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Unlock The Key To Your Success By Learning More About Yourself
Finding balance is deciding to notice what goes on in your life. To make conscious choices and to experience life, not just let it happen to you. Learning more about yourself is an important first step in creating balance in your life. It is easy to get caught up in the fast pace and pressing schedule of our busy lives. We loose sight of what is important to us, what we want to accomplish. Maybe you have always been this busy. Going from school and college to your job or career. Never really taking the time to get to know who you are, what you like and dislike and what areas you would like to strengthen in your life. Where you would like to go next and what new things you would like to learn and experience. Being clear about who you are will help you to make better choices, choices that will positively impact your future. There is a lot of emphasis in popular business books on how to set goals, run your business, advance your career. But there doesn't seem to be much emphasis on finding out who we are, what we really want and why we want it. The experts tell us its important to have a business plan to start or grow our business. It's a tool to see where your business is and where your business is headed. It seems to me that we need to have a life plan as well. You say you're too busy, you have an insane schedule, no time to sit around talking to yourself. But if you're not sure who you are or where you are now, what you want, where you want to go and why you want to be there you won't know if you have arrived. Trust the things you experience. Listen, look, touch and smell all that the world around you has to offer. Trust that your feelings are the right guides for you. Notice all the should's and have to's that come up every day. Are these really important to you? Can you change the circumstances that make you feel this way? Write in a journal every evening before bed. Just free write for 10 minutes, write anything that pops into your head. Don't edit, or censor. Don't worry about spelling, grammar, or penmanship. Just write. This exercise will allow the junk mail of your mind to be released. It will let your negative thoughts out on paper and clear your body of these toxins. If you can do this every night, you will find in a few weeks that things seem clearer to you. You will be more comfortable with your thoughts. You will even find little gems among the junk that will help you gain a better understanding of who you are and what your heart's desire is. Take a moment, sometime every day just for you. Just sit or stand quietly and pause. Take several deep breaths and take a moment to be still. Don't do anything, just take hold of that moment for yourself and do absolutely nothing! As you get to know yourself better and bring your life into balance you will realize that you are a unique and important person. Your life has a purpose, everything that you say and do matters. Believe in yourself, be proud of who you are and what you have to offer to others. You are exactly where you are supposed to be! About The Author �BZ Riger-Hull. www.in-spiros.com For valuable free articles, assessments, & practical success tools mailto:[email protected] Certified as a Success Coach, "Four Agreements" Facilitator, & Tele-Course leader We help you communicate powerfully, reduce stress, Strategically Attract success, & increase your financial well-being.
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17 Extraordinary Human Capacities People have a tremendous capacity for outstanding achievement. There are also many extraordinary capacities that allow them to become high achievers. Staying Cool When the Job Heats Up Jobs are heating up. We're all feeling the pinch of hiring freezes and information overload. Workplace stress is increasing right along with the workload. What Makes One Person Succeed While Someone Else Fails What characteristics are common among successful people. If you analyze the success stories of history, business or your own personal experience you'll find similar habits and patterns among successful people. You'll find these people to be persistent, hard-working, continually educating themselves and able to adapt to certain situations. You've heard the old adage don't work harder work smarter or you've heard the one the exceptional salesman makes a habit of doing what the ordinary salesman doesn't do. These two saying are fine but you need to remember each of them says simply if you want to make it you will have to do more than the next person. Please keep in mind this does not require you to become a slave to your own business or organization. Empowering Other People Everything you will ever have and accomplish in life will be done through other people. Learning to get things done through others is absolutely essential to your happiness and success in life. Your ability to get others to help you and cooperate with you will determine how much you get done and how high you rise in everything you set out to accomplish. Your ability to enlist the knowledge, energy, and resources of others will enable you to leverage yourself so that you can accomplish far more than the average person and in a far shorter period of time. Risking For Success Everything we do in life involves risk. There's no growth of any kind without risk. We start running risks when we get out of bed in the morning. We take a risk every time we cross the street. Risks are good for us. They bring out the best in us. And, you cannot achieve happiness or success without taking risks. How to Network Your Way to Success Successful people do not achieve success on their own, they surround themselves with a well-developed, sophisticated support network. In a world that grows more complex and more competitive each day, networking is necessary not only for survival but for high achievement"?excerpt from the best-selling book "Masters of Networking". The Power of Your Subconscious Mind "The reason man may become the master of his own destiny is because he has the power to influence his own subconscious mind." ? Napoleon Hill Success Lessons From Tennis That Can Change Your Life Most sports are full of lessons for the discerning. Tennis is no exception. Wimbledon 2005 is over now but hopefully some of the lessons described below will live on for ever. The Bubble Of Prosperity My life is a bubble; but how much solid cash it costs to keep that bubble floating.~Logan Pearsall Smith Have You Given Away Your Power? Does your life feel less than fulfilling? Are you waiting for good things to come to you? Do you lack motivation to make real changes in the quality of your life? Are you waiting for someone else to tell you what to do? Are you the type of person who sits back and lets others make decisions about your life? Do you hang onto a need to have others look after you? Reach Your Goals - Get Your Act Together Get your act together Magical Houseplants Whenever I'm feeling stuck in a rut, I go out and buy myself a new houseplant. I usually do this when I get the sense that I am surrounded by stale energy. Most people can easily pick up on this kind of vibe -- emotionally you might be feeling stuck, bored, frustrated, or discouraged. This stale energy also often manifests itself on the physical plane -- the phone never rings, your loved ones and pets seem irritable, and the bills arrive long before you collect the money to pay them. Hispanicus Economicus Something's missing! As a Hispanic in this great country, I can walk tall knowing that our contributions to the American ideal is everyday becoming more visible. Success -Ten Winning Traits! No surprise - winning traits are common among high achievers. The Seven Deadly Roadblocks to Success When traveling down the road it is always good to beware of roadblocks! You don't want to crash and burn do you? The same is true in our journey toward success. We need to beware of those things that will keep us from our destination! The Power Of Partnerships Everything we have in life is because of the help of other people. If you have a successful job where you are rapidly moving up it is in large part because of the help you've received from your coworkers. If you have successful and harmonious relationships it is in part because of the other person. If you own a successful and growing business it is in part because of your employees and the relationships you've developed with other businesses associates. Success Analysis - The Concept of Critical Mass How many times have you thought about being successful, famous, having lots of money? Many times, I'll bet. Then you start to think about the cost of all that and you go to have a little lie down until the feeling passes. Would that be right? Quantum Success Thinking It sounds simple- right? You are where you THINK you are! And it is simple but do we practice it? Of course we are where we think we are! The question is where do YOU think you are? Professional Success: Avoid Becoming A Dinosaur Jack Nichlaus was asked if there are really talented golfers who never make it. "Oh, hundreds of them", he replied. "A lot of people out there are more talented than I am and yet, through the years, I've passed them by...That's because they did not have the drive to keep on learning...In other words, they didn't try to get better." Success: 10 Tips to Make Failure Work for You 1)Failure is normal. ![]() |
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