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No Shortcut To Success
Sometimes short cuts are not worth taking. They may bring you quick money but they do not make you become a better, stronger or more skilful person. On the internet a lot of people are promoting private label products. You pay some money and get the rights to put your name on software or ebooks. In other words you claim credit for having achieved something you haven't. So far I have resisted the temptation to buy these rights. I would feel uneasy about claiming to be the author of a book I had not written. What happened to honesty? Another reason for not buying private label ebooks is that they take away your chance to become a writer. Why bother to learn the skills of writing if you can buy the fruits of someone else's hard work and claim their efforts as your own? You lose the incentive to become an expert author in your own right. Some people are offering products in the rough. You do some work on these and then can put your name to them. This is more acceptable in my view since most writers borrow or adapt the ideas and occasionally the words of other writers. Few books are ever totally original. The foreword to one of my books is written by a copywriter. I offered to put his name to it but like many copywriters he preferred to keep his name out of the equation. Maybe he didn't like my book! In the martial arts world, many students want to become black belts as soon as possible with the minimum of work. They show up to lessons before a grading exam is due and are content to scrape through and get their next belt and then they disappear until the next exam is imminent. They do not realize that they are missing out on the satisfaction and power of becoming a real black belt. They think that having a black belt round their waist somehow makes them great. It doesn't. You can tell the black belts who have really earned their black belt a mile off. They take your breath away with their power and skill or, failing that, with their determination and effort. I was never very skilful at my gradings but I did, at least once, get an award for effort and, at my black belt grading, one person, at least, described my performance as 'awesome'. He wasn't a friend or relative! I was in some pain after the grading and had trouble lying down and standing up but the joy of achieving the belt lasted for weeks. My Taekwondo Teacher, Master Hock Lye Ooi, once offered to give any one who wanted it a blackbelt: "Here come and take it." He was making the point that being given a blackbelt for free means nothing. Any one can buy one in a shop or order one on the net. There is no emotional satisfaction in getting a black belt when you have avoided the hard work necessary to achieve it. One of my Karate teacher's favourite admonishments was that, if you are not working flat out, "you are only cheating yourself." He was right. In the Contenders boxing reality show run by Sylvester Stallone and Sugar Ray Leonard, some of the boxers pick the toughest fighters as their opponents. They are not at ease with taking short cuts by picking a weak opponent. They know that, if they face up to the most fearsome opponents, they can walk tall anywhere. They will have paid their dues. Others are more concerned to win the million dollar prize than they are to become great boxers by fighting great opposition. They pick the boxer they believe they can demolish easily. These 'short cut' boxers will probably fail to win the prize anyway because they will not have become worthy of it. In the long run, working hard and paying your dues is in fact easier than doing things in a half-hearted way. If you charge into a rugby union scrum with minimum effort and aggression, you will probably get hurt. If you do anything properly and thoroughly, you will feel much happier than if you are skiving and taking things easy at every opportunity. Even making your bed well can be satisfying and you will sleep better! The great Jim Rohn, as usual, sums all this up perfectly: "The major value in life is not what you get. The major value in life is what you become. That is why I wish to pay fair price for every value. If I have to pay for it or earn it, that makes something of me. If I get it for free, that makes nothing of me." However, there are ways in which you can make any work you do much more effective and even easier. By using affirmation, prayer and visualization techniques you can enlist the aid of your subconscious mind and the power and abundance of the universe. This is not so much a shortcut as a way to row downstream instead of upstream! About the author They can both be found on his website http://www.motivationtoday.com along with a daily motivational message. The title of the first book is "36 Laws To Ignite Your Inner Power And Realize Your Dreams Now! - Acronyms, Stories, Pictures And Quotes...Easy To Remember And Use Everyday To Grab Your Life And Soar With The Eagles" The book can be found at this URL: http://www.motivationtoday.com/36_laws.php The book uses acronyms, stories, pictures and quotations to help readers remember 36 laws that can gradually transform your life if you apply them. Ezine editors / Site owners
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Effective Strategies for Stopping Procrastination You will have the greatest success if you read the first newsletter and take some time to observe your own procrastination patterns. Once you have accomplished that, choose a few of the strategies outlined here. Keep working at it until you understand what you need to do to stop putting things off. Plan to Succeed Have you ever made plans in your career but never fulfilled them? Or have you fulfilled a plan but found that you have gone in the wrong direction? The True Key to Prosperity To have a high probability of becoming prosperous, you have to start with one very important decision! How To Improve Communications With Those Who Were Difficult To Communicate With In The Past You talked but didn't get a response. You talked but you got a negative response. Has this happened to you often? All the time? Occasionally? Never? Well if you have experienced it more often then you care to admit then maybe it's time to find out why. Success Lessons From A Gym Wall And From The Rematch Recently, I have been riveted by the amazing reality show "The Contender". The show started with 16 boxers who have fought each other every week until last week only 4 boxers were left. These were Alfonso Gomez, Jesse Brinkley, Sergio Mora and Peter Manfredo Jr. The story of the first semi-final fight between Gomez and Manfredo contains several powerful success lessons for everyone. What is Optimum Performance? What is Optimum Performance? This question raises different responses from different people. It causes people to ponder issues like: If Only, If Only, If Only Remove these words from your vocabulary! Work Life Balance: Work Life a Balancing Act Australians are loosing their laidback, carefree reputation, as we continue to work longer hours, exercise less and neglect our leisure and family time. Wait, Thats Not on the Map Back from my amazing summer excursion, a month long drive through Spain!� Well, I mean, I didn't do any of the driving, my partner did.� See, I only know how to drive an automatic and since we have a stick here in Belgium, my partner kindly agreed to do all the driving.� In total it ended up being close to 5000 kilometers and he did beautifully without so much as a complaint.� Nice, huh? Three Things You Must Know to Attract Success Everyone wants success. 7 Tips for Success In this article we mention 7 tips for your success. That's not to say these are the only ones, nor will every successful person use all these. But using these tips will help you succeed. Parable for a New Age Daddy was a very, very odd little man-possibly a schizophrenic-for all we could figured out. He was a short stony-faced man that rarely smiled or talked very much. His Norweigan/Dutch family had endured quite a bit of disaster-wiped out in a storm in Iceland, and then wiped out in the dust bowl. He grew up in a part of California that just had been frontier 40 years prior. He was stern, stubborn rugged individualist and believed that everyone is responsible for themselves. Daddy had no use for religion. He was a doctor, a scientist, who believed that the human body was basically a machine to be fixed up and mended so that it could back to go to work in the orchards, fast food joints, and canneries of the great Central Valley we lived. Reaping the Fruit of Success in Life One way to become more successful in your life is to look at the lifestyle and habits of people who are already clearly reaping the fruits of success in life and who are living and growing towards their unique God given potential. What are some common characteristics and behaviour that we can apply to our own lives to help us on our own personal journey towards excellence? I have spent many years studying this area, and have discovered that there are common principles and habits which successful people follow and see positive results many times over. Even people who have achieved great personal growth in their lives know the importance of having established life habits and daily motivation towards their personal goals. Here are three important keys to unleash personal growth. Tiger Woods Secret to Success Did you see or hear about 'The Masters' golf tournament this past weekend? Create Your Own Security As You Create Life Changes Self-change is a personal phenomenon. In order to accomplish it, you'll need to have firm notions about HOW YOU CAN CREATE YOUR OWN SECURITY rather than relying on others to provide it for you. Marching To A New Beat For our family, the Fall is filled with Friday Night Lights, as our oldest child is a member of her high school marching band. While we certainly enjoy the football team's successes on the field, the process and progress of the marching band really captures our attention. From two-a-day practices in the August heat, to entering the stadium in line to the drummers' beat at each game, to practicing for the always-sold-out Patriotic Game?everything the band director does is designed to build his team into a synchronized unit performing at its highest possible talent level. Self Discipline And Business Success In his audio e-book, 10 Habits to Swell Your Bank Account, Mike Green cites "discipline" as one of the 10 bank-account-swelling habits. I once received an email from an online marketing friend, which stated something to the effect of "how hard do we work? If people think earning money online is easy their crazy. Don't burn to much midnight oil." Success - Overcoming Bodily Conditions Which Seem Impossible of Change Conditions differ from circumstances. Circumstances are changeable conditions which merely "stand around about you," and, of them, have no stability. They are created by man, and can be overcome by man. Become a Good Observer We must never allow a day to pass without finding the answers to a list of important questions such as: What is going on in our industry? What new challenges are currently facing our government? Our community? Our neighborhood? What are the new breakthroughs, the new opportunities, the new tools and techniques that have recently come to light? Who are the new personalities that are influencing world and local opinion? Affirm, Visualize, and Receive - Is Planning Really Necessary? "Don't get caught up in the how of things. If you're clear on what you want to change and why you want to change it, the how will come. Many significant things have been left undone because someone let the problem solving interfere with the decision-making." - Michael Angier ![]() |
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