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Is Your Life A Minefield ?
Why everything has to be so hard? What have I done to deserve such torment and pain? I seems like everything and everyone around me have conspired against me. Every time I manage to find a balance in my life something happens and destroys it all. Its like I'm cursed, yeah that's it I'm cursed, there is a black cloud of misfortune upon my head and the wind stands still. Everything I touch turns to stone and dust. Does this sound like you? Guess what, many people think like that, in fact every single person in the world has gone through such thoughts. Are they right? Or should I say: Are we right? The answer is not profound as many people would like to believe. In fact the more you have such thoughts the more you are evolving to someone better stronger. The idea is rather a simple one: A person that struggles for the best, and at some point achieves it, is the person that has failed the most has been hurt the most has struggled the most and has been disappointed the most. A reason you feel bad is that everyone around you is quick to judge you and criticize as if they have never done a mistake. Parents often do that mistake they judge like they are perfect, it's true that they have the best intensions but all that they achieve by doing so, is to instil into you a feeling of inadequacy. You are not indebted to do what other people tell you to, even if they are your parents or wives or husbands or anyone. You must realize that we respect others for their talents but we love them for their flaws. I have a saying: An achiever sees hell in the future and heaven in the past, a lamer sees heaven in the future and hell in the past, and the wise man sees heaven surrounding hell, for him there is no future and past 'cause time is not of essence. The difference between them is that the wise man lives in serenity the achiever dies serene and the lamer dreams of it. Always look for the paradox in life, sometimes in order to win you must lose. Your Friend, John Giagkiozis Delivers to You An Opportunity that will make your Dreams Come True, but Not for FREE at: http://www.success-factory.net
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Success After Failure - Even Genghis Khan Lost Some Early Battles Both the worst and the best of the great achievers had the belief in themselves and the resilience to overcome early failures. One of these was none other than Genghis Khan. There are powerful lessons we can learn from him. Reach Your Goals - Throw A Success Shindig Once you've made it...throw a Success Shindig! Top Ten Ways To Create Positive Behavior Change 1. Open your mind to new ideas: Positive behavior change has to start with your thoughts. Get excited about learning new methods, developing new skills and doing things differently. Anything else is "text-book insanity" ? that's when you do the same things the same way and expect different results. What is Success Really? Every single one of us is trying to reach success. (Whatever that is!) Self Growth - How to Overcome Your Critics They all know it's part of the success journey. Insinct Is Your Life-blood - Says Author Fourteen thousand civilised people died when the tsunami hit Andaman Islands ? five percent of the population ? meanwhile a cannibal tribe, inhabiting the same island, hardly lost a life. And do you know what saved them ? the earliest early-warning system known to man. Back-Planning For Success Coming up with new dreams and passions can be fun, easy and inspiring - at least until you sit down and begin trying to sort out how to actually accomplish these wild goals. Suddenly, what seemed like such a clear and well-marked path takes on the aspect of an overgrown and thickly brambled wilderness of dangerous, unseen pitfalls and endlessly branching and unmarked trails. It's enough to make you want to crawl back into your boring old life and forget the whole thing ever happened. But let's try something a little different, first, and see if we can't tame that overgrown jungle. The 8th Habit Covey Forgot - The Making of an Expert! I could labor the idea but then that would only compromise the point. This article will have more impact on your career and psychology than any other business article you will ever read -- here it is. Creating A Life You Love Imagine that right now, right here, today? there is within your grasp not one but several opportunities to redesign specific aspects of your life so that the sum total is a life you absolutely love. Then imagine that the only thing standing between you and your opportunities is a closed mind, fear, habits, concern, worry, drama, or perhaps mental, physical, and emotional clutter. Do you know what a default is? It's what you get when you don't choose to get something else and for most of us a default life is average and mediocre with sprinkles of joy in between. A default life is living for the weekend. A default like is hanging on 'til retirement. A default life is waiting for the kids to grow up, move out, and finish college. A default life is waiting, and waiting, and waiting for things to get better someday?one day. How to Succeed for the Rest of Your Life I spoke recently with the owner of a large clothing store who had poured years of effort into his business. He had achieved his dream and built a successful career. However, his hectic pace was becoming difficult to maintain. Success Lessons From Three UK Soccer Managers - People Are Always Quick To Put You In A Coffin Arsenal Football Club were the Champions of the Premier league in English soccer in 2004. This year they have not done as well and are only in third place. Opportunities for Success: A Nickel in the Road Exercising is not one of my favorite pastimes but I know it's good for me. So every day I try to get outside and take a 2-mile walk. Most days I carry a small notebook and pen with me so that I can jot down the random brilliant thoughts that come to me as I stroll around the neighborhood. Self-Development Through Asking Why? The Enlightened Warrior's 'Keys to Success' Through the Power of Our Thoughts, Words, and Deeds How To Become Successful The First step to success is to think and decide what you really desire. All successful people have this skill in abundance. It starts with Imagination. Most successful people have a strong ability to imagine things which they have n't achieved but will. So anything you want to achieve in the external world it should first start in the inner world of your mind. Many people are scared to write down what they want because they think they have to commit themselves. To many, Success frightens them. So if you want to be successful in life you have to write down your goals and dreams. Ask yourself what things you want in life. (e.g) health, wealth and happiness. Write each goals on a sheet of paper. Next you need to ask yourself what is a reasonable time to achieve those goals. Goals should be Short term, Intermediate and long term. Next ask yourself what you have to do to achieve those goals. What new skills you have to learn or acquire, what character traits to develop and people you have to role model. The 10 Questions to Ask Yourself If You Haven?t Reached a Dream Following are a series of questions I needed to ask myself and find answers to over the course of my life before finally deciding to go for it. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if any of these looked familiar to you. You'll notice that many of the questions and my proposed solutions are interrelated. Fantasy Versus Reality Building wealth isn't something for the frightened, ignorant, and lost. You have to be emotionally strong, prepared, and standing in the right spot. So many of us fantasize about making more money and call it prayer. We then wonder why the universe isn't delivering our fortunes to us. I can't tell you how many people I've listened to grumble about how they've taken all of the steps to manifest more abundance into their lives and yet it just doesn't seem to be working. As someone on the outside looking in, it seems so obvious why their money hasn't arrived. They are usually sabotaging their own plans and don't even know it. But why? Because they're living in a fantasy and not looking at the reality of what it takes to make your own fortune. Self Discipline And Business Success In his audio e-book, 10 Habits to Swell Your Bank Account, Mike Green cites "discipline" as one of the 10 bank-account-swelling habits. I once received an email from an online marketing friend, which stated something to the effect of "how hard do we work? If people think earning money online is easy their crazy. Don't burn to much midnight oil." Top 6 Business Success Strategies "The principal purpose of business is to create a customer." --Peter Drucker Introducing 4 Indispensable Strategies For Success I would like to use this medium to introduce my first book, "4 Indispensable Strategies for Success", to you. It is currently a best seller here in the UK and I am overjoyed that I was able to make my dream a reality. One of my goals for this year was to have my first book published by my 40th birthday and that was accomplished. In this handy, but all-encompassing book, I painstakingly described four simple but essential strategies for success for the benefit of those aspiring to be successful in life. 10 Critical Success Clues I don't need to be a gypsy fortune teller to tell your fortune. I can tell with a 95% certainty whether or not a person is (or is going to be) successful. ![]() |
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