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Do You Fear Your Own Success?
Noted author and self-worth teacher Eric Butterworth* says, "Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things." When you couple his philosophy with the Eastern mysticism of "what you believe will become your reality" it becomes clear that obstacles to financial and personal success are largely self-created. We once knew a man who, though hugely successful in business, and hugely contented on a personal level, claimed to be blessed with ignorance. He was ignorant of what he could not accomplish -therefore he accomplished much during his lifetime. This man's potential was not stifled by the abbreviated and misfigured word "can't." It simply did not figure into his thinking. That's not to say this man did not experience failure. He had no magical Midas touch - his personal life, while appearing to be immensely satisfying for him, included the same trials and tragedies experienced by any other human being. Yet he seemed to regard failure as an educational asset, and adversity as an opportunity for progress. While this man did not fear failure, he ultimately did not fear success. To succeed means to be a winner - to be at or at least near the top of the heap. But along with winning comes a profound responsibility. A football team that takes the championship is suddenly saddled with a near crushing responsibility to carry on that level of play. A person who is successful in business is expected to continue being successful. Success carries with it an inherent burden. Do you fear the burden of success? Success is only achieved through progress, and progress is only achieved through risk. A mushroom never takes a risk. It hides underground until conditions are perfect, and then emerges for only a short while. It never transmutes - never changing - remaining forever a mushroom. Humans fear risk because it involves dealing with unknown concepts and quantities. We're not sure what will happen if we take action, and that is a frightening concept in and of itself. Unfortunately, when we fear the risk of taking action, we relegate ourselves to remaining underground with the mushrooms - to be waiting forever for perfect conditions. We never change. We never progress. We never become anything other than what we already are. We procastinate, and attempt to content ourselves with a "someday I will" philosophy of living. Do you fear the risk of success? Now modern psychology, for all its inherent flaws, tells us that most humans suffer to some degree from low self-esteem. Perhaps we're not sure of ourselves, or however subconsciously, do not believe we are worthy of success. We seem to regard other people as better, more deserving, or as having a magical key to a successful life neatly tucked into a secret pocket. Perhaps we fear to associate in those circles of seemingly successful people - to be seen in the unworthy light that we have falsely cast upon ourselves - a light that no one but us can see. Do you fear the circles of success? Success can be measured in a multitude of ways - a successful marriage, a successful career, a successful social life, a successful vegetable garden. Success does not always relate to riches and fame, or the accumulation of material wealth. But you will find that any brand of success you seek will develop only from an attitude of personal courage. And it has been said that courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the ability to take action in spite of fear. Nothing, absolutely nothing in life is a sure bet, except that a mushroom will always remain a mushroom. * http://www.ericbutterworth.com Dan B. Cauthron has been involved in direct marketing more than 30 years. He offers FREE No Nonsense Marketing Advice and Tested Tools and Resources at: http://DanBCauthron.com __________________________________________________ � Copyright 2005 - Dan B. Cauthron All Rights Reserved Worldwide
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