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Fear Not If You Dont Feel Youre Off To Quite The Blazing Start Youd Like
There are those out there who would lead us to believe that if we don't meet with overnight success in our endeavors that we are some how not trying as hard as we can. I am here NOW to debunk this way of thinking!... First off lets look at the type of person who would have you believe this... Often these are folks that are not very forward thinking people themselves. If they were I can't help but believe that they would be looking towards helping you to understand that many great things take time to build. After all Rome was not built in a day, and you will find that some of the greatest (lasting) success stories in history didn't happen overnight either. This applies whether we are talking careers, businesses, love, friendships, you name it. Sure, the people who move 90 to nothing might do well, but just because it works for them doesn't mean you're a failure if that approach isn't what works for you. Remember that last statement and Commit it to memory. Sadly, life is filled with people who make use of the "hard sell" approach. Don't be ashamed if this is not what works for you. There are literally countless examples of people that are truly successful in various areas of their lives that will tell you that in the end it matters not if you're a tortoise, or a hare -- success is just as sweet. Let me leave you with one closing thought... The speed at which we travel on our success journey is not nearly as important as being able to honestly say to ourselves at the end of the day... I gave it my best and I had a heck'uva good time along the way. -- Here's to your success, Josh Hinds :-) About The Author: Josh Hinds of http://GetMotivation.com specializes in helping people to achieve maximum success and live the life of their dreams. He is also the co-founder of http://AudioMotivation.com - visit now to hear leading motivational speakers and authors share their tips and advice with you.
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