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Grow Rich With Your Thought
Our brain is a marvelous creation. It receive and transmit information like a wireless phone. Our thought are made of wave. We call that brain wave. It is around 10 to 40 cycle per second when we are awake. In fact our thought are MAGNETIC. Like a magnet we attract circumstances and opportunities. We litterally ATTRACT the life we want with our POWERFUL thought like a magnet ! You might say :" But Michel i have been thinking about wealth all my life and the only thing i got is 5 cents in the banks !" Do you think about wealth or the lack of wealth ? This is different my friend. When you think about not having enough money what do you attract ? Not enough money of course ! This is a spiritual law ! It's the law of attraction or sameness or harmony. You cannot have, what you don't think you can have. Like attracts like. Like criminals with criminals and saints with saints. We join a group because they share the same ideas as ours (the law of sameness). We won't join people who doesn't thing the same as us ! Like attracts like - you get the point ! I'm sure you do now. We have to replace our old thinking if we want to succeed. Think about success and wealth and not: " Not enough money " or " I cannot succeed " . Replace this with : " I will succeed litlle by little, day by day ". Our action follows our thinking. If we don't believe we can start a business we won't start a business. Period. But if we believe we can start a business here is what happen : First our thought will attract information on how to start a business. So we first learn how to start and grow a business. After that we start taking action like maybe getting a loan, finding a location (if we have a physical business). After that finding good employee, good marketing, good products etc. We do what we think. Everything we do comes from our thought. Our thought form our belief. We have to believe to succeed. We act from our belief. It's not diificult to believe in wealth ! Look at all the people who succeed and have succeeded. There are not different from you. There are flesh and bones and not some space alien ! To become wealthy you have to think like them. Learn from them. If they have done it. You can do it too. You don't need to have come from a rich family or to be a crook to be wealthy. The crook will one day get caught. The simple formula to succeed is this. The ultimate truth of all ages and all the universe is : THOUGHT. Taught your way to success. Think and act. Act and think. Use your crative thought to create wealth or anything you like in your life. What you like you attract easily. Remember like atract like. Copyright � Michel Richer PERMISSIONS TO REPUBLISH: This article may be republished in its entirety free of charge, electronically or in print, provided it appears with the included copyright and author's resource box with LIVE website link. Link to : http://hombyz.com About The Author Michel Richer is the Business Manager and Webmaster of http://www.hombyz.com. He is DEDICATED to helping you succeed on the Internet. With over 10 years experience in internet business and a solid REPUTATION in the industry. You can take a look at his website at: http://www.hombyz.com for Your Home Business Success !!!
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Success: The Slight-Edge Formula Self-improvement; A great deal has been written on the subject, but does any anyone really know how to successfully implement a creative and manageable plan for its accomplishment? The concept involves goal setting, planning, time management as well as patience, faith, understanding and real desire. Too many times, people approach self improvement haphazardly, unfocused and unclear as to exactly what they want. This is not a paper specifically concerning goal-setting, that will be addressed another time in greater detail, but rather a blueprint for the implementation of the plan you generate during your own self-improvement goal setting exercise. Avoid The Thirteen Habits of a Failure Jim Rohn, the success guru and mentor, said, "Failure is a few errors in judgment repeated every day." The word to watch is "repeated." Swotting for Success Not so long ago, I impressed the daylights out of a friend, by showing him his face on my PC's screen. As I tapped away at the minus key, the picture slowly zoomed-out, revealing that it was a picture of the two of us, and it soon became clear where the picture was taken. As I continued to zoom out, more details came into view; the picture was actually a small part of a scanned photograph of the two of us sitting by my desk, watching the monitor. The photo was merely lying on the desk when the high-resolution picture was taken. Back-Planning For Success Coming up with new dreams and passions can be fun, easy and inspiring - at least until you sit down and begin trying to sort out how to actually accomplish these wild goals. Suddenly, what seemed like such a clear and well-marked path takes on the aspect of an overgrown and thickly brambled wilderness of dangerous, unseen pitfalls and endlessly branching and unmarked trails. It's enough to make you want to crawl back into your boring old life and forget the whole thing ever happened. But let's try something a little different, first, and see if we can't tame that overgrown jungle. Lifetime Success Key: Get a Life... I was talking about my business to a stranger the other day and he scored a great point. He agreed that I had a great opportunity to offer, and a person could make a great deal of money from it. Then he asked the question that threw me for a loop. "OK, suppose you do get rich from this deal. Now you're a 45 year old retiree. Now what?" Reach Your Goals - Start A Round Robin Start a "round robin" goal letter with others who need a little motivation and accountability Obstacles to Success. Why Dont I Believe In Myself and What Can I Do About It? Why do so many of us lack belief in ourselves? How can we solve this problem and start discovering the huge power that belief in ourselves brings? The Psychology Of Success; Part 2 In the first part of this article you learned some very important psychological skills for success. You learned how to build up your self-confidence and how to be assertive, fairly. And, how to ask for what you want, but without being confrontational. Is Your Life A Minefield ? Why everything has to be so hard? What have I done to deserve such torment and pain? I seems like everything and everyone around me have conspired against me. The Only Option is to Succeed With the end of the year fast approaching, now is a great time to take stock of 2004. It is likely that your company set specific goals at the beginning of the year. As you review the past year, the question that must be asked is, "Have I achieved my goals? Has my company achieved the outcomes we set?" If your answer is yes, congratulations! If not, what stopped you? Whos Up For A Challenge? Depending on the person, challenges can either make or break a person. On one hand, challenges possess the power to increase one's skills and knowledge, their motivation, faith and character. It also has the ability to produce hope and endurance. These are all great achievements that can propel us towards success. On the opposite end of achievement, however lie disappointment, discouragement, and defeat. Gracefully Accepting Feedback a Key Employment Skill With the long-term trend of protecting employees' individual self esteem added to an overriding concern over expensive employee lawsuits, accountability is more a buzzword than a way of life at most companies. Reach Your Goals - Creative Multi-Tasking Multi-task goal-completion work with everyday, "have to" activities Want Better Outcomes? Check Your Perspectives! In my work with clients, the issue of perspectives comes up quite often. Usually, I have to give my clients a quick refresher on what it is, and why it is pertinent to our discussion. Being good at choosing perspectives is so helpful that I thought it worthy of an article. Reaping a Multiple Reward For every disciplined effort, there are multiple rewards. That's one of life's great arrangements. In fact, it's an extension of the Biblical law that says that if you sow well, you will reap well. 3 Powerful Tips to Help You Have Your Best Year Ever Here are 3 powerful steps you can take to free yourself from frustration and to start enjoying the good life so many are enjoying right now: Why the Elephants Dont Run A number of years ago, I had the rather unique experience of being backstage in Madison Square Garden, in New York, during the Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus. To say the least, it was a fascinating experience. I was able to walk around looking at the lions, tigers, giraffes and all the other circus animals. As I was passing the elephants, I suddenly stopped, confused by the fact that these huge creatures were being held by only a small rope tied to their front leg. No chains, no cages. It was obvious that the elephants could, at any time, break away from their bonds but for some reason, they did not. I saw a trainer near by and asked why these beautiful, magnificent animals just stood there and made no attempt to get away. Do You Really Think So? It's not new news. It's not some ethereal theory. It's not a fanciful philosophy without any direct application to your day-to-day life. It is the single most important piece of knowledge possessed by humanity. It is the primary cause behind your success or failure in life. Staying Cool When the Job Heats Up Jobs are heating up. We're all feeling the pinch of hiring freezes and information overload. Workplace stress is increasing right along with the workload. Glimpsing Your Personal Heaven In my private practice for the past 13+ years I have discovered how hungry we are to find deep fulfillment and loving, make wise choices for ourselves and the planet, and walk in union with our higher guidance. ![]() |
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