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Are You an Emerging Champion?
In terms of life success, there are four pretty obvious levels of accomplishment: First is the class of the current winners ? those who have figured out what they what they want, and are taking focused action to attain their goals. On the far end of the "level of accomplishment" measuring stick is the class of non-players ? those who have yet realized their own potential. But in between are two very interesting additional classes: One is the class of emerging winners ? those who have grabbed onto a goal, and are beginning to take focused action to shape their own lives. The other is the class of potential winners - folks whose beliefs are not yet in total alignment with success. They may have hit a tough bump in the road that knocked them off-course, or perhaps just need to make an adjustment to their self-concept. Are you an Emerging Winner? Probably you're also discovering the amazing power of networking with other winners and emerging winners. There is a reason we are judged by the company we keep ? because responding to that company helps mold our own behavior and responses to life. And chances are you are also in process of creating your own way in the world of business ? or are seriously thinking of doing so. This is one of the common hallmarks of emerging winners, and is an exciting part of their path. Are you a Potential Winner? They realize they have untapped talents and potentials, but may not have yet discovered how to convert their beliefs into actions! Are you a potential winner? Your transition from being a potential winner to an emerging winner is along the path of action. The most empowering thing to do is this: Break out of your comfort zone, and take action to move your life to the next level of accomplishment. Growth involves change. And let's face it, change is sometimes uncomfortable. Moving from the *theory* of personal transformation to the *action* of personal transformation will cause some turbulence in your life. Just identify at least one pressing reason why you cannot just yield to your fears. Remind yourself of why you want to change. Sometimes avoidance of a undesirable negative condition can be even more powerful than longing for a positive change. Use that reason to drive yourself past your fear and doubt. Think you're a Non-Player? If you have a deep sense of restlessness and dissatisfaction with life, you are likely on the path to change and personal empowerment. That's how it all starts when you're becoming a potential winner. Something inside yourself knows there are possibilities out there, and is encouraging you to reach out and claim more of your potential. Actually this is a very good sign it's time to move up into the class of the potential winners ? and go to work to manifest more of who you can become. The author, Dr Jill Ammon-Wexler, is a doctor of psychology, pioneer brain/mind researcher, and former advisor to the Pentagon, a Presidential Commission, and numerous top executives and executive teams. The author of several books and hundreds of articles, she is also the co-founder of quantum-self.com, and the Creative Director of the Self Discovery Community. She can be reached at: [email protected] Come visit the exciting Self Discovery Community. Discover the most interesting, unusual, stimulating and creative methods of self discovery on the web today! Free sizzling weekly ezine, and the web's first Brain Gym ezone. http://www.quantum-self.com
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Success: 10 Tips to Make Failure Work for You 1)Failure is normal. Sticktoitivity: Lessons Learned! Walt Disney coined a special phrase for persistence and determination; he referred to it as sticktoitivity. I reflected upon this recently, because I stumbled across 20 old business cards from previous business ventures and jobs I had been associated with over the last twenty-five years. Those old business cards certainly brought back a museum full of memories and mixed feelings. I had forgotten about some of those jobs that shaped my outlook as I pushed onward and upward. As I look back on all of those opportunities with the benefit of perspective and age, the one benefit I have derived is my own personal understanding of the concept of success and failure. Control Your Fear Before It Controls You "Fear Factor" is one of my favorite TV shows.� It highlights the courage of the participants to engage inthe most fearsome and disgusting acts. Reading-The Best 15 minutes Youll Ever Invest I recently was made aware of two comparative statistics that I thought you might find extremely valuable.� I learned that the average American reads less than 2 books per year- one and a half to be exact, with almost two thirds of those going unfinished.� On the whole, Americans have lost the habit of reading good books. Do You Want to Just Survive or Thrive? (Part 2) "Fighting to pay the bills is hardly worth it? fight for a better life!" Personal Excellence: Whats Your Motivation? (Part 3 of 3) After 13 years of being married to the same woman and working for the same employer, I had a crisis in motivation. My marriage, ended in an unmitigated emotional and financial disaster. In short order, my career path went awry as I was 'reorganized' out of a job. My life seemed to be a study in chaos and failure. I felt somehow cheated. At 38, I was too young to quit, but felt too old to start over. I'd strived to be the devoted husband, model citizen, the �ber employee. Still, I lost. Or did I? How was I measuring success? Weren't my efforts to be my best worthwhile? These are questions most of us will struggle with a few times in our lives. How we answer them will either fuel us for further progress or immolate us in a bonfire of self defeatism. How To Prepare Yourself Mentally For Success Okay, so you've finally made that big decision to start your own business. Now what? Life 101 For the Young and Young at Heart! Book Excerpt Lesson 1. Category Well Being Plan to do this. Candleburning 101 One of the questions that I am asked most often on the realm, is colour of candle should I burn for what purpose? And when ... Perseverance is the Ability ... "Perseverance allows you to get back on track when you hit a detour." How to Achieve Massive Success Before Graduating This strategy may have been a safe bet for awhile, but it simply isn't anymore. With more and more people applying to the same positions, competition is spiking dramatically. Simply working harder or taking a test prep course isn't enough anymore. In fact, it's risky. Who Else Wants to Keep Failing? Who wants to carry on being a failure? Affirm, Visualize, and Receive - Is Planning Really Necessary? "Don't get caught up in the how of things. If you're clear on what you want to change and why you want to change it, the how will come. Many significant things have been left undone because someone let the problem solving interfere with the decision-making." - Michael Angier Your Money or Your Life! Quote of the month: Am I working to live or living to work? Work can wait, but the rainbow won't. Geela The Secret to Intense Focus By One of the common elements you see in almost all successful people is focus. They saw what they wanted to achieve and they focused in on it like a laser. Then, when they become famous and we, the common folk, know their name, we are amazed at the focus they have. People Are Who They Want To Be Choice isn't always a matter of being able to choose what happens to us. Life happens, and often without any say from us. However, our circumstances do not determine who we become. Only we have the choice to determine that. Everyone is who he or she wants to be, regardless of what one might think. We all have choices and each choice leads to the creation of who we are. + Persistence = "Never, never, never give up; never give up, never!." - Winston Churchill The Need To Be Successful The need to be successful. This is the bottom line for us all. Deep down we all, you and me, want to be successful. This is why we are attracted to the various 'get rich quick' schemes that appear on the internet and in the newspapers. We are searching for success. This is what drives us beyond our limits. The need to be successful. A Vision for Success Do you know that there is a formula for attaining material success? Indeed, there is. The Best Way to Perform the Miracle of Success These days success is a hotly debated subject. Nevertheless, people haven't realized that the real pathway to success is an internal process. As soon as you develop the consciousness of prosperity, this energy spreads out to your exterior world, imparting the Midas touch to everything you perform. ![]() |
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