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What Do You Feed Your Mind?
"The mind grows by what it feeds on." On what do you feed your mind? One of my major concerns today is that a lot of people feed their mind with television. We increasingly judge our success and personal worth by television stories - stories of the rich and famous, those who have beauty and the perfect body, those who do little work and still succeed. Yet, this is not reality. You can lose your job, you can lose material items, but you can never lose your knowledge. The money we invest in ourselves to further increase our knowledge is truly an investment in our future. How many self improvement books have you read over the last year? How many educational programs have you listened to that have helped you learn something new? What have you fed your mind in the last month? ABOUT THE AUTHOR Catherine Pulsifer is one of the editors of Words of Wisdom 4 U, http://www.wow4u.com. You will find a collection of motivational thoughts, stories, quotes, poems, smiles, proverbs, and more at Words of Wisdom 4 U!
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What Bowling and Success Have In Common I was flying home from a seminar in Atlanta yesterday afternoon on Delta and they have TVs on each seat. The Secret to Intense Focus By One of the common elements you see in almost all successful people is focus. They saw what they wanted to achieve and they focused in on it like a laser. Then, when they become famous and we, the common folk, know their name, we are amazed at the focus they have. Do You Need A Change Of Mind? Napoleon Hill, the famous inspirational writer, once met a reader who became a millionaire after reading one of his books. The book, Think and Grow Rich, transformed Bill McCall of Australia from rags to riches. Become a Dreamer! Cool Facts: Walt Disney went bankrupt several times before he built Disneyland and was fired by a newspaper editor for lack of ideas. Skills or Beliefs: Which Matters Most to Your Business? Skills or beliefs; this may well be another example of the age-old "chicken or the egg" dilemna. I tend to side more strongly with beliefs. I'll give you a story to illustrate why. Life Versus Lifestyle There is a difference but what constitutes a life and what constitutes a lifestyle is pretty ambiguous.� One thing that seems pretty clear to me is the lifestyle is observable while a life can have many internal aspects to it.� A lifestyle can include people, material things, environments, how we spend our time, energy, and money.� A life includes things like our beliefs, our values, our commitments, our soul's dream, and our vision.� If you choose a lifestyle first you could wind up with an empty fortress.� If you choose the life first, you will design your lifestyle to support the life.� � Since most of us already have a lifestyle, and a default life, we usually have to do some redesign work.� Choose a life and then redesign our lifestyle. It is possible that the lifestyle you currently have will never support the life you truly want to live.� It is possible the lifestyle you currently have has many supporting structures and only minor renovations need to occur.� It is possible that you are a highly intuitive person and your lifestyle is in perfect alignment.� I know very few people who fall into that category.� My dad does but what I notice about him, is he and my mother made a conscious decision to structure their lives around their spiritual values.� They made that decision early in their marriage and lived true to it. Now it's interesting that my parents are actually old enough to be my grandparents, (my mother is no long living) and I noticed that many earlier generations were not given to having transformational conversations so learning was a very different process then than it is now.� The fact that we have e-courses and teleclasses and magazines and tons of books that are created to help people learn to live more meaningful and personally fulfilling lives represents a shift from how things use to be.�� � As we evolve we begin to look at various aspects of our lives for congruence to our values and commitments.� The disparity shows up with exclamation marks behind them and sometimes our response is discouragement and self-disappointment. We act as if we should have known better when the truth is how could we have known better?� So the first thing to get over is "I didn't know"� and then after we get over that we come to "but I know now?now what?"� It takes a courageous person to see this and then set their intentions on bringing integrity into their life so that their lifestyle gives them a life that serves their higher self.� You will notice some people trying to work around it, pretending it doesn't matter that their lifestyles don't measure up to their core values.� � The real problem is once you see the inconsistency, not doing anything actually makes things worse and you lose ground really fast.� It cost you big time to keep that inconsistency in place.� You can't be with yourself and be at peace in your life.� It wears you down like water will wear down a mountain over time.� Your life will devolve instead of evolve.� If that is not a price that's too high to pay, I don't know what is.� Just think about it and choose wisely the path you will follow.�� Getting Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable They say that if you really want to stretch yourself and grow, then try doing something every day that scares you. What does that mean? Does that mean to rent the latest blockbuster thrillers that have all of the gore and guts and get your adrenaline going a million miles a minute? Reach Your Goals - Create A Soundtrack Choose a personal theme song and soundtrack that stirs you and refocuses you on your goal Affirm Your Intentions - Achieve Your Goals Affirmations are emotionally driven statements of intention and faith that guide thought and action. Affirmation comes from the Latin firmus, meaning strong. Affirmations recognize and assert the existence of personal truths. These statements can be powerfully effective for developing and strengthening thought patterns, and thus actions, needed to achieve goals. These thought patterns also attract the situations we affirm to be true. Powering Up Your SUCCESS Mechanisms! An effective self- concept generates the desire to strive for things that were thought to be impossible before. It generates fight, but it doesn't kick dogs and slap babies. What Are the Nine Bodyparts of a Better Life? Your Head, think about what you want and move towards it Everyday we have several opportunities to make a change for the better, the worse or just say the same and everytime we make a decision in one of these directions. At breakfast you could have oatmeal, or toast and jam, or you could have a coffee and a donut, your decision could often be better. When you get to work you could take the elevator only part way and climb a few flights in the very empty stairwell or you could choose to take an elevator to your floor. Don't feel too terribly bad about all of your decisions as you should know that not many others are making a great decision every time either. I ride my bike to work every day and in a building of 1000 people I am one of three bike riders. Look at these decisions one at a time and if it is a little easier carry around a notebook and write down things to do better. Try to resolve today to just do a few things alittle better than you did yesterday. Plan On Opposition to Your New Ideas. It?s Normal! Lets face it, no one enjoys rejection. But the reality is, a new idea starts getting negative assaults within three seconds and thirty percent of people will readily oppose a new idea without even taking sufficient time to find out if the new idea is good or not. Whether your idea is convincing your friends to try a new place for lunch or getting the advertising budget doubled, it can be an uphill battle. As a knee-jerk response, its normal for people to say: thats dumb, we tried that, it costs too much; it will never work, you don't understand, etcetera! The REAL Secret to Success I used to see a chiropractor who handed out a little leaflet entitled "Dr. Hickman's Guide to Success in Business." It was very nice, had his picture on the front and was professionally printed. On the inside it said, "Get a job and go to work every morning." Dealing with Difficult People--Go Ahead, Rain on My Parade "And when it rains on your parade, look up rather than down. Without the rain, there would be no rainbow."--Jerry Chin What Am I Going To Do With The Rest Of My Life? Unexpected life changes. Anticipated transitions. Long, sleepless nights. What do these three things have in common? The ability to provoke one of the most haunting questions in the library of human introspectives: In Success Language, Failure Means You Are Almost There! We all know as we are progressing towards our personal goals, dreams and aspirations that we will fail repeatedly, and then all of a sudden we achieve our ultimate outcome and attain our WHY in LIFE! Each failure is a stepping stone to Success, which in turn will become a very long and lovely stone walkway into the castle of your DREAMS. You must truly internalize the need to fail in life. A Simple Idea from a Billionaire It's simple and powerful. Six Steps to Personal Success Trying to keep up with the Jones only drags good, honest, hard-working people into more credit debt and despair. The Jones' lifestyle looks glamorous on the outside with their big house, high class automobiles and other luxury items. However, on the inside, it's only a matter of time before this unstable house of cards comes crashing down. Reach Your Goals - Get Your Act Together Get your act together Do You Really Think So? It's not new news. It's not some ethereal theory. It's not a fanciful philosophy without any direct application to your day-to-day life. It is the single most important piece of knowledge possessed by humanity. It is the primary cause behind your success or failure in life. ![]() |
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