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Thinking About Winners
Have you ever thought about what makes a superstar? What attributes we admire in our heroes? Do you ever wonder were all the extra ordinary men have gone? Watch the movies that shaped our modern era, the ones which make you think about what it takes to win and what it means to be an American; what do you see? Some of the movies made heroes out of movie stars. First Blood, Rocky, Top Gun, Karate Kid, Vision Quest, Star Wars, etc. People need that, they want to emulate those traits and that success, but realize it does not happen without sacrifice. What happened to Americas driven attitude? We seem to see glimpses of it recently during tragedies; we see heroes, but why stop there? We can form a sense of service, commitment and quality in every American and get back to what made us great in the first place; if we will commit our selves to go beyond and persevere. To do what ever it takes and never give up. We still have it in us as Americans, much is the strength and will in our genes passed down; yes we are great, and anyone who says we are not, is wrong, dead wrong. Why is it so un-politically correct to say it, after all it is the truth, we really are great. We are a great people and we live in a great nation. Let us celebrate the noblest amongst us, that spirit that lives inside of each of us. That is what it is to be American. Let us give back the individualism that brought us here through individual accomplishments and hardships. Realize some gave the ultimate sacrifice. Surely we have not run out of heroes, they are everywhere. It seems lately any one who starts to stand out, is quickly labeled and cut down. Almost as if the media, builds them up, just so they can burn them down later in the future for a good piece on the nightly news. America use to love her winners, now we seem to in our laziness, over weight, Prozac lifestyles, enjoy more the tearing down of the weak in order to make ourselves feel better. Why do we do that? Be strong, go beyond, show your strength, refuse to give up, press on and never give up. Be a silent hero amongst the masses. Join us in strength, wake yourself up and be alive. Do you have the right stuff? Don't tear down the strongest among us; join us. Be a winner. Anyway think on this. "Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/wttbbs
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Job and Life Rules to Follow By: Marilyn J. Tellez, M.A.Certified Career Coachemail is: [email protected] is: www.doitnowcareers.info Sentenced to Success I once heard a speaker use the statement, "I have been sentenced to success!" I heard that almost twenty years ago, yet it still sticks in my head. What is Success? A company entitled "Made for Success" begs the question: Just what is success? So, join me as I wax philosophical and pursue this question in this brief article. Daily Action Spells Success - What Have You Done Today To Make Yourself Feel Proud? Since December 1st 2004, I have written one article or potential article a day for my motivation web site. One or two of these have been upgraded versions of previous articles but so far, I have not missed a day. Top Ten Strategies For Becoming Uncommonly Successful Here are 10 of 26 proven strategies gleaned from interviews with highly successful people who have overcome obstacles to accomplish such feats at climbing Mt. Everest, winning a Grammy, becoming a multi-millionaire, becoming an established author and humorist, a professional pitcher in the Major Leagues, an internet entrepreneur who earns millions and more. Regardless of your career or industry, when applied, these success principles can shorten your learning curve and be a catalyst for your success. Balance Of Life Mary and Susan were friends for years. They grew up together and attended the same schools. They were now both in their 40's, and both had great careers. They both had a similar upbringing - same education, same family values, similar support and financial position. But there was one main difference. Mary never seemed to have enough time. She watched her life long friend Susan. She had similar responsibilities and interests. Susan had a career, she had three children, she had her hobbies, one of which included golf. Over lunch, Susan was telling Mary about the golf game that she played last weekend. Success -- Its All a Matter of Mindset! "Walk away from the 97% crowd. Don't use their excuses. Take charge of your own life." -- Jim Rohn Creating an Action Plan So you've bought into the idea that you need to live life on purpose. You have an intention; you have goals. You know what you want life to be like five or ten years from now. But taking that first step to make it happen is daunting. Try this. 7.9 Things I Learned About Success From Darth Vader Unless you have been living in a cave, you have probably seen Star Wars 3. I did some 'thinking outside the box' and came up with some ideas about success from watching the movie. Thoughts on Successful People I was hired to do some training for a sales team from one of the largest companies in America. There were 16 people on this team. This year their sales (for the 16 of them) will be 250 million - that's right, a quarter of a billion - dollars! Needless to say, it was an excellent and fascinating time. I decided to learn a little bit myself so I watched them closely to see what kind of people they were and to see what common denominators they shared. Below is what I found. I think you will find the elements applicable to your own life. Success - Overcoming Bodily Conditions Which Seem Impossible of Change Conditions differ from circumstances. Circumstances are changeable conditions which merely "stand around about you," and, of them, have no stability. They are created by man, and can be overcome by man. Improve Our Income We all want to improve our top line - our income - be it our salary or business profits. Here are the 5 Ways to make it happen: Individualistic Sucess Models In individualistic success models, success is not due to the individual's relationship with his external environment or place in society, but, rather, a matter of individual accomplishment or, in some cases, a measure of his relationship with God. These models had their roots originally in Protestant Calvinism and are the typical ones you will see in "Success" books. Hispanicus Economicus Something's missing! As a Hispanic in this great country, I can walk tall knowing that our contributions to the American ideal is everyday becoming more visible. Nice Guys Really Finish First - Really? How can anyone with the brain of a cockroach make such a stupid statement? Remembering What You Read - Nine Effective Strategies Reading lots these days? Having trouble remembering and recalling? For many, reading is a passive activity. And, as with many passive activities, it's challenging for the brain and the body to absorb and assimilate information. On the other hand, the more actively engaged and involved the reader is, with as many senses as possible, the greater the likelihood the reader will be able to remember and recall information. The name of the game is planting information into our memory web in such a way that we can harvest it later on. So, here are nine tools and techniques you can use in the planting process. The 8th Habit Covey Forgot - The Making of an Expert! I could labor the idea but then that would only compromise the point. This article will have more impact on your career and psychology than any other business article you will ever read -- here it is. Making a Favourable First Impression -- Seven Quick Tips There's always a first time to meeting people. We want to do it right, and be remembered for good. Here are seven quick tips to increase your chances. Do it right the first time. Get started right away! Smile Your Way to Success Smile brings beauty to your face, charm to your personality and money to your pocket; apart from being your recognition as a cheerful, friendly, loveable person. Five Ways To Take A Vacation Without Taking A Vacation Last month Along The Purpose Path was about how to identify and stop the energy drains that leave you feeling exhausted and out of balance. I outlined how energy is one of your most valuable resources and invited you to start thinking about how to reserve more energy for yourself. ![]() |
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