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Principles Of Success
Succinctly said, success is harmony. When the result is congruent with the ideal, success has been achieved. When the thought germinates and ripens to produce the consequence desired, victory is accorded. Success is not happenstancial or accidental. It is intentional, providential congruency. Success comes from the direct application of certain knowledge. Success is the result of an intentional act of creation. In order to consciously create, one must first learn AND then apply the principles of creation. Those principles can be called the true knowledge of how things come into being in the universe. The seven principles of true knowledge are: 1) Consciousness: All things originate as a thought form, an imaginaton. (An imaginaton is a thought form, a single distinct unit of consciousness, just as a photon is a single distinct unit of light or an electron is a single distinct unit of negative electro-magnetic vibration.) Thought is creative. Your thoughts create your reality. What are you thinking? Who or what is in control of what you are thinking? Are you? How many of the 60,000 thoughts a day that pass through your mind are purposely chosen? How many are just noise? Or worse, how many of them are distractions from and destructive to the creation of your ideal? Learning to control your thoughts is the first step in becoming a conscious creator. What is your prevalent emotional state? How do you feel about your self? What do you feel about how your ideals and thoughts? Your emotional states and prevalent attitudes are just as critical to success as are your thoughts. In fact, your emotions are the power behind your thoughts. They act as a type of gravity to draw to you the elements necessary to effectuate your ideals and specific thought patterns. Success lies in owning and controlling your mental and emotional states of being (or aspects of self). 2) Coherence: Everything is in balance; as within, so without; as above, so below. The world you see around you is a reflection of the world already existent within you. The conditions and circumstances of your life are the result of certain causal forces. The external world is the effect; the internal world of thought and emotion is the cause. The physical arises from the metaphysical. The temporal arises from the eternal. Strive to bring coherency to all aspects of self. Success is a question of balance, of perceiving the relationship between effectual and causal and then acting in accord with that knowledge. 3) Frequency: Everything is vibration. The true nature of all things is not in the appearance of things, but, rather, it lies in the frequency, periodicity and amplitude of their vibratory nature. Every existent thing is because of the coherence of its' vibratory elements. Your every thought and every emotion is your personal vibratory output. These vibrations intersect and interact with other preexisting vibrations in your world. These interactions create interference patterns that produce either harmony or discord. When they produce harmony, you have success. When they produce discord, you have failure. Success comes from understanding the flow of things. 4) Comprehensiveness: Everything is duality within unity. Nothing stands alone or is separate or merely coincidental. That is simply the appearance of things to those who do not perceive the greater reality. Everything is part of one whole. Everything is relative and all things are meaningful. There is a lesson of value in every thing and every event. Success comes from seeing, learning and applying the lessons inherent in events and conditions. 5) Harmonics: Everything flows in waveforms. There is a flow to congruity in all things. Going with the flow is more efficient. Harmony creates harmony. Discordant thoughts bring discordant results. Scattered emotions bring scattered reactions. Become proactive. Be intentionally harmonious. Allow choice rather than chance to govern your thoughts and emotions. Success comes from the intentional congruity or harmony you bring to bear on the various aspects of your self. Learn how to catch the wave and ride it. 6) Cause and Effect: Everything happens in accord with natural law. There is a reason for all things. The universe works a certain way. It is not accidental. It is providential. Creation unfolds according to certain natural laws. All science and all philosophy is an attempt to describe and find meaning behind these natural laws. Learn how the universe works and then work the same way. You can best be creative by being in accord with these natural laws. Success is learning to see the consequences of your thoughts, feelings and actions. You are not apart from natural law. These same laws that govern the formation of atomic structures and entire galaxies also govern you and your vibratory output of thought, emotion and action. 7) Polarity: Everything has masculine and feminine aspects, positive and negative polarities. There are two sides to every story - inner and outer, positive and negative, front and back, up and down, masculine and feminine, waves and troughs, dark and light. Without this duality, there would be no distinctness. Without distinctness, your result would be immaterial. Without distinctness, you would be immaterial. If you desire material results that are in accord with your ideals, then you must learn to balance polarities. All material things exist because of the balance between polarities. An atom exists because of the balance between positive (proton) and negative (electron). That is natural law. The world is your mirror. What you see in that mirror is always your self. Success arises from being able to see both sides of the mirror. That is to say, by being able to see the underlying unity of your apparent duality (or the separation of your self from your world and your results). � Leslie Fieger. All rights reserved worldwide. Leslie is the author of The DELFIN Knowledge System Trilogy: The Initiation, The Journey and The Quest plus many more success publications. He also the co-author of The End of the World with Hugh Jeffries and Alexandra's DragonFire with his daughter Ashley. Subscribe to his free and ad-free eZine at http://www.ProsperityParadigm.com or http://www.LeslieFieger.com. Reprinting and republishing of this article is granted only with the above credit included. Permission to reprint or republish does not waive any copyright.
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