per application Once the business and upper management gets wind of your WinRunner team's abilities, be prepared for a windfall of questions. You will be asked over and over about the number of applications that have been scripted, time saved through automation, and a host of related questions. The best way to be prepared is to have a database or spreadsheet with your current project statistics on hand. Not only will you appear organized and efficient, but you will not have to drop your current activities to scramble for statistics. Your project database or spreadsheet should show general and application specific statistics. Let Others Toot Your Horn Executives who have had positive experiences with you in the past will spread the word when their peers complain about manual testing or show an interest in automating their software testing. Beef Up Your QA Website Most organizations have an internal website with sections dedicated to each group within the organization. If your QA organization doesn't already have a website, it's time to create one. A QA website can help you streamline activities such as a project queue that prioritized new projects, and conduct customer satisfaction survey's, and announce your successes to the rest of the company. Your QA website will do nothing for your PR unless other groups and organizations have to access it in order to interact with your team. You can begin forcing other groups to access your website by creating a project work queue, where they must complete a form in order to have their project entered into the QA work queue. This is your opportunity to lay down the rules rather than be forced to abide by their rules. There are specific facts that need to be clear before QA can prioritize and -assign resources to a new project. Departmental home pages generally consist of the group mission statement and basic information. Once people have seen it a few times, they will skim right over it and with out a second thought. What a waste of space! Home Page real estate is the most valuable area of your website because it's the one page that everyone sees. You best real estate should be reserved for facts that demonstrate your team's success. It's not that the team mission statement isn't important, but rather that the mission statement belongs on another page or at the bottom of your home page, after the statistics. These statistics can be arranged in such a way that they display a running total of the cumulative time saved to date for each application and as a whole. Town Hall Meetings Take advantage of Executive Town Hall meetings, which are often used to update employees on the success of the business and visions Executives have for the future. They usually include many top level executives, who have connections in other business units who may be in need of automated testing. It's not unusual for each Vice President to be asked to stand up and say a few words about their team's current activities. This is a good opportunity to repeat some of your automated testing statistics or, in some cases, a quick presentation. Don't be afraid to contact executives, explaining your success with WinRunner and that you would like to share this with the organization during the Town Hall meeting. Executives rarely have the opportunity to see what is really happening in the "trenches" and will be pleased to hear about your success, especially when it is clearly a cost-cutting measure. About the Author
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Twelve Things You Should Know to Save on Computer Software Do you want to get quality software at a reasonable price? Whether you work at home or just need good software for your personal computer, you are faced with an almost endless selection of computer software. Sorting through the options can sometimes be a major task. However, if you want to get good, quality software there are several things that you can do that will save you money and headaches. Microsoft Great Plains as ERP and Microsoft CRM as CRM If you have Microsoft Great Plains and support it for your company then you need to know some technical details about Great Plains version upgrade and what is going on behind the scenes, which options do you have in case of Dexterity, VBA, SQL customization, additional complexity comes with migration from ctree/Pervasive to MS SQL/MSDE. Huddle Up; Groupware on Three It could just be me, but my experiences with document collaboration remind me of a football game. It sounds crazy, I know, but working with a group and sending emails off to other members of the group caries with it that familiar uneasy sensation of Thanksgiving Day football games, where I often play quarterback and just as often wonder whether members of my family will catch the pass, and if they do, what they will do with the ball. Using groupware in document collaboration is similar to having a game plan that separates the "Turkey Bowl" family football team from the real competitors. Microsoft Great Plains Implementation ? Overview for IT Director/Controller What is installation in the language of technology?� Installation has server and client sides.� Server side - Installation creates security environment (logins) on MS SQL Server or MSDE, creates system database - DYNAMICS and then company databases.� All these tasks are performed by Microsoft Great Plains Utilities� Workstation side - workstation installation copies the client side application, installs current version of MDAC (we need SQL ODBC driver - please check documentation on ODBC DSN setup), registers the application.� If you plan to run Great Plains Utilities from the workstation to create server side (see above) - you need to check Install Client and Server Components What is following implementation?� Implementation requires combination of technological and accounting skills System Setup - you should refer to GP documentation.� In general setup consists of Company information, General GL/AR/AP/Payroll setup, User classes, Customer/Vendor/Employee classes�to name a few Master Records - you should either use integration tools, such as Integration Manager, SQL queries or have users to type in all your GL Accounts, Customers, Vendors, Employees . Beginning Balances - this is recommended approach - you place aside the old accounting application for querying the historical data and enter beginning balances� in Great Plains GL, AR, AP, SOP, POP, Payroll.� When you have balances in the system you are ready to use it in production Historical Data conversion - this is optional, in order to do historical data conversion you need to know basic Great Plains tables structure (Setup->Tools->Resource Description->Tables Structure).� This is similar to surgery - so you probably need outside consultant to help you.� If the volume of historical data is small - you can deploy Great Plains Integration Manager and then post the records in the modules. User Training - we are just listing this item - it is up to you to decide on the way to train your users Using Two Systems in Parallel - this is recommended.� You should print the reports from both systems during this test period and compare the results Customization - typical areas of customizations: Invoice form, Crystal Reports, pulling info from multiple databases, including Great Plains database, Great Plains forms modification with Modifier/VBA, Great Plains Dexterity forms and logic customization, integration with CRM, RMS and other business systems, web publishing from Great Plains tables, EDI with your suppliers, SQL Data Transformation packages Do I need consultant?� We strongly recommend you to use consultant in the following cases You have identified the need for Great Plains Dexterity customization You are doing migration from Pervasive/Ctree to Microsoft SQL Server/MSDE, especially when you have third-parties without migration tools You are doing migration from Great Plains Accounting to Microsoft Great Plains You have to create a lot or ReportWriter Modified Great Plains Reports You have old version of Great Plains: Dynamics or eEnterprise 6.0 or prior - in this case you can not appeal to Microsoft Technical Support - it is discontinued Your Great Plains has more than 20 users in this case the mistake may lead to serious business problems You don't have support for your old Great Plains - then you have to select your Microsoft Business Solutions Partner and pay for the annual support/enhancement plan - you will get new registration key and will be ready for the upgrade Good luck with installation,� implementation, upgrade and if you have issues or concerns ? we are here to help! �If you want us to do the job - give us a call 1-866-528-0577! [email protected] Software Process Improvement -A Successful Journey Background: For many organizations like ours, the interim target of achieving ISO 9001 or CMM levels is a daunting task. Discipline is no fun -Organizations readily acknowledge that striving to address projects according to ISO 9001 or CMM guidelines requires the creation of new procedures. It is vital to the success of improvement efforts to realize that process change entails cultural change and its human nature to resist change. Numerous social and technical barriers must be overcome to effect lasting improvement. Four Desktop Tools To Drastically Increase Your Productivity Sticky Notes Crystal Reports for Microsoft Great Plains Microsoft Business Solutions ? Great Plains is designed to meet and extend the needs of small and mid-size organizations for its business success. Its comprehensive accounting and business management applications also provide businesses with capabilities to customize various modules of the Great Plains software to fit to their specific needs. Because of these potentials, Great Plains has been targeted to the whole spectrum of both horizontal and vertical clientele. Configure Windows Indexing Service for Performance The Windows Indexing Service provides you with the ability to perform advanced searches on directories located on your computer and on shared directories on the network. The Indexing Service was introduced with IIS (Internet Information Services) and is now installed with Windows 2000 and Windows XP. Microsoft Great Plains Customization and Development ? Overview for Programmer When Great Plains Software was designing and developing Great Plains Dynamics/Dynamics CS+/eEnterprise - it placed several fundamental principles into the system Microsoft Great Plains Implementation for Large Corporation ? Overview for VP IT Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains was historically designed to serve mid-market first and then with addition and acquisition of new modules ? Great Plains Dynamics architects planned to enter into corporate market. When Microsoft SQL Server took its place as relatively reliable and stable database platform, Great Plains gained scalability. Let's consider the questions, you need to be placed and answered for your IT department in ERP selection, implementation, modification and customization. What is Fleet Maintenance Management? Fleet Maintenance Management is a critical position in any company that has a number of commercial vehicles. The individual responsible for the management and maintenance of fleet vehicles performs a variety of functions. It is imperative that companies such as delivery drivers or even taxi services know what is going on with their vehicles at all times. Preventative maintenance, order/vendor logging and fuel economy are among a few of the issues that fleet maintenance managers deal with on a daily basis. Fast Car Knoppix Small can be beautiful! Working with Knoppix for the past two years has been a joy. Two terms to describe this distribution, simple, elegance. See Knoppix is one of the many operating systems that runs from the CD, so it doesn't have the hardware conflicts associated with many instruction sets between hardware and software. Microsoft and Webmasters Does Microsoft care for Webmasters Accessing XML Using Java Technologies The most important benefit of XML is its simplicity. Though it is simple it is powerful enough to express complex data structures. Java is one of most important programming languages that is used for creating your web pages. Do You Know These Facts About Spyware ? Imagine something that follows you home and sets itself up in your house. It eats your food, enjoys your drinks, reads everything you bring home or purchase. It runs up your phone bills and no matter where you go, it can follow you and takes notes on everything you do. Microsoft Great Plains: carpet, textile, fabric, felt distributor ? implementation overview In this small article we will show you the possible way of deploying Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains for the market niche of large, mid-size and small reselling and distribution business in carpeting and floor covering, textile & fabric. We will not be talking about fabric production, but rather cutting for the end-user or small retailer. Microsoft Great Plains itself in our case should be considered as a platform for light customization and modification. We'll describe industry requirements and the way them to be implemented in Great Plains Software Automation Helps Increase your Bottom Line When you own a small business, time is money. And every time a task that should be automated is handled manually, it wastes your time and your business loses money. To make matters even worse, performing these tasks manually, in front of clients or prospects, projects the wrong image. Business Planning Software Once a business idea is selected, it is highly recommended that we sharpen the concept by a detailed planning process. The result of this step is a comprehensive business plan, with its major components being the marketing "mix," the strategic plan, operational and logistical structures, and the financial proposal. The purpose of the business plan is to recognize and define a business opportunity, describe how that opportunity will be seized by the management team, and to demonstrate that the business is feasible and worth the effort. Microsoft Great Plains Distribution, Barcoding, Consignment ? overview for consultant Microsoft Great Plains ? ERM from Microsoft Business Solutions and formerly Great Plains Software is pretty generic with its standard set of modules: GL, BR, AR, AP, IV, SOP, POP and US Payroll. However, having about twelve years of implementation and customization history ? Great Plains Dynamics, Dynamics C/S+, eEnterprise being Great Plains Dexterity written application has been and still is attractive core platform for third party software development companies to write vertical and horizontal modules, written as well in Great Plains Dexterity. If you have Microsoft Great Plains implemented or under the implementation should have your options in making in-house or outsourced customizations to fit your vertical industry needs. Let's consider consignment, barcoding and distribution/warehouse management Microsoft CRM Lotus Notes Domino Connector FAQ Microsoft Business Solutions CRM and IBM Lotus Notes Domino, being two groupware products from competing software development leaders, however could coexist within one organization computer network and even work together in collaboration. There maybe multiple reason why corporation would use both products: licensing, commitment to IBM Lotus Notes as legacy product, risk balancing ? staking on both Microsoft and Java/EJB/J2EE platforms, deploying Lotus advanced workflow to automate document management, etc. The need to synchronize MS CRM and Lotus Notes Domino databases is dictated by the ERP market and the connector is available. In this small article we'll answer on the frequently asked questions. ![]() |
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