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The Synchronicity of Success
I love the idea of synchronicity. Perhaps it's just part of my need for validation that the universe is orderly and consistent. It's empowering to think that every person, every animal, every plant, every particle of matter... it's all working in grand unison. It's nice to know that among the 6 billion people on this planet I am no less important than the next soul. Whether they be enthroned or imprisoned, Christian or Muslim, perfumed or soiled, I have equal consideration in the universal mind. I am not only connected to my fellow human beings, I have a connection with the all of everything. "Wow," you say. "Synchronicity can do all that?" "By the way, what the heck is it? And do I have to read L. Ron Hubbard to get it?" Generally speaking, synchronicity can be explained as the appearance of seemingly coincidental events in our lives that go beyond mere chance. By recognizing and acting upon the appearance of these coincidences, a person can create a favorable outcome from any situation or goal. The psychiatrist Carl Jung maintained that an individual's connection to a collective unconscious was the unifying force in this process. The process works whether you are seeking more success, more prosperity, more happiness, or geared to a more ordinary pursuit, such as finding a new dragonfly for your dragonfly collection. The trick is to pay attention to the coincidences and act on the opportunities they present. It's quite easy to miss the signs if you're not tuned into the possibility. How can you tune into synchronicity and let it work for you? A good starting point is to recognize that physical matter of the universe does not exist in a void. We are living in a universe of interlaced, dynamic energy. It is this energy that animates matter into coordinated, attention-driven synchronicity. Consider your thoughts. Any time you have a thought you are creating a focus of energy that goes out into the universe, intermingling and interacting with other energy processes. Because like energy is attracted to like energy, your intent directs synchronous energy in your direction. Think about that! Your thoughts are not contained within the confines of your skull. Rather they are not unlike both a transmitter and receiver. By broadcasting your intent to the universe you are drawing all the energies which will further amplify and create your intent. Could this explain why some people create lives of abundance and success, while others lament about the crappy hand life has dealt them? You are what you think. Or, more accurately, you are what you believe yourself to be. By accepting as fact your belief of who you truly are or what you will unfailingly achieve, then your future self effectively defines your present self. Successful people are successful before they become successful. This happens instantly in the moment you define and announce your focused, unwavering intent. Success is automatic. And synchronicity plays a key role in obtaining your success. Let me give you a startling example of how synchronicity unexpectedly paid me a visit. You may find my story hard to believe, or attributable to pure chance, but it is absolutely true. It is a simple account of events with a simple outcome, yet it speaks volumes about the shortest and surest path to success. On a cold November night last year there was a house fire a few blocks from where I live. Tragically, a thirteen-year-old girl perished in the flames, unable to escape her room on the second story. In small towns such as mine tragedies like this cut deeply into the whole community. Details of the attempted rescue of the girl further exacerbated a profound and overwhelming sadness in everyone. Naturally, the whole community wondered how this could happen, why it happened, and how to prevent another tragedy such as this from happening again. It quickly came to light that the smoke alarms in the ill-fated home were not working. Because my own thirteen-year-old son's room is on the second floor of our home, my first reaction was to check the smoke alarms. Sure enough, the one upstairs had a dead battery. And wouldn't you know it, no batteries in the cabinet. My overriding thought was to get a battery, get it today, and get it before the stores close. Hopefully, the battery supply in town wasn't depleted. Out the door I go, determined to have a battery before nightfall. As I'm walking around the rear of my vehicle something in the street catches my eye. I walk over for a closer inspection... Yikes! A chill goes up my spine and my skin crawls up tighter than William Shatner's fifth face lift. It's a 9-volt battery! It looks brand spanking new! Now, I'm not saying the Lord sent a Battery Angel to drop this gift at my feet. I've no doubt that battery arrived by way of very ordinary, everyday means. But I am saying that my most urgent thought was to get batteries. I am saying that many in my community had the same thought. I am saying that I needed a battery and, coincidentally, I got one. Perhaps we can call it dumb luck. The same dumb luck that created a star out of Paris Hilton. Now here's the kicker. I did go to the store to replenish my battery supply and pick up a few other items. Guess what? No batteries in stock. Brett Krkosska is a freelance writer and syndicated columnist. Visit his site, http://www.GodUnplugged.com for perspectives and commentary on the issues of life.
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The Four Key Traits of Highly Successful People Recently, I was asked to write a Top 10 list about the secrets of success, and I spent time thinking about the most successful people I've known. There have been a thousand books and tape sets written about the "Secrets of Success", so the challenge was to see if I could add something new. I think I have at least found a new way of thinking about successful people. Discover Your Path to Success - Part 3 If you have read this far, we both know you are serious about succeeding, getting the most out of life, and attaining your goals. Keys To Prosperity Is it possible to get rich quick using the power of your mind? Sometimes, I think the only people getting rich are the authors of bestsellers with titles such as "Simply Abundant, Creating Prosperity and Miracle Power For Infinite Riches". However, we keep buying these books, because most of us have also experienced first-hand the consequences of a law of nature: do a good deed and it comes back to you. Do something mean and it comes right back at you to slap you in the face. Many of our minor wishes seem to come true -- "I'd like to have soup for dinner", or " Please let that cheque arrive in time to cover the rent." So why is it that when we try to mentally will more money into our lives, the kind of abundance that would have us set for life, that our mental powers seem to fail? Don?t Stop Asking So Many Questions A few weeks ago I took my boy on a trip that we make together every year. We left the house at 6 am on Monday and got home at 9 pm on Thursday. That is just 87 hours. However, that is 84,293 questions! Perseverance - Your Key To Success If failure is the roadway, then Perseverance is the vehicle to success. Not to forget, Persistent determination of yours is to achieve the goal, your ultimate objective; not to deviate from the main vision of yours by acting presumptuously?. A man was sleeping at night in his cabin when suddenly his room filled with light, and God appeared. The Lord told the man he had work for him to do, and showed him a large rock in front of his cabin.The Lord explained that the man was to push against the rock with all his might. So, this the man did, day after day. The Secret To Life Long Success And Fulfillment What Makes the Difference? Hooray, You Failed! So you vowed to make some changes - develop healthier habits, say no to unhealthy habits. You put some plans into place. You get going, fueled by momentum and positive feelings; maybe you're starting to see some of the results of your work. Then, after awhile, before you know it, it's over. YOU FAILED - HOORAY! Reaping the Fruit of Success in Life One way to become more successful in your life is to look at the lifestyle and habits of people who are already clearly reaping the fruits of success in life and who are living and growing towards their unique God given potential. What are some common characteristics and behaviour that we can apply to our own lives to help us on our own personal journey towards excellence? I have spent many years studying this area, and have discovered that there are common principles and habits which successful people follow and see positive results many times over. Even people who have achieved great personal growth in their lives know the importance of having established life habits and daily motivation towards their personal goals. Here are three important keys to unleash personal growth. Thinking for Success Thoughts are very powerful. An intention held long and hard enough will eventually manifest itself physically. A negative or positive action will stir up negative or positive thoughts long afterwards. 3 Powerful Tips to Help You Have Your Best Year Ever Here are 3 powerful steps you can take to free yourself from frustration and to start enjoying the good life so many are enjoying right now: Affirm, Visualize, and Receive - Is Planning Really Necessary? "Don't get caught up in the how of things. If you're clear on what you want to change and why you want to change it, the how will come. Many significant things have been left undone because someone let the problem solving interfere with the decision-making." - Michael Angier What Does YOUR Success Look Like? What does success look like to you? Our culture often defines success as money, fame, power ? something between a Pepsi ad and a car commercial. But success is more than financial rewards, the "right" car, or the "right" job. The news is full of stories of "successful" people sabotaging themselves with poor choices. Obviously fame and money were not enough to make them feel successful in their hearts. For success to matter it needs to be on your own terms. Promethean Hispanic Fire In the Greek tale of creation, a Titan (Greek god) by the name of Epimetheus is given the task of creating living creatures. He screws the job up by giving all the good DNA and survival mechanisms to the animals. When it came time to creating man he had nothing left but soft skin and weak limbs. Are You Good Enough? Several years ago, I attended a "success" seminar in northern Virginia. "Think of how you'll feel when you reach your goal. Imagine you've arrived! Feel it, smell it." I don't remember the name of the seminar nor the presenter, but I have two small pieces of wood that have locked that seminar in my mind and changed my life. The 5 Categories You Want To Succeed In If it comes to the question what we really want in our life the answer is always "Pleasure". Whatever happens to you, your brain asks 2 questions. Does that mean pain or pleasure, and if it means pain, how can I avoid it. Learning From Your Mistakes Your ability to deal constructively and effectively with mistakes and temporary setbacks is a mental skill that you can learn and become proficient at. The best way to deal with any failure is to realize that it is an indispensable prerequisite for success. You have to treat failure as an opportunity to lean, and begin again. You can overcome the fear of failure by doing the things you fear over and over again, and then resolve to bounce back, rather than letting them break you when things don't go right. It is a Challenge to Succeed (excerpted from The Challenge to Succeed audio series) I Don?t Believe in Failures I prefer to call the challenges, obstacles, side-tracks, and barriers that prevent me from reaching my goals as "unfavorable outcomes". If you put Merriam-Webster definition [i] of failure "as the lack of success" into perspective, remembering that "success is a journey and NOT a destination", then you too will be able to accept and embrace unfavorable outcomes in life rather than demise failures. Success is a 6 Letter Word Let me ask you a question? What must happen for you to feel successful? Do you need to be admired by the people that you care most about? Do you need to have financial abundance? And if so how would you know what financial abundance is? 1 million dollars, 2, 100, a billion? Bill Gates: Why He is the Richest Man in the World Bill is a man for the people, of the people and with the people every step of the way to make our's a better, more equipped society and environment in every sense of the formulation. His formula and future ideal goal was simple: "A paperless society". By advancing technology, saving our natural resources and promoting self employment, Bill Gates has not only made billions of dollars he has saved our economy billions of dollars and has helped save our bountiful and beautiful forests our vegetation. His vision was on target where he stated: most American's by the year 2000 will have the opportunity to Work from Home". With the demise of big business and huge corporate scandals, those who invested in themselves and their real estate have profited ten fold. ![]() |
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