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Tools for Constructing the Road to Success
Too many times in the pursuit of our dreams, we loose sight of the total picture and instead settle on a small piece of it. A job, any job, whether it is in the conventional job market or any one of a number of work from home ventures all require the same thing - people of vision. Vision sees the entire portrait, balanced, controlled, and proportionate while focus concentrates solely on one aspect of the portrait. Don't misunderstand, having focus is not a bad thing as long as it doesn't loose sight of vision. In building your road to success you must take several things into account if you want your road to remain stable and strong. These are; Objectives: Ask yourself the following questions. Why do you want to go into business? Where do you want to be in 3 months, 6 months and 1 year? What will it take to get you there? Do you believe in what you're selling? Think about these and write down your answers. They will be the foundation upon which the rest of your business goals will be built. Knowledge Base: What we want to know here is how well you know your subject. Are you familiar with the products or services you will be representing? Do you have immediate access to training materials and technical support if you need it? Do you know where to get the materials and training? Have you researched your subject? As you are going to build these roads to success for yourself approach this part of your learning curve with a child like appetite for knowledge. You can never have enough tools! Just make sure they're the one's you need for the task at hand. Using Your Resources: A good manager regardless of industry knows his people. He knows their strengths and their weaknesses and will use these resources appropriately in helping his team achieve a particular goal. That same manager if he's true to himself, will also recognize his own weaknesses and strengths and surround himself with knowledgeable people that will offset or compliment the team. Motivation: You have to realistically find out what drives or motivates you towards success. For each one of us it will be something different. Maybe you're looking for financial freedom, extra time to enjoy life or perhaps you've just had enough of the rat race. Whatever your reasons, write them down and keep them somewhere so you can see them. If you're looking at a new car or house, cut out their picture and put them on your "wish" board so you can see what you're working towards. Brass Tacks: Finally, if we're going to put this all together we need to learn how to lead. But before we can do that, we need to learn how to follow first. Great leaders, people in authority, business owners and Entrepreneurs all need to learn how to temper their judgment with wisdom. We can learn a lot from people just by using our senses. Take a moment to stand back, listen, observe. By doing so, you are literally guaranteeing your success. Keeping The Road On Terra Firma: A final thought on keeping your "Road" on solid ground. You've got your objectives identified, your resources have come together nicely and everything is starting to gel ? at the end of your day you need to ask; would I hire myself? If you have trouble answering that, start over again with the basics and re-examine your motivations and your goals. Be honest with yourself then move on. The road will have bumps. That's to be expected. Don't let these bog you down ? use them to your advantage! If you think about it, that's the beauty of a mistake, it can be your best friend or worst enemy depending upon how you approach it. Business Ethics: I couldn't let this article go without mentioning business ethics ? a trait that seems to be sorely misunderstood, often abused, and seldom used. If you don't possess a strong business ethic, in the end you will be found out and your credibility will be forever damaged. Too many times ethics are driven by politics within an office atmosphere to the point where the mission statement is just that ? a statement and nothing more. To many times I have sat in on meetings that either discussed rules, company ethics or customer service. I have also attended several seminars in which these themes were quite prevalent. What always amazed me however is that the "new" and "improved" ways of attracting customers or quality associates to your business were the same things that were in practice over 30 years ago! Someone tried to re-invent the wheel, re-packaged it in something shiny and is selling it to you as the cure for all your business woes. Above all else, always remember that regardless of your business or station in life, you are a consumer and as such you should have a pretty good idea of your likes and dislikes. While the statement "honesty is the best policy" is nothing new, my grandfather telling me it was always easier to tell the truth because a lie would always have to be remembered so it could be told over and over again, is new ? not to me, but to others. Something will have to drive you to the front away from the pack! What will it be? Each of use must choose those attributes and find the combination that will work but we must never loose sight of our goals or "sell" our souls to achieve them. Regardless of what you may think, you can not teach someone Honor, Integrity, Loyalty or Truthfulness. They either have it or they don't. Remember, while you can lead a horse to water, you can't make him drink however, you can make him thirsty! Chas is a Home Based Business Owner, Motivational Writer, and an Independent SFI Marketing Representative and may be reached at; http://work-from-home-make-extra-income.com or [email protected]
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Affirm Your Intentions - Achieve Your Goals Affirmations are emotionally driven statements of intention and faith that guide thought and action. Affirmation comes from the Latin firmus, meaning strong. Affirmations recognize and assert the existence of personal truths. These statements can be powerfully effective for developing and strengthening thought patterns, and thus actions, needed to achieve goals. These thought patterns also attract the situations we affirm to be true. Posture Yourself for a Promotion Sit up straight! You may recall hearing those words as a child. Perhaps a teacher or a parent would utter those words to you on a regular basis. It was so much easier to slouch and perhaps it still is. Your new image, however, begins with how you feel about yourself. Studies have shown there is a direct correlation between your posture and how you think and feel about yourself and your environment. 10 Universal Principles of Success Success is not something that only a chosen few can achieve. Everyone can be successful in every area of his or her life. You just need to know how to do things in such a way as to make sure you succeed every time. Success comes as a result of forming certain habits, and continuing in them. Consistency is key. To succeed, you need to be a certain type of person. Don't be discouraged if you are not yet that type of person. With practice, anyone can become a successful person. The successful person thinks in a certain way, talks in a certain way, and acts in a certain way. The list below briefly outlines 10 of those ways (and a bonus tip!). Anyone who consistently applies these principles to any area of their life *will* experience success in that area. Five Principals for Prosperity Many years ago, forty to be exact, I started my own business at the tender age of nineteen. The street markets in and around Manchester England was my happy hunting ground. Every day was an adventure and despite the weather and difficulties of getting a stall on the street market, life was always fun and enjoyable. There was always some comical incident, even when I had to stand in the pouring rain, with no customers in sight. And if there was no amusing event to focus on I created one and made other people laugh. What It Takes To Be A Champion What is a champion really? Sure, all success oriented people strive for being the best they can be, but what qualities really make up a true champion. I've outlined them below. How Top Performers Use Built-In Technology To Stay On Top Do you ever wonder how some people consistently get what they want out of life and manage to stay on top? They seem to get the best jobs, the best raises, all the recognition -- the best life has to offer. Top 10 Secrets to Success Much has been researched, written and taught about success. One thing is absolutely sure; success is different for every person because success means something different to every person. The Power Of Partnerships Everything we have in life is because of the help of other people. If you have a successful job where you are rapidly moving up it is in large part because of the help you've received from your coworkers. If you have successful and harmonious relationships it is in part because of the other person. If you own a successful and growing business it is in part because of your employees and the relationships you've developed with other businesses associates. The Communication of Your Biology & Beliefs Not only do we communicate with ourselves, but our cells communicate with each other and the environment in order to respond to situations, which ultimately create our belief systems. Your 12 Point Plan for Personal Success No one becomes successful by accident. Success requires making a plan and sticking to it. It is simple, but does require commitment; it is not hard to do, but does require hard work. The good news is that once you begin, the results start coming almost instantly. The miracle of successful living is that the smallest step towards success attracts more success! Here is a very brief outline of the key points that will help you achieve the highest levels of success. The Bubble Of Prosperity My life is a bubble; but how much solid cash it costs to keep that bubble floating.~Logan Pearsall Smith Success In An Ever Changing World? Well, it's that time of the year again. No, I don't mean the time of the year when the flowers bloom and the days get longer. What I am referring to is the sound of roaring engines and the waving of green and checkered flags. That's right, it's racing season! A Gold Medal in Love Five-time gold medal-winning figure skater, Jenny Kilmer, has won the women's Olympics since she was 16. At 36, she is attempting to win her sixth straight gold medal. Kilmer has been blessed to have such fame and fortune with sporting equipment endorsements and TV contracts. She has gotten everything that he has set out to get, except for one thing: love. Insinct Is Your Life-blood - Says Author Fourteen thousand civilised people died when the tsunami hit Andaman Islands ? five percent of the population ? meanwhile a cannibal tribe, inhabiting the same island, hardly lost a life. And do you know what saved them ? the earliest early-warning system known to man. Run Towards Fear: A Prescription For Success Fear, or negative anxiety, is the modern day bubonic plague, infecting millions upon millions of people. It spreads with viral effect, and leaves behind consequences of mediocrity and regret. This "plague" is partly due to societal influences (particularly in a post-9/11 era) and partly due to individual issues (the tendency to avoid confrontation of that which we fear). However, whatever the cause, a vaccine is available, and it takes the form of moving towards that which we are most afraid of. Immediately. Success Involves Ignoring Critics Critics can destroy or inspire you. Your own self critic is often the most deadly critic of all. I was thrown out of the school choir at the age of 8. The teacher said someone was growling. She walked along the row and announced that I was the growler! Creating an Action Plan So you've bought into the idea that you need to live life on purpose. You have an intention; you have goals. You know what you want life to be like five or ten years from now. But taking that first step to make it happen is daunting. Try this. If Youre Not Ready - Dont Start! There are times when we feel we should take action, but feel stuck or unsure. Action does assist with moving forward, but the first question to ask is "Am I ready?". We might be willing and able, but if we are not ready we will have a false start. We will sabotage ourselves. Masterminding Your Way To Greater Success Napoleon Hill coined the concept of the mastermind alliance in his classic book Think and Grow Rich. He believed that a group of like-minded, achievement-oriented individuals could dramatically leverage each other's success. Practical Nine-Step Guide to Max Productivity Step 1: List all the business activities that you complete (regularly or not). Examples: phone calls, meetings, paperwork, projects, sales, follow-up procedures, writing, learning/researching, web site design, delivering core services (substitute name), etc. Yes, this might seem time consuming. You will need to trust in this process and wait for the benefits to appear. ![]() |
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