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How To Reduce Stress and Ease Worries in Just 3 Minutes
Meditation, relaxation and visualisation are the standard recommendations for reducing stress, and they are all beneficial and useful to us in many ways, however, they are not so easy to put into use when stress strikes with it's disruptive companions frustration, overwhelm, confusion, anxiety etc in full attendance. Here's something simple you can try to diffuse stress quickly and easily, anytime and anywhere. 1. rub your forehead with both hands in vertical lines from your eyebrows to your hairline for a few moments 2. about an inch above each eyebrow you will find a bump ? rest your fingertips there lightly and hold 3. take a deep breathe in and lighten the pressure of your fingertips until they are touching those points very softly 4. breathe deeply again and allow yourself to sink into how you are really feeling right now ? focus clearly and specifically on the one thing that is mainly causing you stress, or anxiety 5. allow yourself to think the truth of the matter, hold the points and breathe and remain that way for a couple of minutes 6. concentrate on the area you are holding and feel for pulsations under your fingertips as the blood flow, previously diverted by stress, is restored to your forebrain. Now you can begin to think clearly again as you feel stress drain away and find yourself in control and able to choose how you wish to respond to what's at hand. What many of us don't realise about stress is that although it is often triggered by our mental states and emotional responses it is in fact a physiological occurrence. The body responds directly to every impression we feed it be it real or imagined; it makes no difference to the body. If you tell it you are stressed it will respond immediately by sending the majority of the blood from your forebrain to your chest for faster breathing and the more efficient pumping of blood through your heart and to the muscles of your legs for whatever action they may need to take. When you consider this automatic physical response it's easy to see why we don't always think well under stress. This simple technique tells your body to stand down and encourages the blood flow to return to the brain for clear thinking and decision-making. Try this for: - diffusing stress on the spot and stopping it from accumulating - easing worries - regaining control of your resources and having access to your full capacity for dealing with any given situation. - preventing the digestive disorders associated with stress developing. (Use this before eating to make sure that your digestive system is ready and willing to receive the goodness from your food in a calm and efficient manner.) - relaxing and clearing your mind before sleep - inducing a feeling of calm from which you can then step deeper into a meditative or relaxed state Ananga Sivyer is a Personal Development Coach, author and health consultant for LifeScape magazine, her resource website contains articles, information and book reviews on the very best and latest in self-help psychology. To find more self-help techniques like the ones used in this article click here.
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