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Plan to Succeed
Have you ever made plans in your career but never fulfilled them? Or have you fulfilled a plan but found that you have gone in the wrong direction? Life is full of choices that involve risk. And as we become older, we are more fearful of making such decisions. Making That Career Decision If you are looking for a career that is most suitable for you, you will need to take time to understand what you do best. What are the job tasks you find mot energizing and what are those that drain you at the end of the day? Knowing what you love to do is just one part of the equation. Analyzing your personality profile helps you to understand yourself and how you would relate to your work environment. For example, if you are good at what you do, but do not know how to work well with others, it is going to be difficult to have a successful career especially if you have to work in a team. Teamwork is the key ingredient to a good working relationship. If you can get the support of others, you are likely to be more successful. On the other hand, if you know your personality but do not know what tasks or jobs are suitable for you, you will find yourself job-hoping or feeling that your job does not bring you fulfillment or value. To find out more about your personality, you can get feedback from friends, relatives, colleagues or even your career coach. Don't get your feedback blindly. Find out specifics such as on which occasion you were highly motivated and what was the cause. Or why certain behaviour was deemed undesirable and when it took place. Act On Your Plan In his book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey states that one of his key principles is to begin with the end in mind. When you have identified what you want to do, draw out a road map on how you would like to get there. Plan out the milestones and celebrate each success. Share your milestones with a supportive friend or relative who will provide support and celebrate those winning moments with you. Create objectives for yourself. This means understanding what must be achieved and by when. Also, list down those who can help you support your plans. Find out where to get your resources and who you can get advice from whenever you have a problem. The most difficult part of the exercise is staying on course. No job is 100 per cent fulfilling, and in life you will meet peculiar people and jobs that do not really appeal to you. However , at the end of the day, if you come out smiling, you would have met most of your basic criteria. Invest in Yourself Nothing comes for free. In whatever you do, three main resources you need to invest in are money, effort and time. If you are unwilling to work on any of these three resources, you may find it difficult to get to where you want to go. So be prepared for the long haul. Persevere in whatever you do. Once you finish the race, you know you have made an achievement in life. By then you will be prepared for greater challenges. Gordon Goh is author of the free, informative website content of Motivation | Inspiration Tips offering quality useful tips for Motivation
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Reading For Success We live in the information age, dominated by the development of the internet and computer power to levels that were unimaginable even a few years ago. Because out world is changing so rapidly, knowledge today is doubling approximately every two to three years. This means that you must double your knowledge in your field every two to three years just to stay even. How to Always Get Whatever You Want Do You Know You Have the Power to Harness Huge, Hidden Powers of the Universe? Self-Confidence Is The Key To Personal And Professional Success In my audio program Book Yourself Solid, The 7 Keys To Getting More Clients Than You Can Handle Even If You Hate Marketing And Selling, I focus on the nitty gritty of what to do to get loads of clients but the real key and what I try to deep into is what you need to do for yourself to take action. Success Without Whining About Doing Your Best In the film 'The Rock', Sean Connery takes a dim view of those who claim to be 'doing their best'. He comments grimly: 'Losers always whine about doing their best.' Is he right? This article tries to give an answer. How to Succeed for the Rest of Your Life I spoke recently with the owner of a large clothing store who had poured years of effort into his business. He had achieved his dream and built a successful career. However, his hectic pace was becoming difficult to maintain. How Do You Spell Success A person who is illiterate can look at a word without knowing what it means. Perhaps he can recognize the shape of some of the letters; perhaps she even knows that certain of these shapes are representative of certain sounds; still, the veil cannot be pierced. Small But Mighty! When most of us are asked the most important possession in our lives, we tend to look at the big stuffs we have acquired over the years. We easily point to our cars, mansions and even the money we have being able to amass in large quantity. To us, these are the things that make our lives go smoothly. But if we ask a successful man what his prized possession is, we will all be amazed at his answer. His road to success was started by this little thing we all can easily overlook and he sees it as his daily companion. What is it? A journal! This is unbelievable but true. Success Formula--Why You Want To Think Like A Fighter Pilot! Fighter pilots have an awesome responsibility. It takes a unique person to become one. The personality style usually includes large doses of self-confidence, a can-do attitude, high self-esteem and a willingness to face and overcome challenges. Defeat is not an option, for they know it could mean their death. The American Dream Model The present model of business and career motivation, the one most closely associated with the "American Dream" which emphases enterpreuneurship, individual achievement, competition, and domination has been around for at least the last 50 years . Up to the mid 20th century, the predominant prosperity model was the Calvinist work ethic originally derived from the Puritan. The Calvinist work ethic emphasized hard work, saving for the future, and foregoing vacations, paying bills in cash, and foregoing luxuries to save for a rainy day. On the other, the motivation for moneymaking is no longer saving for the future, but, what Thornstein Veblen, the famous 19th century economist characterized as "conspicuous consumption." Luxury homes, luxury cars, fancy electronic gadgets, and exotic vacations create the illusion of wealth. The philosophy of the Amway Corporation, now known as Quixtel in the U. S. is a good illustration of the concepts involved. Success By Performing Without An Audience - Is Anyone Listening? To achieve success it can be important to keep going even if no one seems to be appreciating or even noticing what you are doing. Some people are not appreciated until after they have passed on into the next life. Hopefully, it won't take that long for the rest of us. Reach Your Goals - Believe In Your Own Divine Nature Believe in your own Divine nature Looking for Harvey Weinstein - The Book and the Business Two Immigrants Live The American Dream A Vision for Success Do you know that there is a formula for attaining material success? Indeed, there is. What is Your Process of Discovery? When Julie looks through the lens of her camera she is interested in what is in focus and what is out of focus. Sometimes what is in focus is so boring, it's the out of focus which interests her. The question that occupies her mind is: how do I bring that which is out of focus in focus? Is Shyness Affecting Your Job? It is accepted that most people have felt shy at one time or another but not everyone who appears to be shy can be identified as having any social problems. While some are only shy in certain situations they feel uncomfortable with, such as meeting people for the first time, others feel shy more often and go out of their way to try and avoid any situation that encourages them to experience unpleasant feelings. I Have Failed Before Have you failed before and wished the earth could open up and swallow you?I have failed before, so many times. And I have learned a valuable lesson in the process. Just Dont Do It Sometimes success is found through the things that you don't do. Here are some ideas for what we shouldn't do. Achieve the Success You Want: 7 Reasons Why People Dont Change is one of the biggest concepts facing today's society. We are all confronted by how fast the world is changing and how we must change to keep up. We should view change as exciting! The Gravitational Pull of ANTs, WORMS & FEARS What is an ANT? Life Lesson--Be, Do, Have This revelation hit me the other day while I was listening to a cassette on having financial balance in your life. On the tape, the author talked about a goal setting seminar he went to. The lesson he was revealing is that too often when we set goals, we are setting the "have" part of the equation, then "doing" the work of getting to the goal without ever making the effort to "be" anything. ![]() |
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