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Off The Record - Tips For Picking Recording Software
Need software to record your voice, streaming audio or musical instruments? There are dozens of great products on the market. Some cost up to five hundred dollars, but here are some of the low cost alternatives you might want to consider. n-Track Studio The program uses 24 bit (32 bit floats) resolution for mixing and effects processing. Various wave files formats are supported, mono & stereo tracks are can coexist in the same song and wave editing operations can be performed from within the program. MIDI tracks can be imported end exported to regular MIDI files, and edited using the built in piano-roll based MIDI editing. All the audio tracks are saved as standard wave files and mixed "on the fly" during playback. Volume and pan evolution can be programmed by drawing on the timeline window. When all the tracks have been recorded and all the settings are correct, it's possible to mix-down all the tracks to a single wave file for recording it to a compact disk using a CD recorder or for distributing it through the Internet (using the built-in mp3 encoder). More Information: http://www.deprice.com/ntrackstudio.htm Audio Record Wizard 3 Audio Record Wizard is a real-time sound recorder, offering professional recording features with full mp3 support. The sound recorder program is designed to work directly with your sound card, so can record almost all audio from your sound card at near-perfect quality. You can record sound from a microphone, line-in, and just about any other programs (such as winamp, realplay, windows media player and others). Direct to disk feature allows you to record sound without running out of memory. Audio Record Wizard can also record directly to the mp3 format if you choose, saving you valuable disk space. You can select the different mp3 recording modes as required. More Information: http://www.deprice.com/audiorecordwizard.htm Cybercorder 2000 Cybercorder provides VCR-like recording for radio shows or any audio input. Recordings are stored on disk as WAV or MP3 files with optional audio compression to save disk space. Recordings can easily be played back by selecting the recording from the list of completed recordings. The customizable playback window allows to easily advance the recording forward and reverse various step sizes. The program has a variety of features and options: # Uses your own radio or stereo receiver. Connect the radio headphone or output jacks to the computer sound card line-in jack. Set to your favorite radio station, adjust the Windows mixer settings, and Cybercorder 2000 does the rest. # Real-time audio compression - you can utilize any of the audio compression codecs installed on your system to save disk space. # Record MP3 - you can record MP3 files with the MP3 file extension. # Programmed or manual recording - you can schedule as many recordings as you like or instantly start a recording for the specified amount of time. The scheduled recordings can be scheduled for a single time or for selected days of the week such as Mon-Fri 9AM. Program descriptions can be given to the scheduled recordings to later identify the recordings. # Program Internet Recordings - you can automatically launch an Internet URL prior to recording. You can set up Cybercorder 2000 to automatically hang up a modem connection and/or close the streaming player once the recording is complete. # Automatically Run External Applications - you can automatically launch an external application prior to and/or after recording. # Mixer Profiles Cybercorder can automatically activate a mixer profile containing preset Windows mixer settings prior to and/or after a recording. This ensures the recording will occur with the correct mixer settings every time. # Supports long recordings - you can program a recording to be as long as 24 hours. # Recordings list - all recordings made are shown in a list, and any recording can be played from this list. Recordings can be removed from the list or from disk, and can also be added back to the list if present on disk. Cybercorder 2000 supports saving and retrieving recording lists containing WAV and MP3 files. # Player - allows you to easily advance the recording forward and reverse various step sizes, along with the slider control. The 6 sets of forward/reverse buttons can be customized to advance the recording the desired number of minutes or seconds. More Information: http://www.deprice.com/cybercorder.htm John Deprice is a music aficionado. His website is http://www.deprice.com/audio.htm
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Pros and Cons of Using FREE Software in Your Business It�??s easy to understand why you might be drawn to the allure of free software. After all, it is free and free is always a good price to pay. But before you plunk down your hard-earned no money and possibly put your business at risk, consider the following. Outlook... Not Just for Email! Using Your Outlook Calendar Microsoft Outlook is one of the most widely used software programs for email, but if you're only using it for email, you're missing out on a great productivity tool! This month's column looks at a few ways you can use the Outlook calendar to make scheduling easier. Simple Solution for Php Includes - IFrames I have recently created my first Php program. I wanted to share with others some of the problems that I encountered, and how I finally overcame these obstacles. Microsoft Great Plains Dynamics on Pervasive SQL.2000 Data Repair ? Overview For DBAs Some introduction into Great Plains Software products, now Microsoft Business Solutions. Microsoft Great Plains becomes more and more popular, partly because of Microsoft muscles behind it. Now it is targeted to the whole spectrum of horizontal and vertical market clientele. Small companies use Small Business Manager (which is based on the same technology ? Great Plains Dexterity dictionary DYNAMICS.DIC and runtime DYNAMICS.EXE), Great Plains Standard on MSDE is for small to midsize clients, and then Great Plains serves the rest of the market up to big corporations. Microsoft Great Plains: carpet, textile, fabric, felt distributor ? implementation overview In this small article we will show you the possible way of deploying Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains for the market niche of large, mid-size and small reselling and distribution business in carpeting and floor covering, textile & fabric. We will not be talking about fabric production, but rather cutting for the end-user or small retailer. Microsoft Great Plains itself in our case should be considered as a platform for light customization and modification. We'll describe industry requirements and the way them to be implemented in Great Plains eStore Advantage ? Extending Microsoft eConnect for MBS Great Plains eStore Advantage allows front-office applications to communicate with back-office business environments. It has a built-in support for electronic payment processing, and serves as a core integration platform for Nodus Technologies front-to-back office connectivity suites including RMS and CRM Advantage. Protect Your Most Vital Business Asset with Security Software Homeland security, airport security, Internet security �?" these days we�??re literally inundated with a need to protect ourselves and our property from the non-stop bombardment of potentially damaging attacks by unknown sources and entities lurking somewhere out there. Lowering The Risks In Developing Do-It-Yourself Software Projects Mike Dunville* had a decision to make. As the new operations manager for Alpha Staffing, he wanted to make a difference at the dynamic staffing firm. The principals of the firm had charged him with making the day-to-day operations run smoothly and efficiently while they concentrated on growing the business in today's challenging economy. Windows x: Basic Windows ?Security? Issues Language development computer: Computer-based method for aiding language development seems like an interesting idea, the trick with this would be in getting the computer to take on part of the role of the human in the checking process. Secure File Transfer Using SSH Plus Additional Audit & Automation - FSA Reporting In order to meet regulatory and corporate compliance requirements reporting members will require a cost effective solution that may be installed at one side of the data transfer without being tied to any proprietary protocol. Microsoft CRM Lotus Notes Domino Connector FAQ Microsoft Business Solutions CRM and IBM Lotus Notes Domino, being two groupware products from competing software development leaders, however could coexist within one organization computer network and even work together in collaboration. There maybe multiple reason why corporation would use both products: licensing, commitment to IBM Lotus Notes as legacy product, risk balancing ? staking on both Microsoft and Java/EJB/J2EE platforms, deploying Lotus advanced workflow to automate document management, etc. The need to synchronize MS CRM and Lotus Notes Domino databases is dictated by the ERP market and the connector is available. In this small article we'll answer on the frequently asked questions. Microsoft Great Plains Implementation for Large Corporation ? Overview for VP IT Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains was historically designed to serve mid-market first and then with addition and acquisition of new modules ? Great Plains Dynamics architects planned to enter into corporate market. When Microsoft SQL Server took its place as relatively reliable and stable database platform, Great Plains gained scalability. Let's consider the questions, you need to be placed and answered for your IT department in ERP selection, implementation, modification and customization. Benefits of Shareware Shareware has been fighting the stigma of being misunderstood for decades. While corporate software giants can no longer ignore the marketing potential of a trial version, small software startups are struggling with new listings and bandwidth costs. Businesses and individual consumers need to take a closer look at the benefits of taking advantage of shareware marketing. The concept of a trial version is not a new one. Consumer expectations, and the need for immediate satisfaction have spurned the industry to realize the need for instant software. The availability of file downloads in the Internet era, is spurning a revolution of purchasers who never leaving their homes or offices. As a result, the Internet has taken the proliferation of shareware to a new level. Microsoft Great Plains eCommerce: overview for developer Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains was designed back in the earlier 1990th as first graphical ERP/accounting system for mid-size businesses. The architects of Great Plains Dexterity ? this is the internal mid-shell, all Great Plains was written on, designed it to be easily transferable between graphical operating systems (MAC, Windows, Solaris ? potentially) and database platforms ? initially Great Plains was available on Ctree (both Mac and PC) and Btrieve, a bit later high end version Dynamics C/S+ was available on Microsoft SQL Server 6.5. But the idea was to catch or switch winning/losing database platform ? nobody could predict if MS SQL Server, Oracle or DB 2 become a dominant DB platform, like Windows among OS. All these trade-ins for being potentially cross-platform application make the life of nowadays eCommerce developer difficult. FreeDOS Before September 1995, Microsoft Windows was an MS-DOS program. DOS was an easy to use command line operating system that provided you with complete ability to control and troubleshoot your computer. Microsoft's goal was to eliminate DOS, possibly to prevent you from having complete control of your own computer. The Hidden Power of Online Manual Writing software manuals is boring, isn't it? We often think: "My software is easy to use. The user interface is intuitive. Why should I waste so much time for writing the document which nobody reads anyway?" Sometimes it's true ? I've never read the WinZip or Internet Explorer manuals ? everything seems clear without explanations. Nevertheless, even if your manual doesn't help to your software users, it may help to you. Publish your manual online and turn its hidden power into the real benefits for your business. Online Manual Makes Your Web Site Visible User manual is a huge bunch of words, the highly targeted words, which are specific for your software market. For instance, if you develop a database management system, its user guide will certainly contain such words as "database", "query", "transaction", "table", "record", and etc. On the other hand, people use these words in their queries when they are looking for a database management solution on the Google, Yahoo, or other search engine. Let the interested people to find your web site and your product. Upload your manual on your web server and make it available for indexing by search engine spiders. This area specific content will make your web site and your software more visible to potential customers. Making the user guide available online will increase your web site rank in relevant search results and will bring highly targeted traffic to web your site. Let the manual to work not only for your users, but for you as well. Online Manual Saves Your Time A picture worth a hundred words. Those who are engaged in user support know this for sure. When replying to user concerns, very often we have to write sentences like this "Open the Document settings dialog. Choose the External modules tab. Select the 'ABC Spell Checker' in the module list. Enter your registration key and verification code in the corresponding text fields which will appear at the bottom of the window. Then, press Activate". If your application is simple the user will likely understand you right and will do everything as you have explained. However, if your application is a complex system with lots of setting windows which behave differently in various modes, the user may be puzzled which window and which fields do you mean. In this case you risk getting into a long conversation by repeatedly explaining the same things again and again. The screenshot could be a very helpful illustration of your explanations. You may run your application, go to the certain window, open that tab page, activate the corresponding item in the list. Then make the screenshot of the window by using Alt+PrtSc key combination or another screen capture tool, save the picture in a file, and finally attach it to your message. Sometimes it's also necessary to add callouts, annotations and other enlightenments to the screenshot picture. Thus, you have to launch your image editor and to manually draw all the elements required. As you see, it may takes up to a half hour to reply to a single message only. And how many messages are yet in the queue? Having the screenshots prepared is a good approach which may save your time. But having screenshots already prepared together with callouts, explanations, and annotations is a great approach which will save you much more time. Most likely, you have all that stuff prepared in your software manual but it's not very polite to reply to the user: "Read that fantastic manual". User may have no idea where the manual is on the PC and on what page is the looked-for solution located. On the other hand, you may also have no time to manually cut particular pages with screenshots and related instructions from the manual and to attach them to each support message. The solution is easy. Put your manual on your web site in the form of HTML pages. Make all the pictures, screenshots with callouts, descriptions, and instructions accessible for every user. When you are processing another support request, simply insert an URL link to the appropriate page of your online manual and add just a few clarification words ? more words and pictures are already on that page. You will save much time and nerves because you will be sure that the user is looking at the same thing which you are describing. At the same time, the user will get a fast solution which is supported by clear pictures and neat instructions. Online Manual Makes Your Products Trustworthy Besides the users get the faster and more helpful support, they also see that you did this tedious job ? writing the handy and well structured manual with great screenshots and clear explanations. They know that this job is boring and developers don't like to do it. Therefore, if you did it and if you did it perfectly, it means that you respect your customers, not only their money. Good manual means that you consider your business and product seriously yourself. This helps your business to look more credible and serious. So, make your manual available online and prove your respect to your existing and prospective users. Make them trusting in you and in your product before they even download a demo copy of it. Online Manual Brings Sales As we see, the software manual which is a part of your web site generates a targeted traffic. The people may easily find your product because online help makes your web site more visible in relevant search results on the search engines. Those new visitors get more loyal when they see a well done help system. Also, if a prospect experiences difficulties with your software and asks for technical support, you may easily resolve the issue by referring the user to a certain page of your online help. With just a one click the user will see screenshots and explanations which will help them to settle the case. So, you have a motivated and targeted visitor, who feels loyal to your company and products, and whom you can easily help in case of a technical problem. The probability of such visitor ordering a license is several times higher than of the average one. Microsoft Great Plains: If You are Orphan Client ? What to Do and FAQ Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains, former Great Plains Software eEnterprise, Dynamics and Dynamics C/S+ is very popular ERP and since 1994 has been successfully implemented for mid-size and mid-size to large companies in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Middle East. During the economic recession time 2001-2004 the majority of businesses cut to virtually zero their IT/computer support expenses and stayed with hardware and software. At the same time consulting companies: Great Plains Software and later on Microsoft Business Solutions Partners, VARs, Resellers and ISVs had to reduce their workforce, merge with large auditing companies or simply close their doors. The result of these two tendencies was huge number of so-called Microsoft Great Plains and Great Plains Dynamics orphan clients. In 2005 we see the signs of economy recovery: companies invested into new computer hardware and OS: Windows 2003 servers, Windows XP Pro workstations, Microsoft Exchange, etc. Now it is time for them to upgrade/recover their Great Plains Dynamics or migrate Great Plains Accounting to Microsoft Great Plains. Let's consider the steps required to upgrade your ERP system: Microsoft Great Plains & CRM in Transportation & Logistics ? Overview Microsoft Business Solutions Great Plains and MS CRM (client relation management system) are very popular in various industries and market niches. In previous article we described Microsoft Great Plains implementation for transportation & logistics company. Having more material, we would like to share with you how you can leverage Microsoft Business Solutions products to automate your business. We'll try to be both technical and business processes specific and be laconic to comply the rules of tiny article. Open Source Concepts: Dual Licensing Explained We were recently faced with a decision: either to let a program that took us one year to code die, simply because we do not have enough time to maintain it, or make it open source. Why Stick With Email Clients Like Outlook? Trying to figure out a stream in banning one email client or another is no easy job. As soon as somebody rises up saying Outlook is bad, somebody else comes saying it's good and the other one is bad. And the story goes on and on. ![]() |
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