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Call in the SWOT Team: Produce More Opportunities to Expand Your Business
Have you ever done a SWOT analysis? No, it's not some dangerous military maneuver. It's actually a fun and incredibly helpful business development exercise that will give your company focused direction and great marketing ideas -- whether your business is brand new or has been around for years. This SWOT exercise will show you where your business is flourishing and where it needs to grow to gain clients and produce more sales. I recommend getting someone else (such as a friend, family member, or trusted business advisor) to brainstorm with you. You'll be determining your strengths and weaknesses, which are *internal* influences on your company. These factors are under your control. Opportunities and threats are *external* influences, things you cannot control, but you can respond to. After you read a short description of each of the four categories, take time to list as many of yours as possible. Strengths: Toot your own horn and list all the strengths that make your business soar. They might include experience, business abilities, personality, support system, communication skills, or education just to name just a few. Go crazy! This is not the time to be modest -- each strength can become a money-maker for you. Weaknesses: What are your weak areas? Think outside the box. Limited hours available for work? Computer literacy not up to par? Current marketing strategies lacking? Perfectionism? Procrastination? Write down as many as you can so you're aware of what might hold you back from reaching your full potential. Opportunities: Are there untapped client bases out there? Other services that you could provide? What kinds of problems do your clients experience that you could help with? Are there any areas of service that your competition has overlooked? Could you exploit the weakness of a competitor (service offered, location covered, hours available to work, genre served)? Could you develop your brand better? Could you take classes to increase your expertise or credibility? Could you utilize your family and friends for networking opportunities? Write down everything that pops into your brain, even if it's a long shot. And try to be as specific with your ideas as possible. Threats: It may take you a while to come up with these if you're not currently aware of them. Threats might come from competition, financial risk, a declining economy, or a unique profession. List some of your threats, no matter how big or small they seem. Now, take some time to really analyze these four categories. Look at what you can *directly* control -- your strengths and weaknesses. Review your list of strengths and try to turn them into "opportunities." In addition to being a great ego booster, it will give you dozens of ideas for new ways to increase sales. For example, if you list "great support system" as a strength, perhaps you could make a goal (an opportunity) to send a mailing to everyone in your wide network of friends and family to solicit new clients or get the word out about what you do. If your presentation skills are top-notch, consider offering workshops or seminars. If you have years of experience, make that a selling point in your marketing materials. Next, how can you turn your weaknesses around? For example, if you're not a good written communicator or lack computer or mathematical skills, consider taking a class at a local college to boost your skills. Or consider finding someone to outsource your undesirable work. If you don't have enough effective marketing strategies, turn that weakness around by creating a marketing timeline or plan. Now, on to what you can *respond* to -- your opportunities and threats. Review your list of opportunities. (This list should be long!) Pick your top five or ten to tackle in the upcoming year. Do you want to teach a class or write a book? How about improving your marketing strategies by sending some direct mail? If you want to network more, investigate professional networking groups in your community. Your threat list, on the other hand, may not be very long, but it's important to be aware of what can hold you back and keep you from reaching your full potential. For example, you cannot control your competition, but you can be aware of what they're doing. You can't control the economy, but you can market your services as a great "value" or find ways to offer deals or incentives. OK, now it's your turn -- put your SWOT analysis into action, and see what happens. I'd love hear how SWOT worked for you! � 2005 Time to Organize. All rights reserved. Sara Pedersen, author of the FREE e-zine "The Marketing Fairy's Guide to Simple Self Promotion," is a professional organizer and marketing specialist. She helps small business owners make their marketing dreams come true. Sign up today at http://www.time2organize.net to receive your FREE monthly subscription.
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Writing a Business Plan for Success in Business and for Funding Writing a business plan to help you direct and manage your company is a key part of starting you new company that will help lead you and your company to success. Creating a "living and breathing" business plan makes that success even easier to reach. Many people feel that the sole purpose of a business plan is to get funding, and write a plan that is targeted to that audience. This plan should be considered a piece of you Fund quest documentation, but should not necessarily be edited to meet each funding source. The Accountability/Alignment Process: Three Steps to an Accountable Organization The Accountability/Alignment Process: Three Steps to an Accountable Organization Nine Succession Planning Mistakes Small Businesses Should Avoid 1. Attempt Succession Planning Without Other Strategic Plans. Succession plans define a company's business heirs, but what will they inherit? 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The organization is then left in a vulnerable and uncomfortable position of continuing to go about its business with good intentions but no focused direction or aligned action. Move intention into action using this three step remedy. Break-Even Analysis A significant advantage of some business ideas is that the venture can break even at what seems to be an easily achievable volume. A technique for quantifying that volume, called break-even analysis, examines the interaction among fixed costs, variable costs, prices, and unit volume to determine that combination of elements in which revenues and total costs are equal. Parking Business, the Details on Increasing Lot Revenue If you are in the parking business and own or manage parking lots you may want to think on some additional concepts to increase lot revenues. Whether you are looking to add value for your customers, expand your customer base, or simply increase your revenue, the addition of a car wash and/or detailing service to your parking facility may be the answer. There are many options available to you if you want to provide these services. You can contract with a local independent company in your area with a good reputation, co-market with a detail shop nearby who will service your lot, buy your own unit and run it in-house or purchase a franchise name and equipment from a national company. Corporate Venturing For Emerging Growth Companies The boom of the dot-com era in 1999 brought the emergence of corporate venture capital as a major source of funding to the private equity markets. Corporate venture investments peaked in the third quarter of 2000 with 608 deals totaling a combined $4.9 billion. 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I am under the belief that such things as other call problems are indeed the life-blood of opportunity and the louder it knocks the greater the gain. Embrace chaos. In my many years in business I loved a good challenge; let me recommend a good audio book incase you find yourself embattled with what you believe to be insurmountable problems: 8 Ways to Earn More Without Working Harder Conventional wisdom has it that there are only three ways to grow your business: find new customers, increase the amount of each sale to existing customers or get customers to buy more frequently. But I've seen business owners go blank when presented with those three options. So here is a more useful list of ways to increase your total revenues without in most cases having to put in more hours at the office. Scheduling of Additional Auto Detailing or Mobile Car Wash Units If you own a mobile car wash business or auto detailing business then you realize that when you are parked working you are making money and when you are stuck in traffic you are losing money. Sure you can say when you are in traffic people see you and write down the phone number, but you are not making money, that is potential future income, which is work you still must do in the future. Many auto detailers do not schedule properly and therefore get into trouble in that they attempt to expand before they have maximized their schedules. What is Your MSP? For many consumers and producers, MSP is an acronym for Manufacturer's Suggested Price. Today, I would like you to consider a different definition for these commonly used letters ?Marketing, Sales and Profitability. Making a Decision to Outsource: Strategic Constraints Many companies are reluctant to dive into outsourcing ocean because of various reasons of strategic nature. As far as strategic goals are touched upon, managers are concerned with the following issues: Breaking the Growth Barriers in the Information Technology and Software Sector There's nothing automatic about corporate growth, particularly in the information technology industry; build it and they will come is a myth. In the real world there is either a structured, process-driven growth cycle, or stagnation-and stagnation is automatic. Inherent to growth cycles are barriers, real-world business challenges that put some software companies out of business and spur others on to break through those barriers to higher levels of success. Overcoming those barriers is the very definition of growth; when you break through a barrier, you've achieved growth. Dayton, OH; Why your Company needs to expand there In Ohio: besides the 3-Cs you should look at Akron, Dayton, Canton, Toledo, Youngstown and their suburbs. We have been serious studying these areas quite intensely for quite a while, here is what we found; Dayton OH, is looking up after the recent GM Plant received high ratings for productivity being able to beat the Domestic Averages for time to build cars and SUVs, it's SUV Plant was amongst the top performers in the Country for time to build at an average of 20.7 Hours, much better than the Ford Plants all expect F-150 and Taurus Models. Many new projects are happening in Dayton; Troubled Waters Require Capable Leaders at the Helm Canada's lean leaders need to look beyond the horizon and chart the future Alice In Wonderland - A Parable for A Business Plan Remember reading "Alice in Wonderland?" Dotcom Business Plans Archive Project One of the most important initiatives in the domain of business documentation is that of professor David Kirsch from the University of Maryland, who thought of a dotcom Business Plan Archive - , a project that consists of collecting business plans for posterity. The project was started in 2002, through the Web portal businessplanarchive.org. The site was built by Webmergers.com and the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business, in collaboration with the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University.The project received financial support from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. ![]() |
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