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Persist Until You Succeed
The start of a new year is a good time to review your dreams and goals. I am not asking you to make another new year's resolution you are going to break in a few days or weeks but to think of what is important to you or what you want to achieve or work towards in the months to come. It is extremely important to have a goal in mind. You will not get anywhere by doing the same job day in and day out. It is so easy to carry on with an established routine if you are reasonably content and no one is making your life miserable. Most of the time we decide to change our job or get out of a relationship because someone makes our life difficult. Don't wait for that to happen. Think of what you would like to do this year that would help you make progress in your career, would improve your personal relationships or make you happier. Remember you must have a goal in mind. You must know what you want, otherwise you cannot get it. People who don't know what they want are like people who go to a store and come back with things they don't need. To succeed in any aim we must be focused and concentrate on how to get there. The mind is all powerful. If you deeply concentrate on a problem or a goal, you will find the solution and the path how to get there. On the way people will come to your aid. Focusing on your goal is like walking up a mountain ? one step leads to the next until you reach the top. And once you reach the top, what exhilaration, you suddenly see things from new and different perspectives. This will encourage you to set your sights on higher and more distant goals. But you must keep on going. You cannot stop half way because you get tired or discouraged because you encounter seemingly insurmountable obstacles on your path. You must keep going until you reach your goal. Those who fall down and pick themselves up again and again are the ones who will be victorious in the end. Very few people become a success on the first try. President Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest Presidents of this country, failed in almost every undertaking before becoming President ? but he never gave up along the way. Remember, to become successful you must (1) have a clear goal in mind; (2) deeply concentrate and focus on how to achieve it and (3) persist until you succeed. NEVER GIVE UP! He is a veteran media personality and has appeared hundreds of times on television, radio and in print media. A film maker, he frequently appears on radio nationally. He is the host/producer of the Ostaro Show (Time Warner and RCN Cable TV every other Fri and Sun in NYC) featuring the best in celebrity horoscopes. Listed in Who's Who in America, he is a positive thinker and the author of the "Art & Craft of Success: 10 Steps" published by Svarg Syndicate Inc, NYC. Mr. Ostaro is a Premier Hindu Astrologer of New York City, and is a Kentucky Colonel. http://www.ostaro.com; [email protected].
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The Bulging Right Pocket It was one of the worst periods of time in my life. 7.9 Things I Learned About Success From Darth Vader Unless you have been living in a cave, you have probably seen Star Wars 3. I did some 'thinking outside the box' and came up with some ideas about success from watching the movie. The Psychology Of Success; Part 2 In the first part of this article you learned some very important psychological skills for success. You learned how to build up your self-confidence and how to be assertive, fairly. And, how to ask for what you want, but without being confrontational. I Would Give Anything To ? A couple days ago I was listening to a CD by one of the most successful speakers in the industry. He has been around for many years and is considered one of the greats. He is also considered to be somewhat off the beaten path. As much as he is admired and respected by many, he is judged by just as many. The segment I found most intriguing was one about how others often say to him, "I would give anything to be a successful speaker and author just like you." Individualistic Sucess Models In individualistic success models, success is not due to the individual's relationship with his external environment or place in society, but, rather, a matter of individual accomplishment or, in some cases, a measure of his relationship with God. These models had their roots originally in Protestant Calvinism and are the typical ones you will see in "Success" books. Building the Minds Framework for Success Man is the most advanced being on this earth. We are the dominant species for one particular reason; our ability to think! Although we have virtually unlimited ability to use our minds effectively, the vast majority of us do not really use the extraordinary powers of the mind for own advantage. Too many of us are slaves of our reactionary minds instead of masters of our proactive, creative minds. Creating Success - Understand The Tao of Success One of the most important aspects of creating success involves a delicate balance between two somewhat opposing forces ? REFLECTION and ACTION. This balance is very similar to the balance of Yin and Yang in the Tao philosophy. Self-Development Through Asking Why? The Enlightened Warrior's 'Keys to Success' Through the Power of Our Thoughts, Words, and Deeds Youve Got To Find Passion In It People often ask me, "Josh, if you had one bit of advice with regards to starting a business or looking for a new opportunity or direction in life what would it be?" iPod - The Ultimate Self-Help Tool Wow, what an outrageous claim! Why do I say this? Simple. I believe that listening to self-help audio books, seminars, and yes--you knew I was going to say it--Power Affirmations (even ones you record yourself), is the most powerful way to learn and recondition your thinking. And when you improve your thought habits, your life automagically improves. What Makes One Person Succeed While Someone Else Fails What characteristics are common among successful people. If you analyze the success stories of history, business or your own personal experience you'll find similar habits and patterns among successful people. You'll find these people to be persistent, hard-working, continually educating themselves and able to adapt to certain situations. You've heard the old adage don't work harder work smarter or you've heard the one the exceptional salesman makes a habit of doing what the ordinary salesman doesn't do. These two saying are fine but you need to remember each of them says simply if you want to make it you will have to do more than the next person. Please keep in mind this does not require you to become a slave to your own business or organization. Let It Be You Each and every day, there are people all around the country and world who are living their dreams. Millionaires are made every day. Families are experiencing tremendous relationships. People are becoming more and more healthy. Life-long learners are growing intellectually and improving their chances for success. Personal Excellence: Whats Your Motivation? (Part 2 of 3) The scene from "Biloxi Blues" where Matthew Broderick's character kept asking, "Is the heat getting hotter?" was looping in my mind. Indeed, the surface of the sun may well have been a cooler place to spend the day. Measure Effort To Achieve Success! Let's say you're moving forward in your efforts to achieve your goals. Along the way you will certainly experience many victories. Yet there will also be challenges and failures. To keep yourself going, you are going to need lots of support from within. This support is going to come in the form of self-monitoring, self-talk, and self-reward. I can not overstate the importance of constantly telling yourself what a good job you are doing. It's not just the little things that you do each day that will get you to your goal. It's learning to be excited by your choices and recognize your many triumphs - however small they may seem. 17 Extraordinary Human Capacities People have a tremendous capacity for outstanding achievement. There are also many extraordinary capacities that allow them to become high achievers. Imagine That "See, I told you so," she emailed me, "it turned out just like I said. All that talk about positive thinking is just bs. I tried to think that it would be alright, and I said all those positive affirmations; but it still turned out as badly as I thought it might. Please unsubscribe me" How to Have an Amazingly Satisfying Year I started taking stock of my year in 2002. I found it useful at the end of the year to list what I have accomplished, what I am thrilled about, what I wished had turned out differently, what I am proud of, what I learned, what were the pleasant surprises, and the not so pleasant ones, what I want to develop as a habit, and what I want to do differently in the future. How to Always Get Whatever You Want Do You Know You Have the Power to Harness Huge, Hidden Powers of the Universe? Changing Your Mind Can Be a Wrestling Match If you've been walking this earth for any length of time, it must be pretty clear by now that if you want to make changes in your life, the first thing that needs to change is YOUR MIND! But here there's a problem - maybe a lot of problems - called LIMITING BELIEFS...ideas about yourself and the world that keep you from forging through change. I Havent Failed...I Just Havent Finished Yet How many times do we fail at something, then attemp to justify that failure by saying "I knew I couldn't do it!". Perhaps, that was the very reason for the failure in the first place. One should never expect to succeed with a negative outlook. We must remain positive in all things. By giving in to a negative attitude, we set ourselves up to be a failure from the beginning. ![]() |
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