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The Secret To Life Long Success And Fulfillment
What Makes the Difference? On a warm spring afternoon, fifteen years ago, two young men graduated from the same college. They were similar in many ways... Like most ambitious, hard working students they had also enjoyed time off to play sport and to have fun with their friends. And they were both very excited about the bright future that lay ahead. Fifteen years later they met. They were still alike in many ways. Both had a good family life, a comfortable home and they both had a little gray hair! But there was a difference. One of the men is stuck in his career and he hates his dead end job. He feels frustrated and unappreciated. And each Monday morning he drags himself out of bed to struggle through another tiring week. The other man is in charge of his own business and works as many or as few hours as he pleases each day. He is excited about his work and is richly rewarded for his success. He is living the dream. What made the difference? Have you ever wondered how two people of similar ability and intelligence can produce such different results in their careers? One person struggles day after day and claws his way to the top of his department - while another seems to have a never ending drive to do more and to achieve more. He rises to the top of the company in record time. The difference is in knowing how to get motivated and more importantly how to stay motivated. There is an easy way and a hard way. The hard way means getting stressed about deadlines, constantly beating yourself up and never really achieving anything of value without a lot of worry and tension. It can also mean feeling exhausted and overwhelmed much of the time. On the other hand, the easy way means you feel a sense of purpose and drive to achieve more for your own satisfaction and enjoyment. You get more done in less time and you feel energized by your goals. And even better, people respect and value you in a whole new way. Which do you prefer - the easy way or the hard way? Knowledge is Power. Right now I can turn on or turn off my own motivation at will without needing other people to coax me into action. And it is easy when you know how. Once I found an approach that worked all I did was follow the step-by-step instructions and my world changed as quickly as I changed. And this can happen for you even faster than you think... When you become a master of self-motivation you will wonder why you waited so long to get your hands on the knowledge that was here for you all along. Think about it for a moment. Why do you want to be more motivated? What are the most important reasons why you want to improve this aspect of your life? What have you missed out on by neglecting this crucial skill? The time to change is now - until you do, another day, another week and another month will slip by and you will be no further forward in your life. If you are waiting for the perfect time you will wait forever. It is time to try a new and better way... About The Author Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report that reveals how to crush procrastination and sustain lasting motivation. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at: http://www.getmotivatedstaymotivated.com/special.htm
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There is success achieved through sheer force of will and success that brings peace of mind and authentic joy. Achievements that create a better world bring authentic joy to the achiever. Success: 10 Tips to Make Failure Work for You 1)Failure is normal. Breakfast of Failures "If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate." --Thomas Watson, Sr. Founder of IBM Living A Life Without Limits The starting point of all great success and achievement is dreaming big dreams. There is nothing more important and nothing works faster. Successful people are able to let go of all their self-imposed limits. They continuously fantasize about the person they want to be, and all the wonderful things they can have and do. That is why all high achieving men and women are far more optimistic, confident, and creative than most people. Are You the Reason for Your Lack of Success? Have you ever noticed when playing a video game, or even working on a computer software program, that you sometimes wish it would go somewhere or do a particular task, but no matter what you do it won't do it. High Energy Performance One of the hallmarks of all successful and high achieving men and women is that they are always determined to get the very most out of life. They are fully engaged. The successful person in Maslow's words, wants to "become everything he or she is capable of becoming." Listen Up There is a close link between respect for another person's viewpoint and effective communication. The most successful people those who communicate well and regularly. They try to understand how others feel, and they respect their feelings. As a result, they accomplish more and have more satisfying relationships. Choice and Change - The Two Constants OK, so here we are. We've switched the calendars out and made our resolutions. 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That was certainly the case with Walt Disney who spent his whole working career dealing with tough-minded bankers, demanding stockholders and difficult employees, not that Walt himself was always a ball of sunshine. But through his travails when Disney had a dream he understood the perseverance needed to carry it through. The Best Time for Action? No Time Like the Present... Too often we wait for the 'right time' or 'the kids to grow up' or the next vacation. But how long is that away. Often when I'm working with my clients, it's about getting clear why they are putting change off. Almost always it's the fear of the challenging consequences of making wilful change. A Century of Hope What would one initially think about someone who dropped out of school at the age of 16? Would there be any hope for this person? This person is Bob Hope. Comedian Bob Hope starred in over 50 movies and lived past the age of 100 years old. Maximizing Your Potential: Using Your Brain to Think The Chicago Times once printed that Henry Ford was an ignoramus. Mr. Ford sued, challenging the paper to prove it. Success ...Whats the Key Ingredient? Don't expect results over night - what?? Barriers to Prosperity An odd but frequent barrier to prosperity is the belief that we're the "wrong type" to live an abundant life. This comes down to a whole attitude about ourselves which places us as a "misfit". This is quite usual among those who are on a Spiritual Path. I had this barrier at one time, and have discovered that it's completely irrelevant. ![]() |
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