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Personal Power: Implementing Change from the Inside Out
Personal power is an INSIDE JOB. It doesn't mean getting other people to do what you want them to; it means getting yourself moving toward your goals. What creates the power is a series of attitudinal realities which you create for yourself and by yourself. Therefore, the key resource in managing change is YOU. First and foremost, RESPECT YOURSELF. Are you hard on yourself, self-critical? Cut it out! Do you tend to minimize your strengths and focus on your shortcomings? Cut it out! Do you tend to blame yourself, no matter what the truth is, when things go wrong? Cut it out! YOU ARE NOT TO BLAME! A positive attitude begins with self-respect. Second: FACE THE FUTURE. Another way to say this is to LET GO. SURRENDER to the reality that things are changing and that you must, therefore, change, too. If you're one of those whose job may be in jeopardy because of downsizing, a corporate move or an economic downturn in your industry, don't make the mistake of hanging on and hoping it won't happen. Move in the direction of your options -- that is, your FUTURE ?rather than staying in your stuck place, which is your PAST history and patterns. Change, among other things, is a monkey wrench thrown into the mechanism of your expectations about yourself, your job, your life. Third: the fastest and perhaps the best way to move forward is to learn how to SAY GOODBYE to the past before welcoming (or, at least, accepting) the future. Granted, it's difficult to part with what's familiar -- even if the familiar is painful. But it's a necessary action, so get on with it, because no matter how much you'd like things to return to normal, they won't - because there's no such thing as normal any more. And the sooner you do this, the less time you'll waste with unproductive stuff. Fourth: as you adapt to change, particularly during the DENIAL and RESISTANCE phases of your personal journey, you'll likely find yourself vacillating back and forth between the exciting possibilities that represent future SUCCESS and the dreaded catastrophes that could mark future FAILURE. When you observe these feelings of denial and resistance, it's time to work on creating POSSIBILITY ATTITUDES and BEHAVIORS. Fifth and finally, how does one create those attitudes and behaviors? This is a separate job, and it involves five actions: � TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. This is a tall order for many of us, because we've learned how to pass the buck very effectively -- to our families, our schooling, our significant others, to anything outside of ourselves. We BLAME. So, instead of viewing the world as something that's happening to you, view it as something you're creating by your thoughts and actions. You'll be amazed at the power of choice you get from this. � EXPERIMENT. Always look for the evidence when you hear negatives. Questions like "Who says?" and "Is this always true?" are valuable kinds of detective work to do. What you'll often find is that nobody knows and it isn't always true. That's good information to have if you're trying to be positive about things. Now, here's the NEW AGE stuff. But, amazingly, it works, and there's a formula. Point three in this series of five? � CREATE AFFIRMATIONS. Picture yourself in an ideal situation and then verbalize it. Yes, you really have to say it - out loud (and, at least at the beginning, in private, I'm sure). Use colorful, descriptive adverbs and adjectives. Also, use the present tense and the "I" approach. Don't talk about the situation, talk about YOU IN THE SITUATION. For example, in applying for a job you might affirm, "I am moving effortlessly toward getting a wonderful job in a terrific company, and I deserve the job I'm getting." Sound a little sick? Maybe?but rest assured, it works. Try it. � PRACTICE VISIONING. It's easy, as you already know if you've ever daydreamed, and you can do it anywhere, silently, even with your eyes open, without disturbing anyone or embarrassing yourself. It's a great tool, so use it. And finally? � REFRAME. Shift your beliefs, consciously, from negative to positive. Try looking at one belief each day and moving it from negative to positive. Then extend this thinking to the entire frame you call YOUR LIFE. Miracle of miracles, after you've been doing this for a while, you'll note (or someone else may point out to you) that you're different. You've changed - and probably for the better. Try it and see. You might even like it! Copyright 2002, 2005 Optimum Performance Associates/Paul McNeese. Paul McNeese is CEO of Optimum Performance Associates, a consulting firm specializing in transitional and transformational change for individuals and institutions through publication. His publishing company, OPA Publishing, is an advocacy for self-publishing authors of informational, instructional, inspirational and insightful nonfiction. Email: [email protected]
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Masterminding Your Way To Greater Success Napoleon Hill coined the concept of the mastermind alliance in his classic book Think and Grow Rich. He believed that a group of like-minded, achievement-oriented individuals could dramatically leverage each other's success. Persist Until You Succeed The start of a new year is a good time to review your dreams and goals. I am not asking you to make another new year's resolution you are going to break in a few days or weeks but to think of what is important to you or what you want to achieve or work towards in the months to come. Choice and Change - The Two Constants OK, so here we are. We've switched the calendars out and made our resolutions. Now it's time to set about the process of making those changes we've resolved to make. You haven't forgotten already have you? K.O.R.E. Elements of Success I want to focus our thoughts on each of these four elements of success. While these were originally written for a business audience, the principles can be easily translated to cover yourself or any group or organization you belong to. The Subtlety of Language I have found that sometimes the subtle difference in our attitude, which of course can make a major difference in our future, can be as simple as the language we use. The difference in even how you talk to yourself or others. Consciously making a decision to quit saying what you don't want and to start saying what you do want. I call that faith. Believing the best, hoping for the best and moving toward the best. Success: Beware The Arrival Syndrome There is a saying that goes something like this: Getting to the top is easy, the hard thing is staying there. Stop Reading Success Books and Start Being Successful So you want to be successful (whatever that means to you) and you've been to the motivational lectures, seminars and you've read the latest books on how to make a billion dollars in 17 seconds!!! The Power of Small Routinely, I rise out of bed before the birds, and watch the sunlight flood my office every morning. See, I love this time of day! But what I don't love is being rudely rousted out of a deep sleep before my normal rise and shine time, and every day for the past few months I have been. The Ancestral Cream "I am the greatest warrior. I have fought with gods and beaten them. I have fought with giants and won. I am strong; I cannot lose in a battle. I am the greatest warrior ever," said the confident warrior". Helpful Tips to Overcome Procrastination Many among us, on many instances, have the habit of putting aside to a later time or day some things that needs to be done or acted upon like a project, work, job, or duty. For purposes of discussion, we will confine ourselves to procrastination on repair works typically at home. It equates to other circumstances as well. Do You Need to Have a High IQ to Be Successful? Does an Average IQ Mean Youll Be Average? You have probably heard the term "IQ" many times, and you probably know it has something to do with measuring intelligence. Handling Rejection Everybody suffers rejection at some time or another in their life. The first step in handling rejection is to recognise that rejection is a necessary part of our private and professional lives. No success is achievable without encountering rejection of some form along the way. It encourages us to hone our skills. Have You Planned Your New Years Revolutions? Revolution: The Secret To Life Long Success And Fulfillment What Makes the Difference? The True BMI of Success - What is the True Definition of Success? The TRUE BMI of SUCCESS (B)e a (M)illionaire (I)ndex + Persistence = "Never, never, never give up; never give up, never!." - Winston Churchill Success Without Excuses If we hope to achieve any worthwhile goal it will be necessary to throw out the excuses. The excuses usually do not deceive others but they may well deceive ourselves. Reach Your Goals - Visualize Success Visualize success, and what you'll do to reward yourself Marketing In The Moment (Consciously) It's really all we have... the "Moment". Think about it, the past is only a memory and the future is a speculation. The "Moment" is where it all happens. If we master the "Moment" everything else will fall into place. There are 4 keys to mastering the "Moment" that I use to insure marketing and sales success. Self Improvement and the Power of Concentration One the most important Self Improvement skills to develop to ensure our success is the ability to concentrate. ![]() |
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