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How a Biscuit Taught Me a Priceless Lesson in Life
There are no two greater ironic comparisons than that of a biscuit and life. For over two decades, I'd feverishly tried to bake biscuits. Being a baking 'connoisseur,' I was quite disheartened that I could easily knead & bake home-made yeast, cinnamon rolls and croissants - but try as I did, I could never grasp the technique of making southern-baked biscuits. Regardless whether I used the quick mix or home-made recipe kind, somehow my biscuits either came out of the oven with the texture of mortar, fell apart like charcoal briquettes or tasted like salty play-doh. In any event, it was my solemn quest to bake these tasty breakfast breads some time before I die. It was almost embarrassing whenever I would makes the Shoney's type breakfasts without the biscuits. While my kids were small, they pined for the buttery taste of home-baked biscuits...of course that never happened. I did attempt to make them countless times, but each time I retrieved them from the oven, they got harder and harder. At one point, I even thought about marketing them as indestructible bricks for housing contractors. But my family was fairly nice to me. They would 'try' them from time to time, and in most cases, nearly chipped their teeth. I would excuse myself for the poorly-made biscuits by stating, "...I simply don't have enough Southern blood in me..." And that was that. But, I still had this innate and sick compelling drive to create the ultimate biscuit. I could do everything else, why the heck couldn't I bake a silly biscuit??? It was then that I went to visit my Aunt in Tennessee who baked the most wonderful, breathtaking, mouthwatering biscuits. And she did it so easily. I was silently amazed by the ease of her fascinating maneuvers. My kids, hubby and I sat down to eat her fabulous biscuits and gravy - and they were better than good. Then my son piped up, "...why can't you make these biscuits, Mom?" And as usual, I told him that I just wasn't 'southern' enough. Curiosity got the best of me though, as I pulled my aunt aside and asked her, "How did you get those biscuits to turn out so good?" She explained that all she used was butter-flavored Crisco, some milk, salt, baking powder and flour. "Huh?" That just could not be. These were the exact same ingredients I had been using for over two decades. This was just not possible. Then she filled me in on a little secret: "It's the flour sifter. I have to use a flour sifter to get the flour to be lighter." Filled with the new information, I was devastated. A stupid flour sifter did all that?? So what did I do? I continued at my attempts at making biscuits my conventional way...which always ended in complete disaster. Finally, the other day, I broke down and bought a flour sifter. A small, can-shaped mechanism that turned flour through a sieve. I used all the same ingredients once again. This time I was smarter though - I only made half a batch just in case they didn't turn out. No need to waste good ingredients, I thought. Funny thing was that when I patted down the dough, it felt lighter, silkier and bigger. Okay, it's just a glitch, I thought again, there was no way on earth that these biscuits would turn out right. Next, I cut them into rounded shapes (like before) and placed them on an ungreased baking sheet. Whew! I felt like a school girl taking her final exam to pass class. Setting the timer for 10 minutes, I constantly went back and forth to check these obviously mal-attempted biscuits. When the buzzer beeped, I retrieved the baked goods. They had actually risen... and they didn't weigh a ton either. Something had to be wrong with them though...afterall, I had baked them. Now came the taste test...fluffy, flaky, tasty. Viola! I had baked a batch of biscuits that were actually edible. I couldn't believe it myself. It was then that I had a sudden realization. All the years I had tried to bake the perfect biscuit, I had all the right ingredients, but I didn't have the right tool to accommodate the final product. The sad part was that the tool was there all along, I just had to go out, get it and use it. And it was that enlightening moment that I also realized that biscuits can teach a person about life. We all have the right ingredients to achieve our goals in life, but sometimes if we aren't using the appropriate tools, we set ourselves up for failure. Thus, when we utilize tools that are virtually always with us - such as logic, faith, commitment, hope and so much more, then we ultimately can attain our life's fulfillment. Is life like baking a biscuit? Maybe not exactly, but it surely can make one see the sweet irony of this simple metaphor. � How a Biscuit Taught Me a Priceless Lesson in Life C. Bailey-Lloyd
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Is This Your Time To Take Action? If you are sick and tired of the dreaming phase of things and are ready to take some action and get results...here is what to do. If Only, If Only, If Only Remove these words from your vocabulary! Signs Along the Road to Achievement One of the first things most of us remember hearing when learning to drive an automobile was "Keep your hands on the wheel." Then there were other precautions like, "Keep your eyes on the road, drive defensively, buckle up for safety, and watch the road signs!" How To Stop Having Problems If you are like me you have probably lost a lot of sleep over the many problems that arise in your life. Sometimes, the problem seems too huge. I become immobilized by the fear. That leads to procrastination and guilt for my inactivity and Presto! My stress level goes through the roof. The Communication of Your Biology & Beliefs Not only do we communicate with ourselves, but our cells communicate with each other and the environment in order to respond to situations, which ultimately create our belief systems. Success Begins and Ends With You Success is a word that is much used in our society. We probably hear it at least once each day, especially in commercials. It could be said that many of us are spending so much time concerned about success that we do not set things in motion to achieve our own success. One thing is apparent to me, and that is that each individual must determine what success means in their own lives. Those who go through life trying to achieve so-called success by someone's standards or by the advertising industry's standards will always fall short of feeling successful. Number One Killer Of Could-Have-Been Success Stories Fear. Benefits To Having An Education If you look back to the 70s and 80s, many people were able to get by without even having a high school diploma. You could get a labor job and make $20 an hour without much effort. These days, these jobs are much harder to acquire. Not getting some sort of post high school education these days is the equivalent of dropping out of high school 20 years ago. Three Things You Must Know to Attract Success Everyone wants success. Do You Deserve Success? Deep down, where it counts, many people do not believe that they deserve success. They do not think that they are worthy of success. And they may be right. Using A Weekly Review To Improve My Life And Business "What a week!" you say at the end of a series of days thatwent, quite frankly, very well. And yet...At the conclusion of another week those same three words maycarry with them a completely different meaning.Discouraged and fighting off feelings of defeat, you hardlyhave enough breath to reflect with a sigh, "What a week." How do you capture the momentum of the good days or regainany sense of the same when things don't go so well? Answer: I'm not totally sure! But I am confident of this: a good, positive weekly reviewcan assist you in... *Capturing what went well, *Helping you to refocus, *Building for future success, *And improving yourself or your business. I hope that "My Week In Review" will prove to be one of themany tools you use in your quest for excellence. It is a unique tool designed to... *Give yourself credit for "things done well" *Allow you to creatively express your thoughts *Keep you in a training/duplicating mode *Pinpoint and attack success hindering attitudes or actions *Rivet your attention on the next play of the game. May you and those you serve have a wonderful week, Lee ~*~*~*~* MY WEEK IN REVIEW ~*~*~*~* Striving For Excellence For All The Right Reasons � Lee Wise All rights reserved ===========================================================THINKING POSITIVE===========================================================What top three things *worked well* for me this past week? 1.2.3.===========================================================WHEN SMALL IS BIG===========================================================Speaking personally or professionally...What "little step" of improvement could I make next weekthat -- *if repeated consistently over time* -- wouldbenefit myself or those I influence in a unique way? My Answer Is...===========================================================TWO QUESTIONS FOR OVERCOMERS===========================================================If I dared to believe I could... *What would I do that I have not done? And... *What would be my first step in doing it? My Answers Are... 1. I would do this2. My first step will be===========================================================THE STORIES OF MY LIFE==========================================================="Have I... *Received any compliments, *Heard of any positive results, *Been motivated by someone's success, *Or discovered any exciting facts...That I should record to use in my business?" My Response Is...===========================================================PATTERNS (Ruthless Honesty) =========================================================== Being Ruthlessly Honest...If I repeated the way I worked this past week for the next90 days, would it be a good or "not-so-good" thing for mybusiness health?IF MY ANSWER IS "NOT-SO-GOOD," THEN...What will I attack *with a vengeance* first? What is the main *emotional reason* for my attack?IF MY ANSWER IS "A GOOD THING," THEN...What should I reinforce by doing it again?1.2.What should I share that is duplicatable? 1.2. =========================================================== MY SUCCESS JOURNAL =========================================================== Recording my personal journey... Create Your Own Security As You Create Life Changes Self-change is a personal phenomenon. In order to accomplish it, you'll need to have firm notions about HOW YOU CAN CREATE YOUR OWN SECURITY rather than relying on others to provide it for you. How to Succeed for the Rest of Your Life I spoke recently with the owner of a large clothing store who had poured years of effort into his business. He had achieved his dream and built a successful career. However, his hectic pace was becoming difficult to maintain. ?Defining and Feeling Successful? (However you define success) Formula For Success Seven Character Traits of Successful People 1. They are hard working. There is no such thing as easy money. Success takes hard work and people who are willing to do it. Success: Beware The Arrival Syndrome There is a saying that goes something like this: Getting to the top is easy, the hard thing is staying there. Reach Your Goals - Throw A Success Shindig Once you've made it...throw a Success Shindig! Perseverance Lead To Walt Disneys Greatest Success! When you are in business every person you hire gets paid before you do and it may take years, even decades before you see a payoff. That was certainly the case with Walt Disney who spent his whole working career dealing with tough-minded bankers, demanding stockholders and difficult employees, not that Walt himself was always a ball of sunshine. But through his travails when Disney had a dream he understood the perseverance needed to carry it through. Unlocking Human Potential Before we can unlock human potential, we need to know what it is. Human potential is defined as an unexposed ability and hidden power. For a rock seated on a cliff, it has a dormant ability, a reserved power, but for you and I, it simply means unused success, hidden talents and capped capability. Ensure Your Own Success Being organised is a major step to success and the most important things to organise are YOURSELF and your PLAN. ![]() |
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