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Success Analysis - The Concept of Critical Mass
How many times have you thought about being successful, famous, having lots of money? Many times, I'll bet. Then you start to think about the cost of all that and you go to have a little lie down until the feeling passes. Would that be right? Sure, you might want all those things that I mentioned above but do you want them so badly that you are prepared to pay whatever it costs to make it a reality? Some time ago I attended a "success" seminar. One of the presenters, a very successful gentleman, broke it down to the base components of what it takes to achieve success. He urged us to write down the "winning formula." Dutifully, those of us who had brought notebooks and pens sat poised to learn this wisdom. Here is what he said: "There are only three things you need to do: Huh? At the time I thought that was pretty superficial. In fact, I can remember being rather disappointed as I watched this man in his Armani suit, gold watch, alligator-leather shoes and Grecian tan. However, as the years have passed I have come to realize that he was merely being as succinct as possible. He was 100% correct. I'd like to take his words a little further. A lot further, in fact. I liken success to a nuclear explosion. It takes a long time for all the components to be harnessed and brought together. However, when those components reach "critical mass" it all happens so suddenly. Perhaps, in this day and age this analogy is not the most appropriate example - but the concept of critical mass is the best way that I can describe it. Let's look at some of the components of critical mass: Beyond all these things there are yet other qualities that you must possess. What would be the point of achieving success through immorality or by being unethical? Of course, there are those who do just that but their success is only temporary. For instance, you can plan and execute a bank robbery using all of the nine components that I have listed above but eventually you will end up in gaol. So what is the point? Most people who have achieved anything worthwhile have been using these qualities over a long period of time. Often, when they achieve their success they are presented by the press as being an overnight success. The truth is invariably far different. To reach "critical mass" takes time but when you get there the result can be astounding. Start working on your project, immerse yourself into it. Check yourself against the components listed above. Work out what you want, find out the price that you will have to pay and... as the gentleman said - pay the price. [If you like this article and would like to use it on your own website or ezine you may do so ONLY if the article is not changed in any way and the final paragraph: "About the author", with all links intact, is included.] About the author: Gary Simpson is the author of eight books covering a diverse range of subjects such as self esteem, affirmations, self defense, finance and much more. His articles appear all over the web. Gary's email address is [email protected]. Click here to go to his Motivation & Self Esteem for Success website where you can receive his "Zenspirational Thoughts" plus an immediate FREE copy of his highly acclaimed, life-changing e-book "The Power of Choice."
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