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9 Warning Signs of Stress
Stress is the nastiest 4 letter word you ever met. Don't stress, I know it is six letters but it packs the wallop of the meanest 4 letter word you ever heard. Stress can affect your health and keep you from being all you can be to borrow a phrase recently made popular by the U.S. Army. Psychologists, scientists and those who study this particular beast say its origins may be physical, financial, environmental, social or emotional. I say that covers everything in which we as humans engage so to bypass a long discourse, let's just say stress is all around us and manifests itself through one or more of the aforementioned categories. Given this is true, there must exist commonalities that are recognizable so, if we choose, we can deal with it regardless of its particular origin. Of course, the medical types may disagree and say its source must be known before treatment. I don't know about you, but just sitting in a waiting room stresses me out. Therefore, I'd rather have general recognition parameters so I can at least sound intelligent should I have to transmit my self diagnosis to my doctor. This way, we both have something we possibly recognize and may be can come to the same conclusion about it. Then, we can discuss treatment. If you think this way, the following 9 warning signs will be what the doctor ordered, pun intended. 1. Anger at parents, siblings, friends. Comes on suddenly with no apparent real cause. 2. You feel overwhelmed at what use to be routine and want to withdraw to get away from it all. 3. Anxiety and/or constant worry are your new companions. 4. Depression and a lack of pleasure not only in what you used to enjoy but in everything. 5. Exhaustion accompanied by sleeplessness where you were at least half way energetic and enjoyed a tumble with the pillow. 6. If you have chronic conditions, they seem to be worsening yet your activity level hasn't changed. 7. You are irritable at the drop of a hat. Anyone, anytime can trigger your irritation. 8. You no longer have the ability to concentrate. Your are disorganized and devil may care about it. 9. You let your appearance and/or your environment (home, work area, etc.) go to the dogs. I know these are mostly general in nature, but think about it for a moment. Most of us non stressed homo sapiens don't get angry or irritated at the least little thing, we get an almost good night's sleep with regularity, our tasks/job doesn't overwhelm us and we love what we love and we continue to do them. I present this list because as a former caregiver, I noticed it happening to care receivers and some caregivers. If 4 or more of these conditions apply, it is time to have a talk with someone. It is time to stop and smell the coffee/roses/catnip or whatever you like to smell. It is your life and your health. As long as you have the power to control them, why wouldn't you? Tom Koziol is the Secretary for a nonprofit giving away a free caregiver manual at: http://www.senior2senior.org. The manual was written as a blueprint for everyone whether they are currently a caregiver or not.
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Stress Management and Mastery: 3 Tools You Can Use Q:We recently had someone come to our company to talk about stress management. All he did was talk about the physical results of stress and tell us we need to not be so stressed and to relax. It really wasn't very helpful, and I was wondering if you could offer some tips on how to handle stress. 7 Tips to Relieve Stress At Work Do you feel stress at work? Do you carry your stress home with you at night? Stress Management: How to Use the Power of Focus Here's a fun little experiment: Are You Leap-Frogging from Vacation to Vacation? Try Lily-Padding... It's summertime and chances are you can remember a summer vacation when life moved at a slower pace. It felt so good to just enjoy the days and nights. No pressure from school schedules, work schedules, volunteering and more. How To Cut Down On College Stress Probably the least appreciated form of stress is college stress. This is mostly due to the fact that adults simply see a lot of college students sitting on their rear ends playing video games and drinking, instead of seeing students who are under pressure to succeed all the time. In addition to classes, homework, research, reading, paper writing and problem solving, there are now the problems of how the heck to pay for college and whether there will be any jobs waiting after graduation. Thus, with all these forms of college stress weighing students down, it is no wonder that things tend to get ugly when they "blow off steam". Do You Have Your Foot On The Pedal? Are You Overwhelmed At Work? Is your in-tray or inbox full? I don't normally check the time that emails are sent to me, but for some reason I noticed that Nadia's message had been sent at 2am. In her email she explained that she really needed some help, to deal with all the stress in her life: Tame Your Work Stress Work stress has become a major problem today. The nature of work is changing at whirlwind speed. Now more than ever before, job stress poses a threat to your health. Reduce Stress To Maximize Efficiency The right amount of stress can be good for you, such as when an impending deadline pushes you to work faster. Too much stress, however, becomes conterproductive because you start to make mistakes, become confused and muddled, or lose concentration. Coping With Stress When something happens in our lives, we automatically assess the situation mentally and try to determine if it is threatening to us. If we feel that we don't have the skills or resources necessary to deal with the situation then we feel stress. We don't feel stress when we think that we have more than enough resources to cope. Not everyone sees a situation in the same way; therefore, no two people react to stress in the same way. I have identified 5 steps for managing stress. Eldercare/Caregiving Stress--Managing Holidays Caring for a chronically ill loved one can be one of life's greatest challenges, but during holidays, when even more responsibilities are added to an already stressful schedule, caregivers can often feel guilty and frustrated for not being able to accomplish all the tasks they once did. Additionally, fond memories of past holidays, when a loved one was still healthy, can create a downward spiral with feelings of loss and sadness. Stress Management: Problem Land or Solution Land In my experience, most of us spend a lot more time living in problem land, griping and complaining, than we do in solution land, working hard and enjoying solving problems. Stress And Anxiety - Take Charge Of It! Have you ever noticed what occurs when you are suddenly thrown into a high tension situation? Stress - What We Say is Half the Problem Everywhere I go, I hear the same unpleasant sentence repeated over and over again. I think it has to be one of the most frequently used sentences. What is it? - I am sooooo s-t-r-e-s-s-e-d. Stress Control: Tough Leadership vs. Easy Does It Tough leaders are usually seen as ogres. Their exacting demands and high expectations add to stress levels. And their obsessive compulsive behavior can have a negative effect on results if they don't understand how to control stress to get positive results without serious negative reactions. Stress Management: Are You a Chooser or a Loser? Author and speaker H. Stephen Glenn has said, HELP! Im Working with a Baby!! Did you know that more than half of our adult population has an anger problem? Have you experienced them? They act all flustered and pitch a fit. Can you believe it that some of them actually throw things when they get mad? And not only that, they cuss up a storm, rant and rave, and carry on like they are a child. Stress and Your Immune System: 10 Ways to Relax and Rejuvenate Stress seems to have become a constant factor in today's fast-paced society. If left unchecked, it can wreak havoc upon our health. Learning how to effectively manage stress can mean the difference between being robust and full of life, or becoming susceptible to illness and disease. Stress can weaken the immune system and accelerate the aging process. The ability to relax and rejuvenate promotes wellness, vitality and longevity. Walking - The Perfect Stress Reducer An excellent stress reducer can be something as simple as walking or doing any form of physical activity. Physical activity has the ability to calm jangled nerves and improve bad moods. It can have a calming effect, enhance self-esteem and even combat depression. Stress Dangerously Raises Cholesterol Levels Several studies, including one of medical students around exam time, and another of accountants during tax season, have shown significant increases in cholesterol levels during stressful events ? when there was little change in diet. Inner Space Every woman needs her own personal space for relaxation, not only to release us from the stress cycle but also to restore us so that we can reassume our responsibilities calmly and with deepened insight. ![]() |
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