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Five Tips for Perfect Transition Decisions
You're considering a new career, new place to live or new business, retirement, or any other move. You ask, "Will I be happy?" If you remember the old, old song, "What will be" may not be the answer you're looking for. There are no one-size-fits-all guidelines, but there are five questions that can help you anticipate how you'll enjoy what you get. 1. "Did I choose to make this move or am I being pressured?" When you feel in control, you are most likely to be happy after you make a move. When you feel you have few or no options, begin to explore strategies to regain your power. 2. "Am I moving to or moving from?" We've all been tempted to take a big leap and just leave whatever we'd like to escape. Sometimes the results bring surprising rewards. When you analyze what you want, rather than what you want to leave, you can make more effective decisions about your next career, city and business. 3. "Can I still be me?" I live in a town where many people move specifically for retirement. Many choose the most rural areas of the county, assuming they'll find nirvana when they've left city life behind. And many are miserable because they didn't realize what they needed to be happy ? more stimulation and satisfaction than you can find in the country. 4. "Does my happiness depend on another person or organization?" You move to be closer to your grandchildren ? and they're all grown up. You move for a company ? and your job disappears due to a policy change. You can't prevent all surprises, but you can make contingency plans and create safety nets. 5. "What options will I have three years after I make the move? Five years?" Will you have more opportunities than you do now or will you feel trapped? There's no way to predict what will happen, whether you turn left or right at the fork in the road. But the odds are something will change in three to five years. You'll be different. Your professional field will be different. Your workplace will be different. And you'll be ready to make another move. Cathy Goodwin, Ph.D., wrote Making the Big Move (New
Harbinger 1999). She works with professionals who are tossing and turning over a career decision and need a coach to help them brainstorm a solution.
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How to Use Your Pain to Gain Pain. All of us have felt that emotion some time or the other. And most of us fear that heart-wrenching feeling that pain brings. We all have to deal with it, but some people treat it differently. What if... You Could Have it All? 6 Steps to Living Your Best Life What if?you could have it all? 6 Steps to Living your Best Life Simply put, people want more out of life. The 80's were a time of wanting more money, the 90's more time and now it is more fulfillment. Statistics Canada (Sept., 2004) reported "only 32.6% of Canadians surveyed report being very satisfied with life" Breakfast of Failures "If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate." --Thomas Watson, Sr. Founder of IBM Finding Your Purpose What is success? As author and speaker Earl Nightingale said, success is the steady progression toward a worthy ideal. Success is the ability to love, enjoy your work, and have fun in your life. Success is making a difference, a positive difference. Success is making the world a little bit better because you existed. And success begins with purpose. Five Formulas for Committing to Success! 1. Clear vision + Intention + Purpose + Focus�= Success!��A vision is many things:� the original blueprint of the successful outcome you desire, a thought picture turned into visual action, a full expression of you!� If you are given a vision, then it is within your power to make it happen, if you choose.� You would not have been given the vision without the ability to make it come true.� Visions are so powerful, it is essential that you know exactly what you are visioning and why.� Intention and purpose are partners.� Your purpose, or mission, must also be very clear�and firm.� Your integrity is bound closely with this pair.� If it is your intention to truly make your dreams materialize, then a commitment must be made to focus on the specific outcome you desire.� Goal planning works well�for focus.� Make your goals realistic, specific and have a definite timetable for meeting your objectives. 2. Authenticity + Passion + Commitment = Success!��Being authentic� means that the real you is�showing�up all the time - in words, thoughts and actions.� First - you are true to yourself above all.� You are dedicated to knowing what you are all about - your integrity, passion, strengths, honesty and reliability.�Knowing your values and acting in alignment with them are crucial to your authenticity.� Passion�is what�stirs from within that motivates you - inspires you to get up each morning, eagerly, to continue working on a job or project that excites you to want to do more.� Passion is the unique message that you want to bring to the world.� Commitment is a "can-do" attitude.� You want to accomplish something so�intensely that you are willing to use whatever resources of time and energy to make it so!�� You have an unabiding passion to stay committed to your project until it is complete. 3.�Spiritual�Practice + Flow = Success!���A spiritual connection is essential for the unlimited and energetic flow in moving forward on your journey to self-commitment and success.��Webster defines�'spirit' as a "person's essential nature, an emotional state characterized�by vigor and animation, strong loyalty or dedication."��Spiritual practices may include everything from organized religion to pagan ritual and ceremony.� Since there is no�one universal definition that fits all, one must explore and define his or her own description.��How does your spiritual path make a difference, not only in your own life, but how might it connect to a global flow of energy?�Your personal�definition of spirit is one of your own�making, touching the honesty of your own soul.� You get to choose how you wish to walk in this world and how you want to be connected to a higher source.��A strong�spiritual practice�allows you to flow with a vibrational frequency that�will energize and ground you on the 'success' journey. 4.� Energy + Expectations + Perseverance = Success!� Being energetic and creating reserves of energy are essential for success.� If your energy is depleted, you do not have the stamina to carry out the plans for your success.� One way to create energy is by taking extremely good care of yourself - even�being selfish with your needs!� If you support a healthy, energetic, life-affirming style, than you can continue working towards the expectations you have for yourself.��One way to�identify whether or not your expectations are realistic is to take a piece of paper and make two columns.� On the left side, write your expectation.� On the right side, write how you might accomplish that.� You do have the ability to reach your own expectations, and each one of�them needs its own plan.� When you look at the columns, you may recognize that some of the expectations are not realistic and that in order for you retain your energy and persevere to the final outcome, the items may need to be adjusted.� Perseverance is continuing firmly�on your path, regardless of�unexpected challenges. If you believe in yourself, and are committed to your processes, you will solve every conceivable quandary or roadblock that appears.� You know what the rewards will be if you persevere with your plan. 5.� Strong Mission Statement + Plan of Action + Focus = Success!�Your mission in life is simply your purpose - and your purpose, your mission.� You've heard the saying, "If you don't know where you're going, that's exactly where you'll end up - nowhere!"� Mission statements act as a rudder for your entrepreneurial-ship. When you know exactly what you want and how you're going to get there, you can make better decisions along the way knowing that all of your steps must support the mission.� If questions arise and you're not sure of the answer, or direction, look to your mission statement to see if it supports the quandary.� OK, everything is in place: your vision is clarified, you're feeling passionate about the path you're on, you are connected to your own flow, you're energized and focused, your mission is clear and NOW - you're ready to execute the "plan"!� Plans of action do not have to be ten pages long.� Your plan is whatever you want it to be - however, you must have one if you want to proceed firmly on your way and reach the pinnacle of your success.� A simple plan can consist of lists: i.e. your business name and legal entity (LLC, C or S Corp, sole proprietor etc.), accountant (essential for cash/flow analyses), your mission, administrative needs, budget, competitor research, services you offer, advisory team members...and so forth.� There are�hundreds of books on the market to help you specifically with business plans. The goal is to move into action at whatever pace you choose to set and keep a steady course to completion. Oh yes, focus again!� You can have it all - one focussed step a time! copyright by Sharon Hooper, Commit To Your Success, LLC � � � How to Maintain Your Energy and Enthusiasm in Your Career: Needs versus Wants! Most of my clients had a vision of the contribution they wanted to make when they took their current role. Many of them have been caught up in the unfulfilled demands of the new role and the urgent requirements of each day. After some time, they end each day with less resolve, or less energy to contribute from their personal vision. Prosperity Practices By popular request, I thought I would put together this little list of simple things you can do to increase cash flow ...sometimes, the most absurd and smallest practices seem to work better than a ritual that you have to make into a big dramatic production. I have tried these ones and they have at one time or another worked for me... Wheres Your Value? The simple action of writing the every day grocery demonstrates how we truly value our lives and inspire future success. Each week, many of us spend 10 to 30 minutes or more writing down the weekly future grocery purchases, clipping coupons and checking advertisements. We take this action because we believe that we will have future success through the savings of money, time and energy. Unfortunately, sometimes, we forget to bring the list and end up with additional purchases, spending more money than originally anticipated and probably having to return to buy the missed items. All of these actions have wasted money, time and energy and more importantly have contributed to increased stress levels as well as negative feelings about ourselves. Just think about the last time you forget your list and how did you feel about yourself? Were those thoughts fleeting or did they stay with you a while? Clues for Success: Finding Answers Right in Front of Your Face An old fable tells about a religious man and a flood. As the water began to rise, the man's neighbor came by in a boat and offered to take him to safer ground. He politely declined, "God will save me." When the water had risen up to his second floor windows, authorities came by in a rescue boat. They shouted impatiently at him to get into the boat, but he sent them off, saying, "God will watch out for me." Later, as he sat on his roof with water lapping at its edges, a military helicopter hovered above him; a rescue officer was lowered to bring him up into the aircraft. Again he refused . . . and later drowned. When he reached heaven, he was furious and demanded a meeting with God. Your Own Worth Should be Worth Success 1. Always know exactly what you want and allow your whole being to strive, without wavering, to follow the path to fulfilling your plan. Individualistic Sucess Models In individualistic success models, success is not due to the individual's relationship with his external environment or place in society, but, rather, a matter of individual accomplishment or, in some cases, a measure of his relationship with God. These models had their roots originally in Protestant Calvinism and are the typical ones you will see in "Success" books. Fanning the Flames of Passion -- Reconnecting With Life Imagine you are a fire. Fires burn at different levels of intensity, from low barely glowing embers to tall roaring bonfires licking the night sky! What kind of fire are you? What is it that fuels you, feeding your burning desires? Is Success About Money? Success could be just about making money, but I think it is much wider and simpler than that. Chinese Gooseberries and Oprah? Oprah and Harpo Productions, consistently reap awe-inspiring progress and record-breaking profits even after 25 years. While Oprah consistently soars with stellar growth, the rest of the industry seems to stumble, tumble or even disappear. So, just what is it about Oprah that has her consistently reaping hilacious growth for more than two decades and still remain fresh and vivacious as ever? Oprah Winfrey has reinvented herself so smoothly, so successfully and with such precision, very few have consciously noticed! I believe Oprah is aware of the fact that annuals are-by nature-dormant for seasons at a time. She innovatively capitalizes on this truth and remains a "perennial classic." Career Management and Life Planning Tools: Eight Powerful Questions About Your Future "Most people don't plan to fail. They just fail to plan." This old saying applies to any area of your life where you want to make some positive changes. Prior to planning, however, you must get absolutely clear on your intentions, and then keep those intentions top-of-mind as you make your plans and live your life. Identifying your intentions is particularly key if you are setting professional goals for the coming year, or considering a career transition. Reach Your Goals - Use Your Holidays Use birthdays and other gift-giving holidays to help reach your goals Creative Destruction This past Memorial Day weekend I decided to revisit my bookshelf to poke around and reminisce with books I'd read over the last decade. You see, I not only like to collect great books, I also date each one to remind me of when I read it. My 'invisible finger' guided me toward a book I read seven years ago titled, "Wealth and Freedom" by David Levin. Wealth and Freedom (I know?sounds boring) is a great read on political economy for non-economists?like me. Perseverance is the Ability ... "Perseverance allows you to get back on track when you hit a detour." Reading For Success We live in the information age, dominated by the development of the internet and computer power to levels that were unimaginable even a few years ago. Because out world is changing so rapidly, knowledge today is doubling approximately every two to three years. This means that you must double your knowledge in your field every two to three years just to stay even. Preparing For Your Success When is the best time to prepare for your success in life? ![]() |
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