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Top 10 Strategies Of Highly Successful Professionals
Last Thursday evening, I was the guest of a group of therapists who interviewed me about how I've built my businesses over the years ? both my therapy offices and my coaching business. Their probing, and very pointed, questions dramatically helped me clarify exactly what strategies have worked for me and my clients over the years. I hope you enjoy it. It is as solid and tight a summary of what has worked for me over the years as anything I've ever written. I'm quite proud of it, at least as an accurate reflection of what has worked for me. 1. Clarify the vision. Many of us have a tendency to be lazy about defining exactly what we want and where we want to be in a few years. Set your course as clearly as you can! A vague desire to "Work less and make more money" may be a comfortable day-dream, but it is not a success strategy! 2. Turn the vision into a mission. Once you know where you want to go, you have to be clear, get passionate, get DETERMINED to arrive! Develop a series of vital reasons, personal motivators, personal drivers that pull you forward. Why are you doing what you do? If you only want to make money, get a job! (It's easier!) What's your driving purpose? 3. Get a mentor. Hire a coach or create a frequent, steady, EFFECTIVE working relationship with someone who has been where you want to go, or perhaps more importantly, has a proven ability to help others get there. (Great sports coaches don't have to be great athletes! But they do have to know the game and be experts at helping their athletes win!) 4. Get a map and a compass! Develop a detailed, specific working plan. Work with your coach on this, and write it down! It doesn't have to be long and detailed, but it does have to make sense, and it has to give you direction and purpose for getting from where you are, to where you want to be. It should be detailed enough to tell you precisely what to do first, each Monday morning. 5. Improve the plan whenever possible. There is a contradiction here. Use and trust your plan, and rely on it! At the same time, life will give you unexpected opportunities, sudden short-cuts, and amazing possibilities. Be ready at any moment to jump on a "real" opportunity, but be very cautious about running off on every whim or impulse. How do you know the difference? Check with your coach! 6. Hang-out with talented people. Pick up the phone and introduce yourself to people who have achieved want you want to achieve. Read about them, get on their mailing lists or take classes from them. If they don't teach, develop a class and invite them to be your guest expert! But find people who are walking on the same, or a similar, path to your own, and follow in their footsteps, or walk beside them, or encourage them to catch up with you. Success loves company! 7. Work very hard. Again, there is a contradiction here. To achieve a high level of success takes an ability to play very hard, sometimes for a long time. If you've defined your vision accurately, the distinction between "work" and "play" will begin to blur, and you'll find yourself willing (eager!) to work a lot. It takes sustained, efficient, focused effort to achieve great things. I know of no short-cut. 8. Keep good records! This means accurate accounting, a personal journal of what works and why, notes about your best customers and the coolest things your competitors are doing. Jot down ideas, keep track. Especially, monitor the money. 9. Work smarter everyday! I think the biggest single thing in my success is that my family has no history of being in business, and even making money is a bit "suspect", but they LOVE learning! Early on, they taught me that everything I could ever need or want in life was in the local library. Learn from the competition. Learn how they did it 100 years ago! Read "Wired" and "Fast Company" to see how it might be done next year. Take the best, and leave the rest. 10. Always be planning your "next" million dollars. Whatever you're doing today is already becoming obsolete. By the time you read the book or attend the seminar, someone has already found a "better, faster, cheaper" way to do it. Always be looking over the horizon, seeking the next opportunity and figuring out how to incorporate it into what you already have and love. Keep growing! � Copyright 2003 by Philip E. Humbert. All Rights Reserved. This article may be copied and used in your own newsletter or on your website as long as you include the following information: "Written by Dr. Philip E. Humbert, writer, speaker and success coach. Dr. Humbert has over 300 free articles, tools and resources for your success, including a great newsletter! It's all on his website at: http://www.philiphumbert.com
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Set Yourself Up For Success I receive several emails every week asking me about how to become successful. It is tempting to just refer people to my books and articles. I have, after all, written thousands of pages specifically about success and how to go about getting it. I usually, however, provide a personalized answer to those who do write. How To Create a Life Strategy for Business Success - Part One of a Series Ask yourself the following: Want To Succeed In Business, Social, Personal Life? Take Good Care Of Your Personal Image Your personal image: It's the most important YOU asset you own. Making the Right Decisions The ability to make good decisions is an essential step in becoming a good leader. Don't try to make decisions unless you know all the facts and risks involved. The safest way to weigh your decisions is to put them through a checklist that covers pertinent information. Insinct Is Your Life-blood - Says Author Fourteen thousand civilised people died when the tsunami hit Andaman Islands ? five percent of the population ? meanwhile a cannibal tribe, inhabiting the same island, hardly lost a life. And do you know what saved them ? the earliest early-warning system known to man. Psychological Tips For Effective Examination Techniques One of the inevitabilities of University life is the examination. It is your opportunity to demonstrate your new knowledge and to reap the rewards. Examination remains one of the most common forms of assessment in higher education. It is vitally important to prepare well in advance to give yourself the best chance of success. The S.W.P.D. Recipe for Success A wonderful quote by author and scholar William A. Ward provides a time-tested recipe for success. Think of it as the S.W.P.D. success recipe. This simple and powerful formula has brought success to many men and women who have put it to use. S.W.P.D stands for studying, working, preparing, and dreaming. "Recipe for success: Study while others are sleeping; work while others are loafing; prepare while others are playing; and dream while others are wishing." - William A. Ward Move Beyond Limitations and See the Outcome The Courage To Act The world is full of people with great intentions. They dream about all the wonderful things they would like to have and do in their lives, as soon as they get around to it. They get ready, they get everything in order, and they even have plenty of opportunities. They set specific goals with detailed plans on how to accomplish them. They read books, listen to audio programs, and attend seminars in their field. The Ancestral Cream "I am the greatest warrior. I have fought with gods and beaten them. I have fought with giants and won. I am strong; I cannot lose in a battle. I am the greatest warrior ever," said the confident warrior". The Bubble Of Prosperity My life is a bubble; but how much solid cash it costs to keep that bubble floating.~Logan Pearsall Smith Taking Responsibility Everything you are or ever will be is completely up to you. Everything that has happened and is happening in your life is because of your behavior, words, and actions. You have the freedom of choice. Virtually every circumstance in your life so far, you have chosen out of your own free will. This means, that you are completely responsible for all your successes and failures. Your happiness and unhappiness. And everything in your present and future. What if... You Could Have it All? 6 Steps to Living Your Best Life What if?you could have it all? 6 Steps to Living your Best Life Simply put, people want more out of life. The 80's were a time of wanting more money, the 90's more time and now it is more fulfillment. Statistics Canada (Sept., 2004) reported "only 32.6% of Canadians surveyed report being very satisfied with life" Overnight Success - the Truth is Revealed Overnight success seems to be happening to a lot of other people all the time. A new popstar arrives in a blaze of glory and is an instant success. A hotshot businessman or online marketer suddenly appears, telling how they are raking in millions. So how come you aren't an overnight success? Why are you still working so hard at your business, your career or whatever else your personal view of success maybe? Well here's the shocking truth about becoming an overnight success.... It doesn't happen overnight. Take some time out and lookup some of the apparent overnight success stories, and you'll find a common theme running along all of their stories. Almost without exception they were all working hard, exactly the same way you are, for some time before they acheived "overnight success". Read or watch interviews with popstars who have suddenly appeared and you'll find they were playing small gigs, knocking on talent agents doors, entering contests for years before they were discovered. The highflying business owner or "new internet marketing guru" has a string of failures behind him or her preceding that one big breakthrough which launched them to guru status and the big earnings. The DNA of Top Achievers Of course by now we are all becoming aware of DNA. It is the source code that determines who we are. When we look at DNA we can see what a person will look like, what diseases they may come down with, etc. This has been a tremendous breakthrough for scientists and will continue to be so for some time, I think. How Close Is Your Fortune? A farmer in Pennsylvania decided to sell his farm, but before he sold it, he wrote to his cousin in Canada, who collected coal, and asked for a job. In those days, coal oil, which dipped from running Canadian streams, where it was first discovered, was lucrative business. What Do You Know? "When I think back on all the crap I learned in high school It's a wonder I can think at all" Life Versus Lifestyle There is a difference but what constitutes a life and what constitutes a lifestyle is pretty ambiguous.� One thing that seems pretty clear to me is the lifestyle is observable while a life can have many internal aspects to it.� A lifestyle can include people, material things, environments, how we spend our time, energy, and money.� A life includes things like our beliefs, our values, our commitments, our soul's dream, and our vision.� If you choose a lifestyle first you could wind up with an empty fortress.� If you choose the life first, you will design your lifestyle to support the life.� � Since most of us already have a lifestyle, and a default life, we usually have to do some redesign work.� Choose a life and then redesign our lifestyle. It is possible that the lifestyle you currently have will never support the life you truly want to live.� It is possible the lifestyle you currently have has many supporting structures and only minor renovations need to occur.� It is possible that you are a highly intuitive person and your lifestyle is in perfect alignment.� I know very few people who fall into that category.� My dad does but what I notice about him, is he and my mother made a conscious decision to structure their lives around their spiritual values.� They made that decision early in their marriage and lived true to it. Now it's interesting that my parents are actually old enough to be my grandparents, (my mother is no long living) and I noticed that many earlier generations were not given to having transformational conversations so learning was a very different process then than it is now.� The fact that we have e-courses and teleclasses and magazines and tons of books that are created to help people learn to live more meaningful and personally fulfilling lives represents a shift from how things use to be.�� � As we evolve we begin to look at various aspects of our lives for congruence to our values and commitments.� The disparity shows up with exclamation marks behind them and sometimes our response is discouragement and self-disappointment. We act as if we should have known better when the truth is how could we have known better?� So the first thing to get over is "I didn't know"� and then after we get over that we come to "but I know now?now what?"� It takes a courageous person to see this and then set their intentions on bringing integrity into their life so that their lifestyle gives them a life that serves their higher self.� You will notice some people trying to work around it, pretending it doesn't matter that their lifestyles don't measure up to their core values.� � The real problem is once you see the inconsistency, not doing anything actually makes things worse and you lose ground really fast.� It cost you big time to keep that inconsistency in place.� You can't be with yourself and be at peace in your life.� It wears you down like water will wear down a mountain over time.� Your life will devolve instead of evolve.� If that is not a price that's too high to pay, I don't know what is.� Just think about it and choose wisely the path you will follow.�� The Secret Key (Part 1): An Overwhelming Purpose Imagine that you are in a dimly-lit room. You don't know how you ended up here, but you are now in it and you are trying to find your way out of it. You see a door to your right side and walk up towards it. Right before your eyes, the top corner of the door starts to get blurry and you can see something like letters starting to materialize. It's not clear at first, but suddenly the words are sharp and vivid and it reads "SUCCESS". Pushing the door open doesn't work and it feels like it's stuck. You try to push it some more and it still doesn't open. You start to move your hands on the door to see whether there is a knob that you can turn. As you are feeling your way on the door, you realize that there is a lock. Success is something you truly want to achieve and it's right there on the other side of the door. You now need the key. Panic sets in and you frantically crawl around the room looking for the key to this door you need to get through. After what seems like hours you sit down in the corner mourning your misfortune. Reaching into your pocket for your handkerchief to wipe off your sweat, you feel something in your pocket. It feels like a?.. Yes! Yes! It is the key! You are now secure and the only thing between you and success is the action that you need to take to put the key into the lock, turning it, and then walking through the door. Unlocking Human Potential Before we can unlock human potential, we need to know what it is. Human potential is defined as an unexposed ability and hidden power. For a rock seated on a cliff, it has a dormant ability, a reserved power, but for you and I, it simply means unused success, hidden talents and capped capability. Run Towards Fear: A Prescription for Success Fear, or negative anxiety, is the modern day bubonic plague, infecting millions upon millions of people. It spreads with viral effect, and leaves behind consequences of mediocrity and regret. This "plague" is partly due to societal influences (particularly in a post-9/11 era) and partly due to individual issues (the tendency to avoid confrontation of that which we fear). However, whatever the cause, a vaccine is available, and it takes the form of moving towards that which we are most afraid of. Immediately. ![]() |
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