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Insinct Is Your Life-blood - Says Author
Fourteen thousand civilised people died when the tsunami hit Andaman Islands ? five percent of the population ? meanwhile a cannibal tribe, inhabiting the same island, hardly lost a life. And do you know what saved them ? the earliest early-warning system known to man. When the Jarawa tribe saw jungle creatures performing a speedy mass exodus they decided they should peg it too. Meanwhile civilised men may have noticed the lack of birds singing in the trees or their dog straining the leash and did nothing. Clearly something separates tribal man from civilised man. While they run for the hills we stand around believing it will be nothing but a storm in a tea cup and that everything will be fine. The fact that they act while we suppress clearly shows that life and death comes down not just to instinct, but the way we use it, if we use it at all. You and I could be as instinctive as any tribesman if we practiced it, but everyday, in our daily actions, we choose to ignore our instincts. We go to a work-place that depresses us; do work we hate and take pills to dull the pain and make it more bearable. We eat food that is addictive until our legs rub together and our underwear causes chaffing, fail to exercise and then take more pills, have our stomach sewn up or inject ourselves with insulin. All this?just to survive. And that is exactly what it is for most of us ? survival ? hanging in there, doing the job that kills our soul, taking on contracts that turn our gut because we believe there is no other option, doing food that causes our major organs to breakdown, living at a financial level just above subsistence level, with just about enough money left at the end of the week to buy a tin of food for that dog. Will you wake up, please? Will you see how your instincts are telling you about your work? Will you find work that gives you life instead of sapping every living cell out of you? Will you notice that ill health is a hint that you need to eat better and exercise more? Will you take the hint that there is something you can do to save your marriage or relationship? Instinct is only about feeling something and acting. It could save your career, your finances, your relationship and you life. Neil Millar is the author of Novel Black Water and personal development books. Read more of his articles, join his fast growing readership, free, and see the New York Times Best-Selling author Review. http://www.neilmillar.net
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Success is a 6 Letter Word Let me ask you a question? What must happen for you to feel successful? Do you need to be admired by the people that you care most about? Do you need to have financial abundance? And if so how would you know what financial abundance is? 1 million dollars, 2, 100, a billion? The Secret of My Success In Latin the word means 'to dare'. As Long As You Try Your Best, There Is No Such Thing As Failure I always say to my children, as long as you try your best, there is no such thing as failure. I believe this one hundred percent and it is a philosophy I am trying to install into my kids. Consuming Passions Consuming Success The other day I went shopping at the local consumer electronics warehouse where they have everything from talking toasters to serenading telephones. I was looking for a new printer since mine had just died from a respiratory belt problem. Purpose in Amsall?s Success Mindset Tripod Here are the 3 elements of the "Purpose" leg in Amsall's Success Mindset Tripod ? : Unlock Your Potential Through Self-Awareness Signs of Discontent Reach Your Goals - Clown Around Clown around�Among the Plains Indians, heyoka, or sacred clowns, often purposely behave in strange or counter-intuitive ways, such as living their lives "backward" (riding facing the rear of the horse, drying off before bathing, etc.).� They also tell tales of sadness and woe during good times and spin gleeful tales during times of want.� This is done to teach the tribe's members not to take life too seriously, to remind them that all ups and downs are transient, and, on a more metaphysical level, to maintain the appropriate mental and spiritual balance of the tribe as a unit in relationship to the spirit world.� Heyoka are held in very high esteem and thought to possess very strong medicine (spiritual/magical power) to keep the tribe healthy and safe through these actions. The Impossible Dream The 72,500 men, women and children sat in an uncomfortable silence, no one daring to cough, no one daring to speak, each one focussed on the young 27 year old. Each one knowing, this was the start of the impossible dream. The dream they had had for 27 years. A dream they had dreamed every year of this boy's life. Now it could become reality. Now it was possible. Succeed By Looking Forward We all want something to look forward to. The best way to attract it into our lives is to look forward to it. By looking into the future with expectation and hope we are more likely to work with energy and even excitement to make that great future come true. Taking Responsibility Everything you are or ever will be is completely up to you. Everything that has happened and is happening in your life is because of your behavior, words, and actions. You have the freedom of choice. Virtually every circumstance in your life so far, you have chosen out of your own free will. This means, that you are completely responsible for all your successes and failures. Your happiness and unhappiness. And everything in your present and future. Two Great Success Tips - Read And Apply What You Learn And Do It Now! Today I was glad that I had bothered to read two of my favourite ezines. It is only too easy to think that you can afford to miss an issue or two. Inevitably, the issues you miss will be the best ones! Success After Failure - Even Genghis Khan Lost Some Early Battles Both the worst and the best of the great achievers had the belief in themselves and the resilience to overcome early failures. One of these was none other than Genghis Khan. There are powerful lessons we can learn from him. 10 Compelling Reasons to Stop Singing the Blues Are you: The Bubble Of Prosperity My life is a bubble; but how much solid cash it costs to keep that bubble floating.~Logan Pearsall Smith Awaken to Something New in Your Life: Conscious Change What do we want most from life? Certainly, we all want to have POWER in our lives - the power to: Mastering The Habits Of Success The difference between success and failure is based on behavior. Successful people adopt certain behaviors that help them move in the direction that they desire. Unsuccessful people do not adopt a specific behavior set and tend to drift through life. Change Your Thinking -- Change Your Life! The only thing in life we have direct control over is our thoughts and our thoughts determine how we experience life. Unlock The Key To Your Success By Learning More About Yourself Finding balance is deciding to notice what goes on in your life. To make conscious choices and to experience life, not just let it happen to you. 3 Powerful Tips to Help You Have Your Best Year Ever Here are 3 powerful steps you can take to free yourself from frustration and to start enjoying the good life so many are enjoying right now: The BIG Secret to Success in Anything You Do There is one big "secret" to success that can help you achieve anything you want. It's the one skill that all ultra-successful people have. If you can master it, you can have or become anything you want... often in a very short amount of time! So what is this incredibly powerful skill? It is the ability to concentrate. In other words, the ability to focus all of your mental powers on one important task until that task is completed, and completed well. ![]() |
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