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Abundance Creating Resources You Already Have
You already have all the resources you need to accomplish all the things you want to achieve. Sound too good to be true, doesn't it? Fact is, it is true. You do have all the resources you need. All of them. The questions are: Let us take a look at a few of the resources you already have to accomplish all the things you want to achieve: You have probably heard it before, or you may even have said it yourself. "Where there is no vision, the people perish". In the absence of a compelling vision, people tend to be stuck in their present circumstances. They wallow in a 'comfort zone' and drift from self-pity to anxiety and anger. Where there is no vision people perish. Vision is neither wishful thinking, nor is it an expression of hope or a modified form of day-dreaming. Vision is the rare ability of standing in the future and looking at the past as it unfolded. While you are standing there, you make decisions from that 'future' (instead of from pressing present circumstances). For some vision is the ability to outline a point of convergence related to their personal focus. This means determining and acknowledging ahead of fact, the destination of one's efforts.
I suppose a plausible working definition should be: a portrayal of intended activities in vivid, clear crisp terms that capture human meaning and value. This one consideration makes sure that the life you are pursuing derives from your own vision. It is to make sure that you are not pursuing someone else's vision of who you should become and where you should be. It is a tragedy tha many people are living other people's visions. Hopefully you are not one of the many! It is very easy to be engaged in activities that do not add any value to your life. Seeking to provide an answer to this question will help in rooting out 'idling' activities. There are people who can drive your vision, just as ther are people whose visions you can impact. When you create your vision, think of the impact of your own vision on the visions of others. Practical considerations when formulating a simple vision include asking: For more complicated visioning there will be more involved procedures. On the whole, the importance of vision as a resource lies in the fact that it acts as a beacon.
The second thing that you must do in order to meaningfully exploit this resource is to identify your value equivalents:
Unpacking skills refer to those skills you call on when you have to decide which skill is needed in which situation. Think about it! When you do an omelet, which skill do you need? When you are typing on a keyboard, which skill do you need? And when you ride a bicycle, which skill do you need?
This may seem trite, but there are certain skills you may want to be consciously competent in. That is, you will need to know exactly the things that you do when you execute the particular skill. Okay, you do know what a map is and what it is used for. You also know that the map is not the territory. This is an imperative distinctive ability. Let me show you why. Imagine you have in your hands a map of an area that you are quite familiar with. You look at the map, and you realize that a lot of what is evident about the area is not reflected in the map. How useful will that map be? To you? And to a total stranger? Broadening your maps means being able to thoroughly understand the dimensions of your reality, being able to deconstruct those areas of your understanding that are no more relevant, useful or true. It is also means knowing how, where, and when to adjust or replace your maps. Broadening your maps may ultimately mean developing the courage to discard useless and obsolete maps. This is one distinctive ability that may mean the difference that makes the whole difference.
Mentors can be: External difficulties refer to obstacles, hindrances and situations on the environmental level. The environmental level refers to the physical plane of performance. That is where the action is supposed to happen. It is filled with both constraints and opportunities. Internal weaknesses refer to self-referencing inclinations that are self-sabotaging. These come in the form of
These internal weaknesses appear on the identity level of experience. They are about how you refer to yourself. They are the weaknesses that you refer to whenever you say: "I am stupid", "I am a donkey", I am mentally wounded", "I will never make it", "I am ..." Let me table them quickly here for you Ke o agile is an NLP Coach and editor of In TheZone (http://inthezone.port5.com), an NLP focused ezine that coaches you to create an abundant lifestyle through strategic goal setting, and motivation.
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Success: 10 Tips to Make Failure Work for You 1)Failure is normal. Personal Power: Implementing Change from the Inside Out Personal power is an INSIDE JOB. It doesn't mean getting other people to do what you want them to; it means getting yourself moving toward your goals. What creates the power is a series of attitudinal realities which you create for yourself and by yourself. Therefore, the key resource in managing change is YOU. 19 Good Questions For Living The Good Life (Just The Right Question To Get Just What You Desire) It happened again in class. While sharing my insights on a particular subject, I spontaneously began by saying: Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable They say that if you really want to stretch yourself and grow, then try doing something every day that scares you. What does that mean? Does that mean to rent the latest blockbuster thrillers that have all of the gore and guts and get your adrenaline going a million miles a minute? Identify Those Things That Have Prevented You From Being Successful And Learn How To Avoid Them Now Have you been struggling for years to accomplish some goals without success? Are you wondering why you haven't been able to lose the weight you want, be more energetic, earn more money, learn new skills, be a better communicator, or accomplish whatever desires and dreams you have? The 5-Minute Success Strategy - Transform Your Behavior Easily and Painlessly Recently, I coached a young woman whom I'll call Mary about how to make critical lifestyle changes. Mary had always struggled with her weight. She had no control over her eating and she could not maintain a consistent exercise program. That's when I suggested that Mary try the 5-Minute Success Strategy to help her overcome her problem behavior. The beauty of this strategy is that you can use it both to eliminate an unwanted behavior and establish a desired one. Using A Weekly Review To Improve My Life And Business "What a week!" you say at the end of a series of days thatwent, quite frankly, very well. And yet...At the conclusion of another week those same three words maycarry with them a completely different meaning.Discouraged and fighting off feelings of defeat, you hardlyhave enough breath to reflect with a sigh, "What a week." How do you capture the momentum of the good days or regainany sense of the same when things don't go so well? Answer: I'm not totally sure! But I am confident of this: a good, positive weekly reviewcan assist you in... *Capturing what went well, *Helping you to refocus, *Building for future success, *And improving yourself or your business. I hope that "My Week In Review" will prove to be one of themany tools you use in your quest for excellence. It is a unique tool designed to... *Give yourself credit for "things done well" *Allow you to creatively express your thoughts *Keep you in a training/duplicating mode *Pinpoint and attack success hindering attitudes or actions *Rivet your attention on the next play of the game. May you and those you serve have a wonderful week, Lee ~*~*~*~* MY WEEK IN REVIEW ~*~*~*~* Striving For Excellence For All The Right Reasons � Lee Wise All rights reserved ===========================================================THINKING POSITIVE===========================================================What top three things *worked well* for me this past week? 1.2.3.===========================================================WHEN SMALL IS BIG===========================================================Speaking personally or professionally...What "little step" of improvement could I make next weekthat -- *if repeated consistently over time* -- wouldbenefit myself or those I influence in a unique way? My Answer Is...===========================================================TWO QUESTIONS FOR OVERCOMERS===========================================================If I dared to believe I could... *What would I do that I have not done? And... *What would be my first step in doing it? My Answers Are... 1. I would do this2. My first step will be===========================================================THE STORIES OF MY LIFE==========================================================="Have I... *Received any compliments, *Heard of any positive results, *Been motivated by someone's success, *Or discovered any exciting facts...That I should record to use in my business?" My Response Is...===========================================================PATTERNS (Ruthless Honesty) =========================================================== Being Ruthlessly Honest...If I repeated the way I worked this past week for the next90 days, would it be a good or "not-so-good" thing for mybusiness health?IF MY ANSWER IS "NOT-SO-GOOD," THEN...What will I attack *with a vengeance* first? What is the main *emotional reason* for my attack?IF MY ANSWER IS "A GOOD THING," THEN...What should I reinforce by doing it again?1.2.What should I share that is duplicatable? 1.2. =========================================================== MY SUCCESS JOURNAL =========================================================== Recording my personal journey... Winning: Defining It - Achieving It If you ask most people whether they would like to be considered a winner or a loser in life, they would most assuredly reply that they would like to be a winner. But this begs the question, "What does it mean to win at life?" In some things it's easy to define a clear winner. In a basketball game, whoever has the most points at the end of the game is the winner. In a game of hearts, my favorite card game, whoever has the least amount of points when one of the players reaches 100 points is the winner. Can Anyone Become A Successful Business Person? Can anyone become a successful businessperson? I am asked this question many times after I have given a speech on business procedures and strategies. The answer is not that simple. The Core Curriculum Of A Wonderful Life An acquaintance of mine once lamented that she was utterly frustrated with her lack of progress toward her dreams, given her age. According to her outlook, if you hadn't made it by then, you weren't anywhere near as likely to do so afterwards. A very late bloomer indeed, she ranted, and going to seed before the blush was off the rose, to boot. Ouch. Fortunately, I didn't believe a word of it and now she is happily off proving herself wrong in many ways - but I digress. Leave a Legacy What do Sam Walton, Ray Kroc, Hilton, Marriot, Firestone, Elvis Presley, The Kennedy's, John Huntsman, and Henry Ford have in common? They have all left a legacy. Think about the Waltons. Even though they slipped a little from last year, they are still going strong on the "Worlds Richest People List" Here is this years list: Success Is Everything (Excerpted From the 2001 Jim Rohn Millennium Weekend Event - Jim Rohn/Zig Ziglar VIP Lunch) Measuring Success As I have worked with people over the years I have seen an amazing thing. People often get frustrated because they aren't achieving "success." There are lots of possible reasons for this but one reason I have found that sticks out is that many people allow their definition of "Success" to be driven by someone or something else. Book Summary: The Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success Dr. Deepak Chopra is a well-known author of more than 25 books. He is one of the leading spokespersons for a growing movement of physicians who are combining modern Western medicine with ancient Eastern healing methods. Chopra was formerly the Chief of Staff at Boston Regional Medical Center, and he has taught at Tufts University and Boston University Schools of Medicine. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success is a short but insightful book that explains how simple actions can make a big difference. Some parts of it may appear abstract to those who have not experienced Eastern philosophy. Achieve the Success You Want: 7 Reasons Why People Dont Change is one of the biggest concepts facing today's society. We are all confronted by how fast the world is changing and how we must change to keep up. We should view change as exciting! Preparing For Success Everyone wants to be successful. Everyone wants to have more, be more, do more, and enjoy more of what life has to offer. We are driven continually forward toward the accomplishment of the things that are most important to us. The entire human race is a made up of people striving toward the realization of their potential in every area. Because of this, there is tremendous competition for the good of things in life. Everybody wants them, and no one is ever fully satisfied. The satisfaction of a want or desire leads automatically to a want or desire for something else. And it never ends. What People Say about the People They Work With Reflects on Themselves Often, what people say about other people behind their backs is a nasty reflection on the talker. You might be surprised by what I heard from an IRS executive. Success Doesnt Always Come Easy On a raw, cold day in the European Alps, Lance Armstrong steered his bike into the sleeting snow, then stopped. His partner riding in the car behind him urged Lance to give it up for the day and return to the comfort of his shelter. What Do You Feed Your Mind? "The mind grows by what it feeds on." J. G. Holland Change Your Results by Changing Your Expectations Our expectations get us into a lot of trouble and often cause a lot of stress. We expect our customers to always come back; we expect our boss to behave in a certain way; we expect the company we work for to take care of us; and we expect coworkers to be team players. ![]() |
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