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Your First Step to Success ? Eliminate Inner Obstacles
Think back to a time in your life when you felt inspired and excited to make a significant change. Did you go for it or did your inner obstacles get in the way? Your thoughts and beliefs are the foundation on which you build your success. You can't build a solid house on a foundation of clay and debris and the same truth holds for your success. If your thoughts and beliefs are shaky,these internal obstacles will hold you back unless you eliminate them. Sometimes it is our friends, colleagues and family members who sow the seed of doubts by trying to talk you out of changing your path.It is when you decide to make a better life for yourself that your decision will be met by all kinds of cautious warnings. All unsolicited under the guise of serious concern and well meaning. People will say such things as "that sounds great, "but do you have any idea how much that will cost you or how long it'll take to get the kind of result you want?" Or, "And what will you do if it doesn't work out?" Or, "what will happen if . . .?" Downright to "you'd better stick to what you have now, at least you know what you've got". Regardless of the origin of these warnings, they only serve to increase your level of anxiety and self doubts. The best way to handle such opinions is to thank your friends for their concern.Turn deaf ears to their platitudes and decide to watch out for whom you share your ideas with in the near future. Learning to handle obstacles is the best way to stand your ground and succeed. While running away only undermines your self esteem. Nature presents you with these challenges in order to learn to weather the storm and grow stronger. To succeed at overcoming obstacles you need to have the gut not to quit, but to see things through; to have the strong faith to believe more in yourself than in the obstacles and to have the willingness to do what it takes to turn the obstacles around. This means, you need to stand up to your obtacles and believe you can overcome them. When you attack your obstacles and do something about them, you'll find that they are not as threatening as they appeared to be at first. Decide that you will not give up and if something has to give, it will have to be the obstacles and not you. Standing up to your obstacles imparts you with a sense of accomplishment and reinforces the sense of your inner power. By developing a habit of facing resistance, you instill into your psyche a strong message of endurance and success. This strengthens the faith and the belief in yourself. Which helps remind you of the responsibility to yourself. Sometimes you may have to resort to some other measures to overcome obstacles. If you can't get through the problem, try going around it, and if you can't go around it, try getting under it, and if you can't get under it, try going over it, and if you can't go over it, just dive straight into it. Reflection: Ask yourself if the obstacle can be ignored. Your fixation of the problem only renders it more cumbersome. If possible, stop paying attention to it. Use humour or your wits to get around the obstacle. This helps to diffuse the tension around the issue. Take the bull by the horn and address the obstacle. Doing this might be challenging at first, particularly if you are not used to confrontation. Yet the more you do it, the easier it will become. Action Point: 1.See obstacles as propeller to move you forward and use them wisely. 2. Repeat loudly as often as necessary to yourself: "I can overcome this, and I will". 3. Confront obstacles as habits of success and not of failure. 4. Develop the ability to overcome, bypass, or eliminate obstacles. 5. When difficult circumstances arise, have the confidence to take action. Don't allow other people to put obstacles in your path. Learn to overcome obstacles by standing up to them without complaining. Have the faith and strength to change your thoughts and beliefs that you can succeed and you will. Kunbi Korostensky N.D., Psychotherapist and Certified Life Coach is specialised in supporting people going through various life changes, such as after a divorce, bereavement and dealing effectively with teenagers. Check out her ebooklet: Top 10 holistic Questions to Embrace Change and Grow at http://www.embracingchanges.com.BooksandCDs.html
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When my neighbor's child was about 8, he decided that he wanted to lemonade stand. He asked me to help him, which I did. And he was very serious about the whole matter. The stand had to look like a "real store." The "lemonade needed "real" lemons. We had to go to the bank, so that he would have, as he put it, "the appropriate amount of change needed to complete any sale," etc. He had me sign a work contract with him ? made out of crayons ? and tested me on my ability to count out change. (Luckily, he was unaware of business insurance, city permits, and employee benefits!) True Success In Wood And Water Let's get right to the point, folks. Achieve the Success You Want: 7 Reasons Why People Dont Change is one of the biggest concepts facing today's society. We are all confronted by how fast the world is changing and how we must change to keep up. We should view change as exciting! It?s Sure to Succeed There are "How to" seminars on virtually every business topic. 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Life Issues Pt. 1 - Success Hello everybody and a good day (or night !) to you all.My name is Nicholas Dixon and I am in my early twenties and I reside on the beautiful island of Jamaica.I work full time in a public library , but in my spare time I design and market websites.I personally think that it is fun to help my fellow brother or sister to get what they want out of this life. Moving Beyond Self-Sabotage Self-sabotage is one key factor that keeps our business from moving forward. We can sabotage ourselves in a variety of ways. There are many ways we can prevent ourselves from enjoying the success we desire. To ensure that our businesses grow and prosper, it is vital that we learn how to push through unproductive attitudes. Here are some tips to help you move beyond self-sabotage. Success is a 6 Letter Word Let me ask you a question? What must happen for you to feel successful? Do you need to be admired by the people that you care most about? Do you need to have financial abundance? And if so how would you know what financial abundance is? 1 million dollars, 2, 100, a billion? A Recipe for Living As a professional speaker, father and business owner I often like to share personal experiences and lessons I have learnt with others. It is with pride and pleasure I share one with you today – the ‘Recipe for Living’. Do You Fear Your Own Success? Noted author and self-worth teacher Eric Butterworth* says, "Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things." When you couple his philosophy with the Eastern mysticism of "what you believe will become your reality" it becomes clear that obstacles to financial and personal success are largely self-created. Techniques to Help e-Learning e-Learning is doubling yearly. Classes, e-courses, e-books on how-to and what-to appear by the thousands online weekly. In-person seminars and workshops are limited to location and access. e-Learning allows easy access, creation, and international distribution to a whole new world of experiences -- negative and positive. Abundance Creating Resources You Already Have You already have all the resources you need to accomplish all the things you want to achieve. Sound too good to be true, doesn't it? Fact is, it is true. You do have all the resources you need. All of them. The questions are: how broad is your awareness of these resources which resources are we talking of here? and, for which needs? There are countless resources that each individual possesses. It would be nigh impossible and self-defeating to attempt to discuss and highlight even a quarter of these resources in a short discourse as this one. Let us take a look at a few of the resources you already have to accomplish all the things you want to achieve: Creating Vision You have probably heard it before, or you may even have said it yourself. "Where there is no vision, the people perish". In the absence of a compelling vision, people tend to be stuck in their present circumstances. They wallow in a 'comfort zone' and drift from self-pity to anxiety and anger. Where there is no vision people perish. Vision is neither wishful thinking, nor is it an expression of hope or a modified form of day-dreaming. Vision is the rare ability of standing in the future and looking at the past as it unfolded. While you are standing there, you make decisions from that 'future' (instead of from pressing present circumstances). For some vision is the ability to outline a point of convergence related to their personal focus. This means determining and acknowledging ahead of fact, the destination of one's efforts. ![]() |
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