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Take Care of Yourself to Achieve Maximum Results (part 1)
All too often, we push ourselves past the limits of mere mortals, and into the netherland of bad health. We eat wrong, we don't sleep enough, we load up on caffeine, and we don't exercise. Notice I said we; I'm guilty too. I know I need to exercise more, I know I need to eat better, and I definitely know I don't need that fourth cup of coffee. Why do we do it, and what can we do to change our behaviors? Let's start with the easiest part first, why do we do it? We push ourselves because we think that if we go just a little further, that we'll get that raise, promotion, or be able to accomplish one more thing that we really need to accomplish. Too bad this is so foolhardy. What we really need is not more time, but rather more productive time. You have to make sure you're running "hot" all the time, and to do this, you need to take care of yourself. You know that. So how do you do it? Let's start with the eating issue. Let me begin by saying, I live in Wisconsin, and thus have a love for frozen custard, deep fried fish (okay, deep fried anything), and of course, beer. So let's just say it's not easy for me to make good choices when it comes to food. The first thing I find is that I need to eat something within 60 minutes of getting out of bed, or I'll be hungry the whole morning. It doesn't have to be anything huge, but I need to eat something. I usually look for fruit, or pre-packaged oatmeal. That's easy enough. Lunch is often trickier, as it's the best time to spend catching up with a fellow manager of mine, so if I can order a diet soda, an iced tea, or stick to water, I can cut many of the calories out. I try to eat slowly, and this often curbs my appetite some. Next, a small snack, at 2:30 or 3:00 PM in the afternoon is in order. Another small snack works wonders, maybe some veggies, or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich will tide me over. This makes me less hungry for dinner, which is usually a fairly large meal. Dinner time is good time for me. My wife and I love to eat, so we frequently go out for a nice dinner (okay, usually a quick dinner), and this just packs on the pounds. Again, I try to pace myself, drink water (no caffeine after 4 PM for me), and introduce a salad instead of a delicious cream soup. Right before bed, I'll grab another quick snack, maybe a fruit and juice bar and a glass of water, maybe rice cakes, maybe more fruit. If I've been a good boy, I might even eat a "Skinny Cow" ice cream bar. Then, I try to get myself ready for the next day by packing a few of the things I'll eat tomorrow, saving me a few minutes in the morning when I can get lazy. Keep in mind, this day is an ideal day for me, and I often stray from it (too often) but when I don't, I have more energy than before. So take the time, focus on your diet, and make it a great life! You'll be glad you did! Phil Gerbyshak leads a team of IT help desk professionals in Milwaukee, WI, and finds that sharing his knowledge is a crucial component in his success as a leader and as a person. Phil's personal philosophy is paraphrased from Tim Sanders' fantastic book Love is the Killer App: "Share your knowledge, your network, and your love. The rest will follow." If you'd like to read more of Phil's work, please head over to his blog at http://www.makeitgreat.org. Make it a great day!
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I think there are some fundamental reasons why. Reasons that can be addressed and changed! NORPS I thought this was unbelievable, but it's true. Succeed ! Are you successful? What does that word mean to you? Unlimited wealth, "toys" as far as the eye can see, or family gatherings at your cottage on the lake? Change Your Results by Changing Your Expectations Our expectations get us into a lot of trouble and often cause a lot of stress. We expect our customers to always come back; we expect our boss to behave in a certain way; we expect the company we work for to take care of us; and we expect coworkers to be team players. Reach Your Goals - Throw A Success Shindig Once you've made it...throw a Success Shindig! You Must Play By The Rules You must play by the rules. Everything has rules. You want to play chess then learn the rules. You want to play soccer then learn the rules. You want to play tennis then learn the rules. You want to play life then?.hang on a minute?. Who wrote the rules of life? Succeed By Looking Forward We all want something to look forward to. The best way to attract it into our lives is to look forward to it. By looking into the future with expectation and hope we are more likely to work with energy and even excitement to make that great future come true. Success Lessons from Baseball - Enthusiasm And Excitement Can Make The Difference I remember, about 35 years ago, reading two books by Frank Bettger, the baseball player, about how enthusiasm made all the difference in his life. His books made a difference in my life at the time and are still well worth reading and re-reading. The Communication of Your Biology & Beliefs Not only do we communicate with ourselves, but our cells communicate with each other and the environment in order to respond to situations, which ultimately create our belief systems. Personal Power: Implementing Change from the Inside Out Personal power is an INSIDE JOB. It doesn't mean getting other people to do what you want them to; it means getting yourself moving toward your goals. What creates the power is a series of attitudinal realities which you create for yourself and by yourself. Therefore, the key resource in managing change is YOU. Opening Your Unlimited Potential It is high time you know the truth about yourselves. You can be whatever you desire, you can do whatever you think or imagine. You have the magic key in your pocket, which opens the door to all your highest dreams and wishes, the key which opens the gates of prosperity and abundance beyond your imagination. Creating A Life You Love Imagine that right now, right here, today? there is within your grasp not one but several opportunities to redesign specific aspects of your life so that the sum total is a life you absolutely love. Then imagine that the only thing standing between you and your opportunities is a closed mind, fear, habits, concern, worry, drama, or perhaps mental, physical, and emotional clutter. Do you know what a default is? It's what you get when you don't choose to get something else and for most of us a default life is average and mediocre with sprinkles of joy in between. A default life is living for the weekend. A default like is hanging on 'til retirement. A default life is waiting for the kids to grow up, move out, and finish college. A default life is waiting, and waiting, and waiting for things to get better someday?one day. Like A One-Eyed Cat Peeping In A Seafood Store Want to be successful in whatever it is you choose to do? Then you need to be focused--just "like a one-eyed cat peeping in a seafood store!" How To Deal With Change It is often said that the only things in life that are inevitable are death and taxes. Well, you can add a third item to the things that are inevitable, and that is change. And change is happening faster than at any time in human history. The Other F Word - How Failure Can Be The Key To Your Success Thomas Edison has done it. Naomi Watts often jokes about it. Sylvester Stallone mastered it. Billy Joel did it with his piano. Even Abraham Lincoln earned a name for himself for doing it many times over. In fact most of us experience it fairly frequently. Some more than others. It's known as the other 'f' word. The difference, however, between the mega-successful and the rest of us ordinary folk is a simple matter of interpretation. I'm talking about 'failure'. Wait! Stop! It's not that bad I promise! Youve Got To Find Passion In It People often ask me, "Josh, if you had one bit of advice with regards to starting a business or looking for a new opportunity or direction in life what would it be?" 10 Tips on How to Get the Best from Changing Situations It can be great to do something new 'for a change', when it's your choice. It's fun then. But when it comes up on you from out of the blue, when you're least expecting it, it's something very different. So, here are a few things you can do. ![]() |
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