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Unmanaged Stress Kills and Ruins Lives! Sit a Bit
When I pay attention, I clearly see the arresting ways God works in my life. Often people I meet in my programs (or elsewhere) give me such profound, relevant messages I know the hand of God is at work and it is to my peril to ignore such directives. Two such recent encounters helped release me from the bondage of undue stress. In a recent workshop I facilitated I spoke with one woman at the day's end who looked sorely overwhelmed. As we spoke she began listing all she had to do today; all she had accomplished yesterday; and the endless list still needing to be done. As I gently queried this bright, enthused woman she began to see she was doing too much. What really had to be done today? After a very full, all-day workshop could she just go home and give herself some down time and trust she'd accomplish what really needed to be done in good time? My parting words to her that night were "Easy does it." As she left, I saw the gift she had given me. Hadn't I just been feeling overwhelmed with new work I had taken on, plus a host of other life decisions all seeming to demand my attention NOW? What Really Needs to be Done Today? Like this woman, I too was doing more in one day than necessary plus, worrying about all the future tasks to be done. As Jesus admonished us in the Beatitudes "Do not borrow trouble from tomorrow..." If you are feeling pressured, overwhelmed and stressed ? it is time to stop and ask, "What really needs to be done today?" Also, "How much energy am I wasting worrying about the future?" We need to allow what we have done to be enough and to trust we have the time we need. Unmanaged Stress Kills Another client not long ago drove home the importance of managing stress in our lives. I approached this person one day after the program as he seemed withdrawn and resistant. Sadly, this remarkably gifted man had lost all confidence in his talents to pursue a possible dream in design (although others remarked on the genius he'd applied to his own home). Near tears, he also revealed how he had nearly died from a chronic debilitating disease caused by extreme stress. With chilling clarity, this man's demise and hopelessness showed me the dangers of eroding oneself with excessive worry, stress and self-doubt (which as humans we all slip into from time to time.) Loudly, this message spoke to me of the importance of managing stress, giving ourselves much needed breaks, trusting in the timing of things, and being on our own side. Pressuring ourselves to do more or worrying about what must be done does not alleviate the underlying feelings of inadequacy and fear. Rather than pushing ourselves to do more or allowing negative self-talk to erode us can we instead sit a bit with ourselves? Sit a Bit This can be a challenge because often it is exactly these scary feelings and thoughts we are trying to escape! Try sitting and breathing and accepting this wholly human condition. Let us give our precious selves some kindness and compassion when these driven, crazy-making moments arise. Breathing? Letting go? Trusting in a perfect timing? As we sit with ourselves we need to do so without expectations. We don't have to get it right or achieve some special state. We simply practice kindness toward ourselves and acknowledge our uncomfortable or painful feelings. Herein, old habits begin to dissolve of their own accord. Also, from this place we can more clearly make decision about what our true priorities are and put first things first. In an interview with Mahatma Ghandi; Ghandi said he meditated two hours each day. The interviewer asked, "What do you do when you are too busy to meditate?" Gandhi replied, "Mediate four hours a day." Clearly, taking the time to sit with ourselves is a priority especially when we are far too busy or stressed to do so! Teresa Proudlove has been inspiring, supporting, and guiding over 3000 people upon their career and life work path for over fourteen years - with compassion and heart. Teresa's workshops and writing, offer a deeper understanding and respect for ourselves, for others, and for our lifework path. This entrepreneurial woman also owned and successfully operated two women's retail boutiques for ten years. For over twelve years, Teresa was a well-read newspaper columnist. Visit Teresa at http://www.yourlifework.com; listen to your inner guidance and navigate through life and work with more meaning, acceptance and peace.
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The Three Rs of Handling Your Emotions My son was watching a Richard Scarry video this morning as I was doing my usual rushing around, getting ready to leave the house. He's watched it countless times, but I've never managed to sit through the entire thing. This morning one song caught my attention, "If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands", which I sang many many times as a child in Sunday School, and always followed with "If you're happy and you know it, then your life will surely show it ..." In the version I heard this morning, the first verse was followed by "If you're angry and you know it, stomp your feet", which made me pause a moment. I muttered to my husband, "Since when do kids need to be taught to stomp their feet when they're angry?" Instant Relaxation Anytime Anywhere If there was a way of relaxing quickly and easily in any situation would you want to know what it is? Stress Management and Mastery: Frustration or Fascination "Learn how to turn frustration into fascination. You will learn more being fascinated by life than you will by being frustrated by it." _Jim Rohn Stress Buster Tip: Relax From The Weekday Stack! Everyday can be full of stress but we all deserve a break from life's daily deadlines. Whether you're at home or work we all need to take the time to unwind. Dealing with stress through simple relaxation exercises is a very effective and rewarding approach. I've put together a brief outline of some "Stress Busters" that can help you relax from the stressors we encounter everyday of every week. 7 Successful Stress Management Techniques Everyone needs successful stress management techniques. Easy to learn and easy to implement, you can use them for your own stress management or teach them to help others manage theirs. How to Cope With Stress and Strain Work related tensions, personal issues and abnormal lifestyles are the causes for mental stress and strain. These disorders if not taken care of in time, can have adverse impact on the health and fitness of an individual. Here are few tips to cope with stress and strain. These tips take the premise that idleness causes our thoughts drift towards sad events, work tension, family issues etc. Therefore we have to find ways and means to keep ourselves occupied with stress relieving activities, a few of which are given below. 7 Tips to Help You De-stress & Handle Your Problems Life would be so wonderful if it weren't for other people. Let's face it, people will upset you. They will say things that will hurt your feeling. Hypnosis CDs - Relief from Stress The number one most popular issue that users of a self hypnosis cd or clients of a hypnotherapist seek help with is stress. Even if their presenting issue appears different, such as a phobia or lack of confidence, somewhere in the mix will be a stress issue. So helping anyone to reduce their stress can be a great and effective way of reducing the symptoms and often the cause of any issue. Taking Care of Yourself Living in our world today can be very stressful. While some of the stress that we experience is actually useful for motivating us, a point can be reached where it becomes very harmful, physically, emotionally and even spiritually. Knowing how to manage and even reduce the harmful effects of stress on a daily basis, of staying balanced and centered as we encounter the many stressors of everyday living, is crucial to our well being. Among other things, taking care of ourselves will necessarily involve us nurturing our physical body, of eating healthy foods, of exercising. Learning how to take care of ourselves in this respect is also very important for everyone as our experience of stress can and does affect others as well. How Breathing Differently Can Make You Happier "When you breathe, you inspire. When you do not breathe, you expire." ? Quote from an 11-year-old's science exam Waking Up Well - The Essentials Preparing for sleep the night before is the place to start. Quality sleep vs quantity is vital. A busy mind leading to broken sleep does not allow for a fresh mind on waking. Try some of these simple steps to help you sleep well and then wake well. Stress Managment and Mastery: Break the Rules! Of all the sources of stress in our lives, faulty emotional rules are one of the most debilitating. These faulty emotional rules are typically ingrained during childhood and become a part of how we live. Because they are largely unquestioned, we rarely stop and consider how they might be influencing our lives. If unchecked, these rules can even run our lives. Anger Management: Are You Able To Say Both Yes! And No! ? I hear from many people that they see ever increasing expressions of anger in their everyday life. Understanding the process of anger is an important topic for all of us to take a closer look at. Stress Management: Have To Vs. Get To File this one under the category of "watch your language." Practical Ways to Bring Enchantment into Your Life THE ENCHANTED SELF� teaches you how to access positive states of well being again and again. These positive states are unique to you and often reflect your interests, talents, and potential. I thought it would be fun to finally share with you some activities useful in helping you get in touch with your Enchanted Self. I hope you enjoy them and will let me know how they worked out by writing to me at [email protected]. 7 Healthy Ways To Release Holiday Stress Many people go through the motions during Christmas. If not the whole holiday season just parts. I see them slumped in line, not a smile to be found, their body stiff, just counting the number of people ahead of them, and time. Gift giving or even receiving is right, wrong, good, bad, or considered a waste. The control of it all, tightens the body, encompasses the soul, and buries the magic. Where is the release or where do we begin? It starts mindfully with a choice, movement in the body, and a change of spirit. Resolve to release the stress of it all, the need for control, the right, or the wrong. Stand tall, smile, talk to your neighbor, give them the acknowledgment just like you want and deserve whether it's one minute or more. The Art of Worrying I am worried. I have been biting my nails for weeks and now there is not much left (skin doesn't taste very good) on my hands and feet to chew on. I have been bent over the sink retching, I am constantly nauseated with pounding headaches beating out a death march in my skull and yet, life goes on. To say I am worried is placing the situation into a category far above its position ? I am sick with worry. I am worried to death and I am sick of being worried about nothing. I am even tired of being worried about being worried about nothing - and I worry about that as well! Stressed? Go on a Quick Getaway Did you know that taking a short trip, such as over President's Day weekend, or anytime, can have the same stress-reducing effects as a longer one? According to a Stanford University psychiatrist, David Spiegel, our minds shift into a more relaxed state during the first few days of a trip. When we have been away from home for long trips we tend to slightly increase our stress, or dread, coming back to home or work. Stress Management: Medical Risks of Stress What is Stress? 4 Steps to Teaching Your Family to Treat You Better Case #1- Elizabeth, a 40 year old homemaker was always feeling angry and "used" by her family, constantly saying that everybody took advantage of her. She felt that she worked like a slave but her family showed no appreciation or acknowledgement of her many efforts. ![]() |
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