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Success -- Its All a Matter of Mindset!
"Walk away from the 97% crowd. Don't use their excuses. Take charge of your own life." -- Jim Rohn Have you ever wondered why some people always seem to get whatever they want? In fact there's nothing mysterious about it. You, too can quickly get whatever you want ...and enjoy it, too - it's all a matter of mindset, success mindset. Start now, and build your own Success Mindset! To begin with: Work on yourself. Examine your mind. What are your deep-seated beliefs on yourself? The best way to find out is to discover the limitations you set for yourself, which are the result of your self-concept i.e.the way you "see" yourself.. For example if you decide to do something, like lose weight, or get up earlier, or work more etc. do you find it easy or is there a "little voice" inside you that keeps whispering to you: "No, you're just wasting your time, you'll never make it...."? Those are the limitations you have imposed upon yourself throughout your life. Most probably, the seeds were planted in your mind since childhood and, over time, have taken on the disguise of reality. Childhood programming and associations grew up with you and were nurtured, seemingly confirmed by successive failures throughout your life. And things will go on like this until the day when you stand up, stamp your foot, and say: "No! No! No!" You've just realized that there is no fatality in life! Those beliefs on yourself, which you thought you were "born with", were in fact acquired from your childhood on and gradually built up to constitute your "personality traits." There is now scientific evidence that "you can get to the deepest part of your mind and program your belief system with affirmations, visualizations, prayer" (if you feel so inclined), and thus create a new reality for yourself. You can "introduce other patterns of belief into the subconscious and unconscious areas of your mind". This is something within your power. You can decide to do it and then proceed to do it. NOW YOU KNOW, and this puts you high above Jim Rohn's "97% crowd"! And you can deliberately program your mind for success, it's like installing the Success Mindset software. Yes, Success Mindset is really like software. Your mind is programmed for success. It is framed in such a way that you always get whatever you want. Success is no longer accidental or occasional. It has become second nature to you - or one should even say "first nature". What you used to call failure becomes an opportunity to learn a lesson and move forward to still further success - "a blessing in disguise". One nice thing about Success Mindset is that ANYONE can acquire it, never mind whether some people are "more gifted" than others. It simply can be built and nurtured by any human being. And Success Mindset is based on what I call the "Success Mindset Tripod (TM)": - gratitude - purpose - faith In other articles, we examine - how an attitude of gratitude enables you to be at peace with both your past and your "already visualized" future; - how a sense of purpose is what you need to control your destiny and define your own future; - how faith is at once the vehicle, the fuel and... the bridge between your past, your present, and your future. We also talk about the tools you will use for your Success Mindset building, such as self-talk, affirmations, visualizations, goalsetting, etc. and much, much more. Meanwhile, don't allow your "Success Mindset Tripod (TM)" to wobble and crash down. Let it proudly stand on its three sturdy legs. - Cultivate gratitude: whatever your present situation, it certainly might have been worse, - Strengthen your sense of purpose by being crystal-clear about what you want, - Nurture your faith, if only faith in yourself. Or... will you just idly sit by and powerlessly watch as your Magnificent Dream explodes, with bits and pieces hurtling down the bottomless pit of abject failure? "Don't walk sideways, breast your way through life!" A.M.Sall A 30+year experience - translator, teacher, traveler, musician, writer, plus crosscultural awareness, worldwide ancient spiritual traditions... Success Mindset Philosopher A.M.Sall helps you "be whatever you want to be and get whatever you want to get ". http://www.health-beauty-wellness.com/smm.htm
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