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Re-defining Success in Midlife
When entering second adulthood, many women will begin a journey of re-defining personal and professional success for themselves. In midlife, success takes on a new meaning than it had in our 20's and 30's when it was most likely being defined more by others, the current culture, the past, hope or advertising. Our forming of new, revised, more authentic definitions of success are a reflection of our wiser, deeper, more experienced selves which sets us free to enjoy our life and work more completely because we are no longer defined or boxed in by outside influences. There is a sense of release from priorities that are no longer relevant or meaningful. Around the time we enter our 40's, we have a deeper understanding, knowing and feeling of our innate self worth and that it is separate from the societal ideal of worth. We begin the shift to having a healthier, more deserving sense of responsibility around success, money and happiness and, as a result, have an opportunity to begin a new cycle of attraction and abundance in our lives. What can trip us up, if we are not aware of it, is when our old beliefs remain in silent opposition to the new sense of value and worth we are feeling as we begin the process of re-defining success. Our often unconscious beliefs are firmly held opinions we adopted from our past experiences and dictate how we assign meaning to our life and our expectations of how our life and/or work will be, either limiting or expanding our possibilities. For example, one client I had held in her a belief that although she was excellent at what she did and she believed she could provide great value and benefit to others, she also believed she would probably not make enough money in her business to sustain her. She had based this thought on a number of things, including: The belief that she could not possibly earn a lot of money doing what she loved to do-the two just weren't synonymous in her mind; the belief that there had to be a sacrifice involved if a person wanted to earn a lot of money; and the belief that women in general don't have what it takes to be financially successful. My client was obviously limiting her possibilities because of her limiting beliefs and their obvious mismatch to her evolving definition of success!! She had to shift her old beliefs if she was going to find the success she needed in order to continue doing what she wanted and loved to do! An exercise I use with clients to help them re-define their personal definition of success is to complete the sentence, "I know I am being successful by how??" And keep writing until they make sure that their new definition is phrased in such a way that they feel a tingle in their body, or the light bulb goes on or they feel really excited. When my client did this exercise, her definition of success was "I know I am being successful by how easy it is to attract customers who can benefit from the unique gifts and talents I have to share." This statement caused her to challenge and bring to full consciousness the error of her old beliefs, allowing her to relax into her personal power and easily earn all the money she needed to sustain her business and live comfortably. Her new definition became the frame work for the process of re-working her old beliefs and creating new beliefs that served her and supported her by prompting new standards and goals that to a financially successful business that provided her with a new level of freedom and certainty vs. the angst and struggle she previously experienced. We attract abundance when believe we are worthy regardless of outside forces trying to convince us otherwise. As a result, we attract even more abundance because we automatically raise the bar on our inner personal standards. For example, we might stop accepting credit card debt, we might require ourselves to work smarter instead of harder, we might start taking better care of ourselves because we love ourselves and not because we feel shamed by societal standards, we might start to stand up for ourselves more and we might create and follow through on more effective goals. Entering this new cycle, we surprisingly find our feeling of personal success and value stops depending so much on the "doing", such as earning a certain amount of money, having a certain amount of power, or acquiring enough praise and recognition, but begins to have more to do with "being". The quality of the person we want to be, the lives we touch and the relationships we share. Which brings us back to this interesting twist regarding success; If we believe we are always enough just as we are, or who we are choosing be, rather than what we are doing (accumulating money, things and accomplishments), then, ironically, we attract more of the outer abundance we also desire! Deb Betterly, Ph.D., is a personal and transformational coach who works with midlife women to help them bring spirituality, universal truths and connectedness to their lives and work environments. Deb's life coaching business offers self?directed programs, group coaching, and one on one focus coaching. She is also the author of an eBook called "Awakening the Spirit Within to Create Your Best Life" which can be found on her website, http://www.amazingjourneycoach.com
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10 Universal Principles of Success Success is not something that only a chosen few can achieve. Everyone can be successful in every area of his or her life. You just need to know how to do things in such a way as to make sure you succeed every time. Success comes as a result of forming certain habits, and continuing in them. Consistency is key. To succeed, you need to be a certain type of person. Don't be discouraged if you are not yet that type of person. With practice, anyone can become a successful person. The successful person thinks in a certain way, talks in a certain way, and acts in a certain way. The list below briefly outlines 10 of those ways (and a bonus tip!). Anyone who consistently applies these principles to any area of their life *will* experience success in that area. A Vision for Success Do you know that there is a formula for attaining material success? Indeed, there is. Magical Houseplants Whenever I'm feeling stuck in a rut, I go out and buy myself a new houseplant. I usually do this when I get the sense that I am surrounded by stale energy. Most people can easily pick up on this kind of vibe -- emotionally you might be feeling stuck, bored, frustrated, or discouraged. This stale energy also often manifests itself on the physical plane -- the phone never rings, your loved ones and pets seem irritable, and the bills arrive long before you collect the money to pay them. How Do You Spell Success A person who is illiterate can look at a word without knowing what it means. Perhaps he can recognize the shape of some of the letters; perhaps she even knows that certain of these shapes are representative of certain sounds; still, the veil cannot be pierced. Catching the W.A.V.E.s of Greatness Greatness is all around us. From Oprah to Bill Gates to Einstein to Stephen Hawkins to Gandhi to Mother Teresa, we read, see and hear it every day and sometimes we even have the opportunity to feel greatness for others and ourselves. Yet, if greatness is all around us, then how can we catch the W.A.V.E.s of Greatness with increased frequency? Promethean Hispanic Fire In the Greek tale of creation, a Titan (Greek god) by the name of Epimetheus is given the task of creating living creatures. He screws the job up by giving all the good DNA and survival mechanisms to the animals. When it came time to creating man he had nothing left but soft skin and weak limbs. How to Make Success a Habit Want to make success a habit in your life? If you've got determination, it may be simpler than what you think. All you need is a slight change in your thinking pattern. Changing your thoughts will change your beliefs, your expectations, your attitude, and consequently, your behavior. A change in behavior will eventually lead you to a change in performance. And when you perform at your peak, you succeed. It doesn't matter where you are in life, or what you do for a living, if you just modify the way you look at things, the way you think about things, you can achieve success. Career Management and Life Planning Tools: Eight Powerful Questions About Your Future "Most people don't plan to fail. They just fail to plan." This old saying applies to any area of your life where you want to make some positive changes. Prior to planning, however, you must get absolutely clear on your intentions, and then keep those intentions top-of-mind as you make your plans and live your life. Identifying your intentions is particularly key if you are setting professional goals for the coming year, or considering a career transition. 7 Ways to improve Your Listening Skills Do you know how much time do you spend listening? It is estimated that half of our time is spent listening. Good listening is an essential part of active communication and makes us better managers, customers, coworkers, supervisors, parents and mates. Most of us aren't good listeners; however, listening is a skill that you can always improve. 5 Tips to Make the Right Decisions in the Midst of Chaos "In a moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing to do. The worst thing you can do is nothing." Theodore Roosevelt The Gravitational Pull of ANTs, WORMS & FEARS What is an ANT? Reading For Success We live in the information age, dominated by the development of the internet and computer power to levels that were unimaginable even a few years ago. Because out world is changing so rapidly, knowledge today is doubling approximately every two to three years. This means that you must double your knowledge in your field every two to three years just to stay even. Adaptability as a Key to Success Do you ever stop to consider how much we change and grow as people? I'm not talking so much about "maturing" or physical growth. What I'm driving at is the changes that occur inside of us; the changes in thought and self perception. We are constantly bombarded with an incredible amount of information. Our grandparents didn't get nearly as much stimulation in their lives as we get in a single day. We are exposed to more ideas, more lifestyles, more ideologies every week than our great grandparents ever heard of. So given this fact it is imperative that we learn good coping mechanisms and a strong sense of focus. No Shortcut To Success Sometimes short cuts are not worth taking. They may bring you quick money but they do not make you become a better, stronger or more skilful person. Success Through Enthusiasm Rather Than Surgery "Enthusiasm is worth any pot of cream ever offered." Seven Character Traits of Successful People 1. They are hard working. There is no such thing as easy money. Success takes hard work and people who are willing to do it. What Is Success Anyway? Success is creating what you want the way you want it to be. Nine Sure Fire Ways to Boost Your Career 1. Differentiate yourself using a Personal Value Proposition. A PVP a description of how your unique mixture of five key elements creates and/or adds value for an organization and the people in it. A personal examination of these elements reminds you of all the strong, positive things you bring to the table and it points out the gaps you need to close before you can position yourself more effectively. Examine each element separately, combine all the data and created a succinct summary of what you have to offer. It Takes Competence to Change! This article is about a subject that few people think of when "change" is mentioned. The topic is COMPETENCE. The Gift Of Success Often just one self-help principle can increase your power to achieve your goals and can help your life take off. This article is about one such principle - success breeds success. ![]() |
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