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Enterprise Is Better than Ease
If we are involved in a project, how hard should we work at it? How much time should we put in? Our philosophy about activity and our attitude about hard work will affect the quality of our lives. What we decide about the rightful ratio of labor to rest will establish a certain work ethic. That work ethic - our attitude about the amount of labor we are willing to commit to future fortune - will determine how substantial or how meager that fortune turns out to be. Enterprise is always better than ease. Every time we choose to do less than we could, this error in judgment has an effect on our self-confidence. Repeated every day, we soon find ourselves not only doing less than we should, but also being less than we could. The accumulative effect of this error in judgment can be devastating. --- Fortunately, It Is Easy To Reverse The Process --- Any day we choose we can develop a new discipline of doing rather than neglecting. Every time we choose action over ease or labor over rest, we develop an increasing level of self-worth, self-respect and self-confidence. In the final analysis, it is how we feel about ourselves that provides the greatest reward from any activity. It is not what we get that makes us valuable, it is what we become in the process of doing that brings value into our lives. It is activity that converts human dreams into human reality, and that conversion from idea into actuality gives us a personal value that can come from no other source. So feel free to not only engage in enterprise, but also to enjoy it to it's fullest along with all the benefits that are soon to come! To Your Success, Reproduced with permission from Jim Rohn's Weekly E-zine. Copyright 2005 Jim Rohn International. All rights reserved worldwide. To subscribe to Jim Rohn's Weekly E-zine, go to http://Jim-Rohn.InspiresYOU.com
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How Do You Define Your Success? How does an online marketer define success ? There are many ways to describe success, but does it always have to do with a hefty bank balance ? How Top Performers Use Built-In Technology To Stay On Top Do you ever wonder how some people consistently get what they want out of life and manage to stay on top? They seem to get the best jobs, the best raises, all the recognition -- the best life has to offer. Lessons from My Garden What does "Lessons from My Garden" have to do with "getting organized? One of the things I've learned after 20+ years as an organizing consultant is that organizing has something to do with everything! An Image Makeover that will Change Your Life Forever Have you ever met people who exude charm and charisma? They have mysterious power and personal magnetism that is attractive to everyone. Some of their captivating qualities are good manners, poise and a great personality. 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Smith attended Yale University and wrote a paper on the concept of overnight package delivery. Smith's professor did not agree with his futuristic possibility and only gave Smith a C for the paper. Nice Guys Really Finish First - Really? How can anyone with the brain of a cockroach make such a stupid statement? Your 12 Point Plan for Personal Success No one becomes successful by accident. Success requires making a plan and sticking to it. It is simple, but does require commitment; it is not hard to do, but does require hard work. The good news is that once you begin, the results start coming almost instantly. The miracle of successful living is that the smallest step towards success attracts more success! Here is a very brief outline of the key points that will help you achieve the highest levels of success. Success: The Slight-Edge Formula Self-improvement; A great deal has been written on the subject, but does any anyone really know how to successfully implement a creative and manageable plan for its accomplishment? The concept involves goal setting, planning, time management as well as patience, faith, understanding and real desire. Too many times, people approach self improvement haphazardly, unfocused and unclear as to exactly what they want. This is not a paper specifically concerning goal-setting, that will be addressed another time in greater detail, but rather a blueprint for the implementation of the plan you generate during your own self-improvement goal setting exercise. Gratitude, Faith, and Clarity of Purpose -- The Most Powerful Statement "Things might have been worse" The Secret of Lasting Personal Change Why do diets end up in gained weight? Why do some people fail again and again at business? 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