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Wait, Thats Not on the Map
Back from my amazing summer excursion, a month long drive through Spain!� Well, I mean, I didn't do any of the driving, my partner did.� See, I only know how to drive an automatic and since we have a stick here in Belgium, my partner kindly agreed to do all the driving.� In total it ended up being close to 5000 kilometers and he did beautifully without so much as a complaint.� Nice, huh? My part in this adventure was to be the navigator.� A role that I take with great relish and responsibility!� I had my several large maps along with the trip planner for each leg printed out from the internet.� I would sit in the passenger seat with the big detail map open on my lap and the turn by turn internet guide at close reach (oh, and I was also in charge of the CD's ? but I digress). Everything all prepared for, right?� No surprises, right?� Well, not exactly.� While we were totally prepped about 80% of the time, there were still a few glitches.� Occasionally, the signs on the roads ? I mean even the road numbers ? were different than what they were supposed to be. We would be going along just fine and then everything would change suddenly and without warning.� No names or directions or numbers matched anything remotely familiar. I, of course, went into a tizzy.� Flipping pages, shuffling papers, barking at Brad all because I was venturing into uncharted territory. I mean I was ticked!� This was absolutely not the way it was supposed to be. Those silly traffic people putting up these confusing signs ? I mean, didn't they know what I needed?� Thus I began the "blame game" ? the stupid internet map people, the stupid sign people, the stupid government and finally, stupid me.� (Hmmm, coaching opportunity here?� Read on.) Then there was the event of entering a new city for the first time.� More often than not, while our maps were terrific they did not give the detail that we needed in each individual city to be able to totally navigate where we wanted to go.� The internet map was our savior here, but still... in every city the street signs were in different places and the names for the streets weren't always what we were expecting.� Picture this: two guys and their dog, in some big city in Spain circling on one of those "roundabouts" over and over trying to figure out which off-shoot we should take and which direction all the while dodging incoming and out going drivers who grew up on these roads and are late for work.� I hope that image makes you smile, it does me ? at least now looking back. Inevitably, we always made it to our destination and usually without a hitch.� In fact sometimes, when things would look hopeless and nothing was familiar, we would wander and see what came up and strangely enough all of a sudden we would be right where we needed to be and in a better spot than we could have ever planned with all the maps in the world. I learned several things from this that actually shook me up a bit.� Here are a few of the lessons that I got: Next time we will talk about the joys of wandering and finding unexpected gems!� Below you will find some experiments to help you enjoy the journey more and worry less! Some Experiments � 2004 by Roger DeWitt & Life Artistry Coaching.� Roger is a certified life and business coach working with people to change their thinking so they can change their lives!�Sign up for his monthly "5 Minute Success Tips" at www.lifeartistrycoaching.com
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What if... You Could Have it All? 6 Steps to Living Your Best Life What if?you could have it all? 6 Steps to Living your Best Life Simply put, people want more out of life. The 80's were a time of wanting more money, the 90's more time and now it is more fulfillment. Statistics Canada (Sept., 2004) reported "only 32.6% of Canadians surveyed report being very satisfied with life" Five Tips for Perfect Transition Decisions You're considering a new career, new place to live or new business, retirement, or any other move. You ask, "Will I be happy?" If you remember the old, old song, "What will be" may not be the answer you're looking for. Barriers to Prosperity An odd but frequent barrier to prosperity is the belief that we're the "wrong type" to live an abundant life. This comes down to a whole attitude about ourselves which places us as a "misfit". This is quite usual among those who are on a Spiritual Path. I had this barrier at one time, and have discovered that it's completely irrelevant. Ready? Go! Tweak! Let's set the scene. You're in a packed stadium. It's the Olympics and you're watching the 100-metre sprint. You're up in the nosebleed section and you see what resembles little "ants" stretching on the field as they prepare for their 10-second mad dash to the finish line. As the race is about to begin, the official hollers: "Ready? Set. Go!" And off they go, as fast as the wind, with the hopes of finishing first among a handful of equally talented competitors. The Secret of Lasting Personal Change Why do diets end up in gained weight? Why do some people fail again and again at business? And why do other people fall into one bad relationship after another ?- in spite of their honest desire for a "good" relationship? Discipline I've been thinking a lot about what I believe to be the central challenge facing our clients right now, along with the rest of our society.� �It's not an original concept by any means, but more and more I come to believe that it is the key to unlocking every success principle in existence. Mastering The Habits Of Success The difference between success and failure is based on behavior. Successful people adopt certain behaviors that help them move in the direction that they desire. Unsuccessful people do not adopt a specific behavior set and tend to drift through life. Balance: Flow and Faith In so many areas of life we must always be vigilent of our mental, emotional and physical health. Getting involved or caught up in too much of one thing can create a multitude of problems in life. Out at a networking event recently, I had missed dinner but in true form to the crowd and socializing I purchased my first of many beers. I hadn't intended to stay as late as I did and nor had I intended to carry-on afterwards at a friend's place. A little excess can be a good thing once in a blue moon. 10 Tips for Sensible Living Here are a few suggestions that I try to put into practice in my own life... The 2-Word Phrase That Conquers Adversity and Breaks Through Obstacles "All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me. . . . You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you. " Walt(er) Elias Disney (1901-66)American animator, showman, film producer Success Through Clear Dreams - I Do Not Want To Lie On My Death Bed Saying I Wish I Had Done That Many UK citizens want to settle or retire in Spain the land of sun, healthy food, villas and blue swimming pools. Only a few of these actually achieve their dream. What makes the difference? 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How often do people strive for accomplishments that will show they are "successful" yet they are left spiritually and emotionally lost? More and More and More and More About six years ago I began to study tai chi. When I began, I had already been studying karate for several years, but my instructor encouraged me to add tai chi to enhance my martial arts abilities even further. It seemed interesting to me from the very beginning, but I was totally unprepared for what I have received. What I have learned is far beyond anything I ever expected. How Close Is Your Fortune? A farmer in Pennsylvania decided to sell his farm, but before he sold it, he wrote to his cousin in Canada, who collected coal, and asked for a job. In those days, coal oil, which dipped from running Canadian streams, where it was first discovered, was lucrative business. Ever Find Yourself Saying I Want My Instant Money Now? If that sounds like you, you're not alone. Everyone needs extra money now and then. There are bills to pay, items to buy or even vacations to save for. Profits Are Better Than Wages My mentor, when I was 25 years old, dropped a phrase on me that changed my life forever when he said, "profits are better than wages. Wages will make you a living, profits can make you a fortune." Harness Mind Chatter and Make it Work for You! "When you talk to yourself, you listen. No matter what you say, you're listening... and recording it in your memory." - Mike Brescia Key Things Ive Learned From Studying The Lives of Great Achievers I've long been a student of those who have achieved high levels of success. Over the years I've noticed several common threads in the makeup of the people I've studied. I'd like to recount several of those traits for you in the hope that in identifying them, you can implement these qualities into your own life and in turn be better as a result. Measuring Success As I have worked with people over the years I have seen an amazing thing. People often get frustrated because they aren't achieving "success." There are lots of possible reasons for this but one reason I have found that sticks out is that many people allow their definition of "Success" to be driven by someone or something else. ![]() |
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