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Free Program Removes Spyware not Detected by Premium Security Scan
What is Spyware? Spyware monitors your surfing habits and sends the data off to some remote server in cyberland. Your computer can get infected with spyware easily by visiting a web page or installing a software program. Kazza is a classic example of a free software download riddled with spyware. More info here: http://compactURL.com/sdft Spyware Detection Alert Every week I do a full system scan with Norton Internet Security Professional. This version of Norton is the top of the range when it comes to detecting all manner of viruses including Trojan horses, spyware, scumware, joke programs and other programs which can cause harm or pose a security risk. It is an excellent program and I believe my computer would be dead and buried if it was not for Norton. My most recent scan detected a Trojan Horse called Download.Trojan. This little meanie will attempt to go to the originators site and download more Trojans, worms, viruses and execute them. Scary stuff but Norton nipped it in the bud before any problems were created. Also, every day Norton detects threats contained within my incoming emails. It immediately removes the threats by either fixing the infected files or deleting infected emails. This can be a reason I can be accused of not answering emails. Bad luck I say to that. Ever since I have been running Norton, I have not been scanning with Ad-Aware. I recently discovered that Anti-Virus programs, as good as they are, sometimes fail to detect all threats from a computer. So I did a full scan with Ad-Aware and was surprised to discover even more spyware on my system. So now I will also be scanning once a week with Ad-Aware. Free Spyware Removal Software Ad-Aware is so good and yet it is free. It is available from http://www.lavasoftusa.com/software/ There is more good free spyware detection programs available here: http://www.spybot.info/en/index. Find out what Scumware is here: http://www.scumware.com Symantec has an Online Virus Encyclopedia which after a little browse, should be enough motivation for anyone to get some kind of anti-virus and security program installed on their computer. Find the entire A-Z known viruses encyclopedia here: http://compactURL.com/qhdf Conclusion Do a full system scan at least every week. Download the latest Anti-Virus definitions as soon as they become available. Use more than one program to ensure all threats are detected and removed immediately. Always enable your anti-virus and security program to scan all incoming and outgoing emails. If you do not have the very best anti-virus protection, do not complain if your emails get no response. I allow my anti-virus program to delete all infected emails along with any attachments. Copyright 2004 Ed Zivkovic About The Author The author, Ed Zivkovic owns his own website which contains articles with all sorts of tips for work at home webmasters. Here is the site: http://www.ezau.com
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Microsoft CRM in Latin America: Implementation, Customization, Support ? Overview for Consultant Microsoft Business Solutions CRM is present several years on the US software market plus it makes advances in Europe. We expect substantial number growth of Microsoft CRM implementations across South and Central America and the need for Microsoft CRM implementation, support, tuning, reporting, training services, especially in such countries as Mexico, Columbia, Venezuela, Argentina, Peru, Uruguay, Chili, Costa Rica. In this small article we try to project US market lessons on Latin American business climate. How To Create A Data Capture Procedure Checklist For Your Small Business CRM Software Fortunately one of the most common reasons cited for the high failure rate of CRM systems - poor data quality - is also one of the easiest to avoid. Your CRM software is only as good as the information it contains. As the old programmers motto goes 'garbage in, garbage out'. Theres Gold in Your Websites Server Log Many Webmasters have never bothered to view their website's server log. Ignoring your server log is like flying with a blind pilot. You may still be cruising along, but you have no idea where you are or where you're headed. If your website is on a free host, you probably don't have access to the server log. However, if you pay for your web host, or if you own the server, you almost always have some access to the server log. The Software 2005 Conference - A Review The Software 2005 conference is now a wrap. This conference, presented by M.R. Rangaswami and The Sandhill Group, is now an annual event and attendance increased 35% this year over 2004. It is an ideal opportunity for those in the enterprise software industry to see what's new and what's coming, as well as to catch up with old colleagues and make new connections. It is also a perfect forum for startups to gain exposure as well as solicit funding and key partnerships. Accounts Payable: A Powerful Document Management and Workflow Solution Accounts payable is just one area of office management where problems arise because of the sheer complexity of transactions, and the vast amount of paperwork that is generated. Microsoft CRM Implementation & Remote Support We would like to give you pluses and minuses of Microsoft CRM. Lotus Domino: Reports and Connectors ? Crystal Reports, XML, ODBC/JDBC, OLE Lotus Notes Domino is very efficient in electronic document workflow automation. Unfortunately the electronic document workflow can not replace paper documents completely. For example some documents should be sent to your suppliers or customer in paper form. Lotus Notes (as a client) has built-in tools for printing documents, views and folders. But inbuilt Lotus Notes mechanisms providing such services as printing on the paper Domino database contents can not solve all reports generation objectives. MSN Messenger Is A Sweet Way To Communicate MSN messenger is a pretty cool invention. I mean I'm not really into serious discussions on the email, answers to questions can often take a few days to arrive because people are so busy these days. I've just been 'hooked up' into Messenger and it's really a different kind of communication, quick, simplistic and even humorous with the capability to express your feelings with 'emotion' cartoons. C++ Tutorials: 3, Program Flow (If, Else, While, For) Program Flow is what you think it is. How the program will flow. As you know the compiler will just go down the code. Program flow is what you use to make it run a certain thing a few times, do something based on a variable, etc... There are some basic comands to program flow. The first two are loops: While and For. When you want something to loop for an amount of times based on a variable, use while. If you know how many times you want something to run, use for. If and else statements are pretty self explanable. Dont be afraid, I will go over all the syntaxes and how to do everything! Microsoft Great Plains Implementation & Customization: Computer Parts Retailer Example Microsoft Great Plains fits to majority of horizontals and retail business is good fit as well. We'll consider the system, consisting from Microsoft Great Plains as Accounting, Inventory Pricing and Microsoft Retail Management System (RMS) Headquarters and Store Operations Manager. In this case you can base web commerce off Great Plains databases and POS automates walk-in retail store. Inventory count might be done from both sides: Great Plains or RMS, depending on the main line ? if it is eCommerce ? consider Great Plains inventory cycle counting, otherwise in the case of POS ? it should be done in MS RMS Microsoft CRM Modification ? Overview for IT Specialist Microsoft CRM is now on the scene and it is increasing its market share, due to the Microsoft Business Solutions muscles and marketing strategy. It is tightly integrated with other Microsoft Business Solutions products such as Microsoft Great Plains, Solomon, Navision. Microsoft Great Plains: If You are Orphan Client ? What to Do and FAQ Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains, former Great Plains Software eEnterprise, Dynamics and Dynamics C/S+ is very popular ERP and since 1994 has been successfully implemented for mid-size and mid-size to large companies in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Middle East. During the economic recession time 2001-2004 the majority of businesses cut to virtually zero their IT/computer support expenses and stayed with hardware and software. At the same time consulting companies: Great Plains Software and later on Microsoft Business Solutions Partners, VARs, Resellers and ISVs had to reduce their workforce, merge with large auditing companies or simply close their doors. The result of these two tendencies was huge number of so-called Microsoft Great Plains and Great Plains Dynamics orphan clients. In 2005 we see the signs of economy recovery: companies invested into new computer hardware and OS: Windows 2003 servers, Windows XP Pro workstations, Microsoft Exchange, etc. Now it is time for them to upgrade/recover their Great Plains Dynamics or migrate Great Plains Accounting to Microsoft Great Plains. Let's consider the steps required to upgrade your ERP system: Navision Attain C/ODBC Crystal Report ? Customization Example Microsoft Business Solutions Navision is main ERP application for European, Brazilian markets plus it serves vertical segments of the USA market, such as light manufacturing, POS, CRM. As our experience indicates ? Navision implementation requires more customization and tuning in comparison to another mid-market ERP solution from MBS: Microsoft Great Plains. Our goal is to popularize Microsoft Business Solutions products and enlighten IT people to do customize Navision in-house. The Bluebird Project The objective for Zandi Digital is to make available clever programs to end-users that want and need something more diverse. Bluebird is the current application being developed by Zandi Digital. Bluebird will have the ability to compress multimedia(image, audio, or video) and text into one single file and later opened for reading or editing with Bluebird on Microsoft Windows� operating systems. A illustration is at http://www.videonotepad.net What to Do if All Screensavers Fun is Grayed Out? Finally, you have some time to personalize your desktop with an interesting screensaver. But wait... What's that? Why in the world the system prevents you from doing that? The screensaver controls are grayed out or, even worse, the whole Screensaver tab is missing from Display Properties. Don't panic! This article will help you change things for the better. Looking for an Alternative to Microsoft Office? You Should Be! Now is the time to look at an alternative to Microsoft Office. Lowering The Risks In Developing Do-It-Yourself Software Projects Mike Dunville* had a decision to make. As the new operations manager for Alpha Staffing, he wanted to make a difference at the dynamic staffing firm. The principals of the firm had charged him with making the day-to-day operations run smoothly and efficiently while they concentrated on growing the business in today's challenging economy. Begun, The Browser Wars Have As Mozilla Firefox nears 10% market share, with well over 25 million downloads direct from the makers website, and goodness knows how many through other sources, Microsoft announces that it will be releasing IE 7 ahead of schedule. Originally scheduled for release with Microsoft's new Longhorn operating system in 2006, it seems that Microsoft are reacting to the run away success that Firefox has had over the last few months. But is Microsoft's announcement just a response to Firefox's success, or is it truly a commitment by the software giant to improve the browsing experience of the masses? Dig Out That Worm Internet worms. Is your PC infected? .Net Charts and Graphs Interact with Businesses and Customers Bar charts, bar graphs, and any other chart or graph used in financial statements, inventory reports, sales reports, and a slew of other types of reports have typically been paper reports or online reports depicting various levels of complex information for tracking, investing, planning, and buying. However, until the .net graph, .net chart, .net map, and other .net charts came along, the relationship between management and the company, companies and their investors, and companies and their customers was missing. ![]() |
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