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Number One Killer Of Could-Have-Been Success Stories
Fear. Everything in this world has its opposite. Good has bad. Optimism has pessimism Positive has negative. Success has failure. If fear of failure rears its ugly head now and then as you set up your business, what it's doing is pausing your progress. Sure you might spend a day or two thinking, 'what am I doing!' but you get over it and continue. But that's no good. This ongoing temporary fear of failure keeps on blocking the creative tunnels of your mind. When you feel down in the dumps your mind is closed. It's not free to grasp the possibilities and within them bring back ideas. Every time your mind stops to think, 'What am I doing!' it also stops you from savoring every moment you spend building your business. And if this fear of failure sits at the edge of your mind, the only thing it's doing is waiting to resurface. If you allow it to reach its climax, you can be sure that this fear will stop your progress dead in its tracks. Look at Success. Now look at Failure. Do you want to succeed? Or Do you want to fail? You want to succeed of course, so why focus on failure? Why allow it to occupy your mind, even if it's now and then? It's what you choose to concentrate on which will bring you the end result. Concentrate on success and don't allow anything to block the feeling of success from occupying the only spot in your mind. Failure is not an option because it's not the option we want. It's not included in our plans. And anything not included in our plans shouldn't be there occupying our thoughts. Eliminate the idea that you will fail and install the one that you will succeed. Because that's what you are going to do. Install the firm belief that you will make it and keep your purpose in mind. Nothing else matters but IT. You are an internet marketer and you are going to succeed as an internet marketer. Does anything else matter? You have to concentrate on eliminating this fear. It's not going to happen overnight but if you begin each day thinking of success instead of failure, you will find that as each day passes, you will be thinking of success more until that fear of failure doesn't occupy your mind anymore. Copyright � Nick Vernon About The Author Looking for a gift? Let Gina and Nick show you what we buy for friends/family and each other. At our site you will find popular gifts, gift information and stories from our readers. Come have a look http://www.we-recommend.com
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Reach Your Goals - Use Your Holidays Use birthdays and other gift-giving holidays to help reach your goals Is This Your Time To Take Action? If you are sick and tired of the dreaming phase of things and are ready to take some action and get results...here is what to do. Bill Gates: Why He is the Richest Man in the World Bill is a man for the people, of the people and with the people every step of the way to make our's a better, more equipped society and environment in every sense of the formulation. His formula and future ideal goal was simple: "A paperless society". By advancing technology, saving our natural resources and promoting self employment, Bill Gates has not only made billions of dollars he has saved our economy billions of dollars and has helped save our bountiful and beautiful forests our vegetation. His vision was on target where he stated: most American's by the year 2000 will have the opportunity to Work from Home". With the demise of big business and huge corporate scandals, those who invested in themselves and their real estate have profited ten fold. Keys To Prosperity Is it possible to get rich quick using the power of your mind? Sometimes, I think the only people getting rich are the authors of bestsellers with titles such as "Simply Abundant, Creating Prosperity and Miracle Power For Infinite Riches". However, we keep buying these books, because most of us have also experienced first-hand the consequences of a law of nature: do a good deed and it comes back to you. Do something mean and it comes right back at you to slap you in the face. Many of our minor wishes seem to come true -- "I'd like to have soup for dinner", or " Please let that cheque arrive in time to cover the rent." So why is it that when we try to mentally will more money into our lives, the kind of abundance that would have us set for life, that our mental powers seem to fail? Authentic Success A More Effective Way Preparing For Success Everyone wants to be successful. Everyone wants to have more, be more, do more, and enjoy more of what life has to offer. We are driven continually forward toward the accomplishment of the things that are most important to us. The entire human race is a made up of people striving toward the realization of their potential in every area. Because of this, there is tremendous competition for the good of things in life. Everybody wants them, and no one is ever fully satisfied. The satisfaction of a want or desire leads automatically to a want or desire for something else. And it never ends. The Power of Mind-Imagery Today I feel inspired that I should speak more to the framework of a successful mindset. We've already discussed how to ignore negative thoughts and encourage positive thoughts by monitoring what we allow to dwell in our minds. We've also talked about the power of affirmations in changing our inner-talk to things we want in our lives. Today I think we should focus on how to use vivid imagery to obtain the things of our heart's desire. I call this "Mind-Imagery." How To Become Successful The First step to success is to think and decide what you really desire. All successful people have this skill in abundance. It starts with Imagination. Most successful people have a strong ability to imagine things which they have n't achieved but will. So anything you want to achieve in the external world it should first start in the inner world of your mind. Many people are scared to write down what they want because they think they have to commit themselves. To many, Success frightens them. So if you want to be successful in life you have to write down your goals and dreams. Ask yourself what things you want in life. (e.g) health, wealth and happiness. Write each goals on a sheet of paper. Next you need to ask yourself what is a reasonable time to achieve those goals. Goals should be Short term, Intermediate and long term. Next ask yourself what you have to do to achieve those goals. What new skills you have to learn or acquire, what character traits to develop and people you have to role model. Success Analysis - The Concept of Critical Mass How many times have you thought about being successful, famous, having lots of money? Many times, I'll bet. Then you start to think about the cost of all that and you go to have a little lie down until the feeling passes. Would that be right? Number One Killer Of Could-Have-Been Success Stories Fear. Psychological Tips For Effective Examination Techniques One of the inevitabilities of University life is the examination. It is your opportunity to demonstrate your new knowledge and to reap the rewards. Examination remains one of the most common forms of assessment in higher education. It is vitally important to prepare well in advance to give yourself the best chance of success. I am my Fathers Daughter-An Optimists Viewpoint One of the greatest compliments I ever received in my life was from my Step-Mom. Re-defining Success in Midlife When entering second adulthood, many women will begin a journey of re-defining personal and professional success for themselves. In midlife, success takes on a new meaning than it had in our 20's and 30's when it was most likely being defined more by others, the current culture, the past, hope or advertising. Our forming of new, revised, more authentic definitions of success are a reflection of our wiser, deeper, more experienced selves which sets us free to enjoy our life and work more completely because we are no longer defined or boxed in by outside influences. There is a sense of release from priorities that are no longer relevant or meaningful. How to be Congruent and Experience Balance Every Day. "If you can tell the world who you are and what you believe without breaking stride or hesitating, you are happy with yourself." - Neale Donald Walsche To Succeed Greatly, You Must... (1) Climb up from under the limitations of circum�stances and conditions Reach Your Goals - Make A Game Out Of It Make a game out of reaching your goals Manifesting Wealth Many people talk or write about the science of success or the art of creating wealth. You don't want just the science. You don't want just the art. What you want is the technology. The how to. The Synchronicity of Success I love the idea of synchronicity. Glimpsing Your Personal Heaven In my private practice for the past 13+ years I have discovered how hungry we are to find deep fulfillment and loving, make wise choices for ourselves and the planet, and walk in union with our higher guidance. Life Versus Lifestyle There is a difference but what constitutes a life and what constitutes a lifestyle is pretty ambiguous.� One thing that seems pretty clear to me is the lifestyle is observable while a life can have many internal aspects to it.� A lifestyle can include people, material things, environments, how we spend our time, energy, and money.� A life includes things like our beliefs, our values, our commitments, our soul's dream, and our vision.� If you choose a lifestyle first you could wind up with an empty fortress.� If you choose the life first, you will design your lifestyle to support the life.� � Since most of us already have a lifestyle, and a default life, we usually have to do some redesign work.� Choose a life and then redesign our lifestyle. It is possible that the lifestyle you currently have will never support the life you truly want to live.� It is possible the lifestyle you currently have has many supporting structures and only minor renovations need to occur.� It is possible that you are a highly intuitive person and your lifestyle is in perfect alignment.� I know very few people who fall into that category.� My dad does but what I notice about him, is he and my mother made a conscious decision to structure their lives around their spiritual values.� They made that decision early in their marriage and lived true to it. Now it's interesting that my parents are actually old enough to be my grandparents, (my mother is no long living) and I noticed that many earlier generations were not given to having transformational conversations so learning was a very different process then than it is now.� The fact that we have e-courses and teleclasses and magazines and tons of books that are created to help people learn to live more meaningful and personally fulfilling lives represents a shift from how things use to be.�� � As we evolve we begin to look at various aspects of our lives for congruence to our values and commitments.� The disparity shows up with exclamation marks behind them and sometimes our response is discouragement and self-disappointment. We act as if we should have known better when the truth is how could we have known better?� So the first thing to get over is "I didn't know"� and then after we get over that we come to "but I know now?now what?"� It takes a courageous person to see this and then set their intentions on bringing integrity into their life so that their lifestyle gives them a life that serves their higher self.� You will notice some people trying to work around it, pretending it doesn't matter that their lifestyles don't measure up to their core values.� � The real problem is once you see the inconsistency, not doing anything actually makes things worse and you lose ground really fast.� It cost you big time to keep that inconsistency in place.� You can't be with yourself and be at peace in your life.� It wears you down like water will wear down a mountain over time.� Your life will devolve instead of evolve.� If that is not a price that's too high to pay, I don't know what is.� Just think about it and choose wisely the path you will follow.�� ![]() |
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