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How to Write a Business Plan Market Analysis
Writing a business plan is an essential part of the initial strategic planning of any company. One thing, which seems to hang up most entrepreneurs, is figuring out what kind of data and information goes into the Market Analysis section. So often entrepreneurs will attempt to bluff or BS their way thru it. Often you find those with MBA write meticulous Market Analysis sections and although they may have little if any true entrepreneurial skills going into a new business, their business plans are sure to impress. But you need not be an MBA to write a proper Market Analysis section in your business plan for your next business. Below please find a generic sample of a Market Analysis, which you can use to help you do yours. You may wish to print this article and then apply your own analysis to your particular area and business model. I recommend that you read it and think on it for a day and then write a few things in the margins and take a legal pad and write out your thoughts in paragraph form and then go collect the data you need. It is not a difficult exercise and you should be able to do this quite stress free. Now then remember this is only a sample and it is something we used for a Franchised Outlet for a mobile car wash business, which is probably about the most simple business in the world and why we chose it to simplify your process. Keep it simple and use factual data and you will have a first class business plan with an excellent Market Analysis to help you impress bankers, investors and the capital you need to succeed. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Market Analysis Please refer to our feasibility study for in depth demographics analysis. Our chosen city study proves conclusive; a mobile car wash company will thrive and prosper under these ideal conditions. Although we will have a quicker return on investment than most The Car Wash Guys franchisees, we will not take our marketing plan lightly. It is our intention to absolutely conquer our market rather than simply possess a large percent of market share. We will follow the franchisor's marketing plan to accelerate projected gross sales from our initial opening through the five-year renewal date. Target Markets Our target markets for personal car washing are: Large Corporate Offices Large Manufacturers Multi-Tenant Businesses Retail Centers Strip Shopping Malls Upper Class Residences Our target markets for fleet sales, rideshare consumers, etc. are: Bus Companies Construction Companies Corporate Offices With Sales Staff Distribution Companies Government Agencies Large Companies With Pool Cars Material Companies Rent-A-Car Companies Small Package Deliverers Taxi Cab Companies Trash/Refuse Companies Trucking Companies U.S.P.S. Utility Companies Warehouses-Wholesale Our target markets for industrial cleaning include: Amusement Parks Cities-Sidewalks, Etc. Government (Graffiti) Heavy Equipment Companies Horse Stables Park Playground Equipment Parking Structures Property Management Companies Railroad Yards Retail Stores (Holiday Window Paint Removal) Schools, Universities Shopping Centers (Concrete) As we solicit these types of accounts we will secure a large percentage of them. We will impact many of our competitors, both fixed and mobile. This will make them go on the defensive. One instinct of business owners that are backed into a corner is to attack. Often these competitors will call in favors from local politicians. They will try to pull rank because they have been in the community longer. The more money they have and the longer they have been established, the more weight they can pull. It is important to know exactly how much the fixed site car wash owners participate in the community. Since you can never know too much about your competition, we will create a database in Microsoft Excel of all detail shops, car washes, mobile detailers and washers. Fixed car wash owners hate mobile car washes because they are capable of eating up 15% of their market share. If the car wash owners attempt to get city or county officials to change laws inhibiting our company, we will: Alert the Media Fax All Customers and Tell Them Increase Car Wash Fundraisers This will make our customers more loyal, aid us in community identity and give us free publicity that money can't buy. We will be able to tell the entire area how great and environmentally sound our services are. To decrease the chance of backlash from fixed car wash owners, we will immediately market the entire city with the help of our franchisor and his marketing team. This week long comprehensive program is part of The Car Wash guys Bonzai and Blitz marketing program. Please see outline on the next page. Another adversary we might encounter are Sierra Club groups who don't understand our operation. We will lobby and educate these groups. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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How to Write a Business Plan Market Analysis Writing a business plan is an essential part of the initial strategic planning of any company. One thing, which seems to hang up most entrepreneurs, is figuring out what kind of data and information goes into the Market Analysis section. So often entrepreneurs will attempt to bluff or BS their way thru it. Often you find those with MBA write meticulous Market Analysis sections and although they may have little if any true entrepreneurial skills going into a new business, their business plans are sure to impress. But you need not be an MBA to write a proper Market Analysis section in your business plan for your next business. Under Construction During the Storm ? A Hurricane Guide for Businesses that are Under Construction As a business owner, you've likely created a hurricane plan for your business and your family, but did you overlook your construction project? Don't worry, you're not alone. Most people don't even think about preparing their construction site because it's not written into their "construction timeline." But when a hurricane threatens, general contractors usually get panicked phone calls asking about potential damage, delays and cost. Consolidation in the Software Industry is Hardly New: Obsess About It or Risk Losing it All Some analysts credit [Larry] Ellison with anticipating the consolidation in the enterprise software industry and leading the charge. Ellison 'called a major shift in an entire market, which was impressive.'(1) Who is Responsible? While writing an article recently on effective ways to bridge the IT/Management communication gap, I realized that few of us are eager to take responsibility in our business lives to make something different happen and be part of the solution. Abstract Thought; Business Strategies and Biological Systems To stop a computer virus you must understand how it works, grows and what it's innate purpose is? What is its program, evolution and future vectors. The fastest way to expand a business or exploit a competitor on a sports team is to use the organizational patterns of nature like swarms, ants, and viruses. The human body is has a good defense mechanism against an organic virus, it is bigger with a strong immune system Site Selection and Demographic Tips for Establishing Outlets Many cities have home pages on the Internet. Many of these cities use these sites to promote their town. They use it to attract large corporations who will provide jobs and large retailers who will provide sales tax revenue dollars for city budgets. The first thing you need to do when surveying a town for a likely candidate for a company outlet is to visit their website and that you can do from where you are sitting right now. Websites can be great sources for general and statistical data. Here is some of the information you will find at these Internet sites: Upcoming City Events; Job Opportunities; Library Hours; How To Pay Water Bills; Statistical Data; Basic City Information; Etc. Getting Started with Succession Planning: Part II Succession planning requires the owner of a small or medium-sized business to plan for what the company will look like and how it will operate after the transition to new owners is complete. Unless the owners have succession goals in mind, they won't achieve them. Once these goals are in place, the owners should backtrack and identify the process that will get the firm from its current status to the targeted status after succession. Some of the people involved in the process of transforming the company should be retained as future managers. Others are best utilized just for the transition but not in a managerial or ownership role after succession. Sales Planning and Business Plans Writing a business plan can be tricky when all the books on the subject fail to keep updating their editions. One significant factor is the sales planning in business plans, yet few books show examples of how to explain online sales which will contribute to your over all stores sales in your retail outlet. Additionally many service companies take orders online and dispatch their units from there. Even Dominoes Pizza often takes credit cards over the phone, many companies now allow online ordering. Three Steps to Give Your Strategic Plan Traction We all agree Strategic Planning is a critical part of a company's success. All too often, however, strategic plans stall before they ever make it to execution - or they gradually lose momentum. The organization is then left in a vulnerable and uncomfortable position of continuing to go about its business with good intentions but no focused direction or aligned action. Move intention into action using this three step remedy. The Power of Planning I am surprised how few sales professionals, independent consultants, and small business owners take the time to plan the strategy for their business. Most people spend more time writing out a grocery list or planning a vacation than they do planning the direction or outcome of their business. Many will determine a vague or general idea of what they want to accomplish but very few actually identify the specific action steps they will need to take in order to achieve their goals. I'm not suggesting you create a 25-30 page business plan like a good friend of mine writes every year, but I do recommend that you begin outlining the goals you want to accomplish and how you plan to get there. Your Business: Will It Have A Happy Ending? "Begin with the end in mind," says Stephen Covey in his book Seven Habits of Successful Living. Those who have created a successful business know it does not happen without planning, hard work, and a little luck. Yet most have no plans for leaving their business, ever. Take A Systems View To Ensure Your Business Stays Healthy How are you feeling today? Good, not so good, great? Let me ask the same question in a different way: How is your gastro-intestinal system functioning today? What about your lymphatic system? How's the old circulatory system flowing along? Are all your bodily systems aligned, in sync, and cranking at peak performance? Sample Business Plan Outline If you are looking for a partner, funding, angle investor or venture capital you will be asked for a business plan. Even if you are not in need of capital in the formation of your new business endeavor you will still be glad you prepared a business plan to help you prove to yourself that you have the right stuff and that the business is economically viable. The first step in the creation of your new business will be making a customized business plan. Please use this outline as your template to insure you do not forget anything important. This is a business plan format and outline I had created after reading over ten business plan books and taking the best of each of them and putting them into one outline. I give this to your freely and wish you great success in your new business. It is the great entrepreneurial spirit and the entrepreneur that build this great nation, glad to see you are one of us Microsoft Great Plains in Advertising & Publishing ? implementation highlights Microsoft Great Plains, former Great Plains Dynamics is excellent fit for service oriented business and in this small article we'll give you magazine publisher and advertiser implementation and reporting scenarios. The system we describe is not real, we are putting together industry specifics, based on our consulting practice. In the case if you do not see some unique features of your publishing business ? this just means that publishing industry is diversified and say, regional newspaper publishing is quite different from magazine with narrow specialization. Be Like Bill - Think! Twice a year, Bill Gates goes to a remote island hide-a-way for a week at a time. No, he's not going for a fishing vacation; instead of rods, reels, and lures he takes market analyses, position reports, engineering reports, and opportunity papers. In solitude he reads and thinks and reads some more, writing notes in the margins then composing questions, thoughts, and his own positions that will impact the future of Microsoft and the entire technology industry for years to come. If You Dont Focus, Innovate and Evolve, You Die After 128 years of business, a household word, Montgomery Wards, Inc., closed their doors forever and filed bankruptcy. Buying Used Detailing Equipment and Rainy Day Services Mobile auto detailing equipment becomes very inexpensive around March each year. If you look on eBay or your local classified section of the newspaper you will see. This is because mobile auto detailers are in a seasonal business. They find themselves scraping bottom when it is too cold to work because the water is freezing or it is raining and it becomes hard to sell detailing services. No one wants to see their business cards when it's raining. The only people who page them are their girlfriends who they can no longer take out for dinner or a movie. They can't use their car phone because it's been turned off by Verizon or Sprint. In a rainy year their cash reserve, if they had one, has been used up by mid January. They are eating Top Ramen by February. Their business no longer supports their needs. So they quit. Too bad for them; they obviously are not winners because: "Winner's Never Quit and Quitters Never Win!" Communication Strategy During A Time Of Strategic Planning "Rubbish!" shouted the large, aggressive man in the red-striped shirt (we had to pay attention to him because he owned the company). Action Planning ACTION PLANNING: Action Planning is a process to develop strategies for changes in the organization based on an analysis of the problems which precipitate the need for change. It is a collaborative method of planning which involves the people working in the organization and permits the people who will be influenced by the decisions and change to have influence on the product or outcome. Action Planning assumes that people will support that which they help to plan and create. Unless those involved are committed to that which they are changing, the plan does not have much hope for success. Recent studies indicate that employees who are a part of the planning and problem solving/decision making process will take on additional organizational responsibilities to implement the plans. Microsoft Great Plains in Aerospace & Defense industries ? implementation & customization highlights Microsoft Great Plains fits horizontal markets clientele and in case of Aerospace and Defense industry we'll talk about contractors ? parts and subsystems for government contracts. We do not necessarily talk about large corporation, however models described could be implemented for large publicly traded company. As a rule ? market is represented by established companies with long history, including long history of its ERP and Computer Business System. It is difficult to stake on the computer operating systems future, however you may try to give high level of trust to the ERP coming from Microsoft Business Solutions, especially considering the fact of acquisition of such market leaders as Great Plains Software and Navision Software. ![]() |
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