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Nutritional Supplements Information |
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What to Look For In Selecting A High Quality Nutritional Supplement!
Have you ever purchased something thinking you had bought a really good product only to later find out that you could have had a better product for the same money? I know I have. And our friend Henry is shortly about to discover this sick feeling for himself in a very personal way. You see, Henry had never seen the information contained in this report. Your good health is far to precious to entrust solely to doctors. --- But how much is your health worth to you? Each of us everyday by our actions, rather we realize it or not, places a value on our own health. To some it is like diamonds or gold, to others it is often treated as so much rubbish. But each of us to a large degree has the ability to determine his or her own health. - Both good and bad. By being concerned about your health and taking appropriate steps, shows you are analogous to a smart investor. This Free report will not only make you a smarter investor in your health, but will show you that you can get the very best products and end up spending the same or less than the very worse nutritional products. It has been said that a truly smart investor knows what he is investing in, before investing a dime of his money. This is why the rich get richer. No one would knowingly invest in a poor performing stock or investment which is going to lose money. Yet many people do this everyday when they purchase a poor quality nutritional product and don't even give it a second thought. It is not that they are stupid, it is just that no one has shown them anything different. This report is intended to help you better invest in the health solutions that make your life richer. The rich simply have an abundance of information and knowledge which allows them to manage risk and consistently come out on top. The rich consider investing without enough of the right kind of information akin to extremely risky behavior or even gambling. Of course your health is much more important than money. When you are investing in any nutritional product you are essentially investing in your health (either good or bad). Mainly due to the lack of proper information, the majority of people don't make wise decisions in regards to nutrition and their health. These people are living at risk. However, there are always the few truly smart people who are able to sort through all of the rhetoric and risky health products. These are the people who make the best health decisions for themselves and their families because they have essentially "insider" information other people don't have. There are huge differences in the quality and effectiveness of nutritional products. However, the majority of people still think that a vitamin is a vitamin is a vitamin. However, his mindset is slowly changing. Impatience is the downfall of so many of us. This is why it is important not to give up too early on the best nutritional products. The best nutritional products "always work" - but most people don't understand how they work and most people give up too soon - not giving them a chance to work. You see the very best nutritional products contain: the best antioxidants the best herbs the best minerals the best enzymes the best vitamins and the best of everything. For example the best antioxidant products always remove more free radicals than the cheaper products. This helps better protect your body from disease and aging. The very best nutritional products are much more highly absorbable than cheap products delivering many more precious nutrients to your body. You see the mis-conception most people have about nutritional products is they read the label and the cheap product says for example 500 mg Vitamin C, 500 Mg Calcium. Then they read the label of the high quality and it says essentially the same thing. Except here is the big difference - with the cheap product your body in some cases only absorbs 5-10 percent of the nutrients. While in the high quality product your body can easily absorb 5 -10 times or even more of these valuable nutrients. This is because manufactures are only required to put on the label what they put in the product before manufacture. This can be a far cry from how much your body absorbs of the final product. The high quality products are formulated so your body absorbs a much higher amount of the actual product. Here are the characteristics that only the highest quality products employ during development. First let me share with you a little bit about the nutrition and herbal industry as a whole. Raw Materials First of all did you know that they are huge differences in the quality of herbal raw materials. There can be big differences in the amount of active ingredients based upon where the plant was grown, the seed used for growing, what part of the plant is being used, how the plant was harvested, when it was harvested, and even how the plant was stored. Plus some batches can have many more contaminants and impurities than others. Raw ingredients especially herbals should be stored in low humidity and a low temperature environment and yet many aren't stored properly. Of course a good product starts with strict inspection processes of the raw materials. Raw materials are screened, inspected and even quarantined to assure they meet optimal standards. Any tablets and capsules go through strict sizing and weight requirements. Also a good quality capsule, tablet supplement will contain a coating for ease of swallowing and this coating will typically contain a high quality antioxidant like alpha-lipoic acid to help protect the tablet against oxidation and loss of potency. The Product Testing Phase High quality nutrition supplements will undergo a Battery of Tests like: Disintegration Testing ? tests to insure tablet will disintegrate under conditions found in the human body Dissolution Testing - tests to insure tablet will dissolve in order to be absorbed and utilized by the body. Microbiological Analysis - tests to insure absence of harmful bacteria, yeast, and mold. Potency Analysis ? tests using sophisticated laboratory equipment like Spectrometry, Chromatography and Spectroscopy. Content Uniformity Analysis ? In this test samples are analyzed to make sure that they contain the same levels of active ingredients. Also with high quality supplements the manufacturer pays great attention to packaging to assure it protects the valuable active ingredients. So you now have a basic idea of what to look for in a super high quality nutritional supplement. Nick A. James offers informative tips and information on nutrition, health and working from home. Get the Exclusive Free Report! -6 Steps to Simplify Your Life, Improve Your Health & Give You Dynamic Energy! His many years of Internet Marketing expertise puts him in unique position to help others starting a home business. For free advice, health blog, and cutting edge info contact him at: http://www.health-goji-juice.com
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Acne Hormones - Natural Acne Hormone Balancing Treatments for Clear Skin Can you treat a headache or stomach ache externally, without somehow manipulating your natural bodily functions internally (aka popping a pill)? NO! Then why would you try to treat acne that way? Many acne treatment systems today such as Proactiv, target acne only from the outside, and do not address the issue interanally, as it should be for lasting and dramatic results. Why Is Thiamin So Important? What Is Thiamin? Creatine: More than a Sports Nutrition Supplement Although creatine offers an array of benefits, most people think of it simply as a supplement that bodybuilders and other athletes use to gain strength and muscle mass. Nothing could be further from the truth. If You Want to Enjoy Optimum Good Health A Multivitamin Can Help It's never too late to change your habits, and if you are not in the habit of taking a multivitamin supplement regularly, it's time you did. Altering your behavior in this one respect will greatly improve your chances of living a long and healthy life. Good nutrition is necessary to maintain optimum health, and a multivitamin supplement will ensure that you receive what your body needs to help prevent and fight disease and improve your state of well being. L-Carnitine For Health & Muscle Growth: What You Need To Know About L-Carnitine L-carnitine is a nutritional supplement that has been touted by body builders and other athletes as a safe and helpful way to create bigger and more efficient muscles. Some physicians and researchers have looked at L-carnitine to prevent muscle wasting in people who need kidney dialysis; alternative medicine purveyors suggest that L-carnitine may stop cellular aging. In order for you to make a healthy decision about using L-carnitine, we've put together some information any potential buyer should have. Amino Acids Primer Ever wondered whether amino acid supplements really work? We reveal some surprising facts... Using Natural Remedies For Constipation There are two basic types of constipation - organic and functional. Organic constipation is a result of some physical change, obstruction, or distortion in your colon. This type of constipation needs immediate attention from a doctor. Protect and Improve Your Health With Antioxidants Every minute of every day the cells of our bodies are assaulted by particles called oxygen free radicals, also called oxidants. We can't escape free radicals because our cells produce them during normal metabolism. Additionally, our every day environment contains an abundance of free radicals. Unfortunately these radicals produce chain reactions that lead to damage of the DNA in our cells. The aging of our cells is partly the result of free radical damage, also called oxidation. Fortunately there are some simple steps that we can take to minimize the damage and to promote and prolong the health of our cells. Oxidation Free radicals are molecules that have an unpaired electron. They are chemically active and can be thought of as scavengers. They easily bond with the molecules of our cells in a process called oxidation. We are familiar with the normal oxidation process of metals such as iron. Iron oxide is called rust, and we know that rust can deteriorate the quality of the metal. Other metals also can exhibit oxidation which we generally call corrosion. We normally take steps to prevent the corrosion of metals. Damage to our cells caused by oxidation is often called inflammation. And we can take steps to protect ourselves from cellular oxidation. Antioxidants There are numerous chemical compounds that will neutralize the effects of oxidation. An antioxidant will bond with the free radical, creating a stable molecule, and prevent the radical from causing oxidation of the cell. This new molecule can then be removed during normal bodily processes. The best known antioxidants are the nutrients, vitamins A, C, E and the mineral selenium. Numerous other vitamins, minerals, and enzymes perform important protective antioxidant functions. Many of these substances, most notably the above mentioned vitamins A, C, E and the mineral selenium, cannot be produced by our cells but must be ingested through the foods we eat or the supplements we take. The American Heart Association teaches us that atherosclerosis, which can lead to heart attacks and strokes, is caused by fatty buildups in our arteries. Oxidation of LDL cholesterol is a large factor in the buildup of these fatty deposits. According to the AHA, vitamin E is the best of the naturally occurring antioxidants for providing protection against the oxidation of LDL cholesterol. Vitamin C is probably the most potent general free radical fighter. Its antioxidant properties are used by nearly every cell of the body. Vitamin C is a very strong immune system booster. Here's an interesting item from the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. A study investigated the effects of various cooking methods on broccoli. It concluded that microwave cooking depleted 97 per cent of the broccoli's flavonoids, a major antioxidant. By contrast, steaming the broccoli depleted only 11 per cent of the same antioxidants. How prevalent is microwave cooking in the kitchens of our homes? Dr Cristina Garcia-Viguera, co-author of the study, concluded that it is best "to cook vegetables in the minimum amount of water in order to retain their nutritional benefits." What To Do To improve the health of our cells throughout our bodies, to protect our cells from the ravages of oxidation, it is essential to include a rich supply of important antioxidants in our daily diet. Two to four servings from the fruit group and three to five servings from the vegetable group daily are recommended. If you find it difficult to consume an abundance of antioxidants from the recommended food groups, then taking daily supplements should solve the problem. Find easily digestible tablet or gel capsules from major companies or substitute good liquid supplements as a convenient and good-tasting alternative. As always, consult a physician before beginning a major new program. Vitamin C - The Most Common Health Food Supplement Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid was first isolated from lemons in 1932. The C in this very important vitamin is debatable and may stand for citrus, cold, or collagen for the following reasons. Getting the Most Out of Your Supplements and Yourself Are you not feeling any results from your nutritional supplements? Is Lunesta Safe For You? Everyone has an occasional sleepless night, and this is not a problem for most people. Shockingly, as many as 30% of Americans report occasional sleeping problems, and for about 15% of the population it is a chronic problem. In these cases, the lack of restful sleep impairs the person's ability to carry out daily responsibilities because they are too tired or they have trouble concentrating. Chronic sleep conditions can also cause memory problems, irritability and even depression. Vitamin B5 - Your Digestive System Depends On It Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid plays a supporting role in the secretion of hormones, such as cortisone. In so doing, Vitamin B5 assists body metabolism, wards off body allergies and helps keep the skin, muscles, and nerves in optimum condition. The human body also needs the help of Vitamin B to release energy as well as to metabolize fat, protein, and carbohydrates. Without this vitamin, the body will encounter problems with creating neurotransmitters, certain hormones, and haemoglobin. This gives you an idea how important this vitamin is to the body's vital functions! Great sources of Vitamin B5 are beef, brewer's yeast, eggs, fresh vegetables, kidney, legumes, liver, mushrooms, nuts, pork, royal jelly, saltwater fish, and whole-wheat foods. Vitamin B5 Deficiencies Research also indicates that lack of enough Vitamin B5 in the body can lead to fatigue, headaches, nausea, depression, and even moodiness. If you find yourself prone to infection, fatigue, abdominal pains, sleep disturbances and neurological disorders, you might consider taking prescribed amounts of Vitamin B5. Is your diet utterly lacking in non-refined foods? Are you taking a lot of alcohol? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you will need more Vitamin B5 in your system. Vitamin B5 Dosage The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is between 10 to 100 mg. Exceeding the limit usually leads to diarrhea; with taking 15 or more times the limit usually leading to hypersensitive teeth. Vitamin B5 performs best when taken with the rest of the B complex vitamins, and with Vitamin A, C, and E. Supplements and Vitamins - Can They Enhance Your Weight Loss Goals? Nutritional supplements can play a key role in the health of children and adults. Many people feel that they don't get enough vitamins and minerals through their daily intake of food and, therefore, turn to supplements to fill in the gaps. Dietary supplements come in a variety of sizes, potencies and, of course, health claims. Nutritional Supplement - The Good Food, Bad Food Myth Will common sense ever prevail? We've all seen stories on the news about a new miracle food. "Eat more carrots and your eyesight will improve," or "Eating raspberries reduces heart disease, cancer, etc..." and what about the reports on wine and alcohol consumption? Is a glass of wine good for your health or bad? It is easy for physicians and the news media to describe foods as good or bad, but most nutritionists realize there are no such things - only good diets and bad diets. Regardless of whether the news reports are based on fact or fiction, what's important to realize is that no single food will bring you good health or destroy your health. Best Vitamins to Help Keep You Fit at Forty Plus Our bodies change as we age, and to remain vigorous, active and healthy in our middle years and beyond requires that we supply them with good nutrition and regular exercise. It's almost too simple, isn't it? However, staying faithful to a healthy lifestyle requires commitment and self-discipline, and an understanding that you are the one who must make the appropriate choices. When you enter your middle years at age forty, you can no longer ignore the relevance of diet and exercise to health even if you did so in your youth. Glyconutrients Will Be Revolutionary in Future Medicine - A Health Supplement PART ONE Vitamins for the Recovering Alcoholic I have frequently heard alcoholics who are in early recovery remark that, "If this is what recovery is like, I'd rather go back to drinking." Vitamin deficiencies, particularly of the B vitamins and vitamin C, may be responsible for much of the lethargy, skin irritation, memory loss and depression experienced by people who are newly recovering from an addiction to alcohol. Though these symptoms may have been ongoing while the alcoholic was actively drinking they may seem less tolerable while not under the influence of alcohol. Top Ten Reasons To Supplement Your Diet With EPA Fish Oil 1. Most of the modern western diets contain way too much omega 6 in the form of breads and pasta, by supplementing your diet with an omega 3 fish oil supplement it will help to correct this imbalance of omega 6 to omega 3. Vitamins: How To Keep Your Body Healthy By Using Vitamins Safely Vitamins are an important part of a health diet. Unlike carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, vitamins do not directly provide building blocks or energy for your body; vitamins function as assistants to your body in creating and breakdown down building blocks and storing and releasing energy. What is Rhodiola Rosea? Rhodiola rosea is available commercially as a supplement and rhodiola rosea is extracted from the rhodiola rosea plant. Also called the 'golden root', rhodiola rosea is mainly found growing at high altitudes in Asia and Europe. Rhodiola rosea belongs to the plant group Crassuleae and rhodiola rosea can achieve a growth height of 12-30 inches. With an abundance of yellow blossoms, the rhodiola rosea plant produces a definitive fragrance when it is cut. ![]() |
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