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Nutritional Supplements Information |
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How To Choose a Glyconutrient Supplement
This article provides three easy tips for selecting a quality glyconutrient supplement to make sure you always get the best value for your money. These principals apply to any quality nutritional supplements you may be buying as well. 1. Buy a natural glyconutrient source. There are numerous studies showing that nutrients derived from food are more effectievly absorbed by the body that chemically synthesized nutrients. Naturally derived nutrients also have other components of nutrition wh 2. Buy a natural glyconutrient supplement. The point of supplementation is to supplement the nutrients missing from your food. To best do this, you should be using a glyconutrients supplement that is derived from food and not chemically synthesized and isolated. There are numerous studies showing that nutrients derived from food are more effectively absorbed by the body that chemically synthesized nutrients. Naturally derived glyconutrients also have other components of nutrition which work along with your glyconutrient, just as if you were eating the food itself. You will not find this in chemically isolated supplements. 3. Buy a standardized glyconutrient supplement. Why should you spend your money on a supplement from a company that does not provide quality assurances and testing to prove that the nutrients you are paying for are the same in every pill, tablet or scoop, in every bottle and from every lot? Purchase glyconutrient supplements which are stabilized and produced with quality control practices to ensure that you are always getting what you are paying for. 4. Buy Direct. Glyconutrient supplements that have been sitting on the shelf may not be as fresh as ones sent directly to you from the manufacturer. Some nutrients are affected by heat and age. When you buy supplements from a store, do you know that bottle wasn't sitting beside a heat source in the back? How long has it been sitting there? Purcahse your glyconutrient supplement from a company that ships to you directly. Glyconutrients are an important nutrient, which is why so many people today are seeking them out. MIT called the science behind glyconutrients one of the ten emerging discoveries that will change the world over the next ten years and even created its own research group to study this new science. For you, the science is simple. You open your mouth and swallow. Just make sure you are getting a quality supplement from a company that leads the field in glyconutrient supplement research. Mannatech has Patents on their Ambrotose Complex of glyconutrients in over 20 countries, all of their nutritional products are derived from natural food sources and all products are shipped to you fresh from their quality-monitored labs in Texas. Dave Saunders is a nutritional educator, wellness coach and author. He is certified with the ANA and is a member of the American International Association of Nutritional Education (AIANE) Dave Saunders hosts a weekly, nation-wide telephone lecture on glyconutrients and other nutrition, health and wellness products. The glyconutrient supplement mentioned is Ambrotose. His educational website is found at http://www.glycoboy.com
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The Liquid Vitamin Supplement Not many years ago the liquid vitamin supplement was unheard of. I remember the advent of the pills years ago and later on the capsule. With constant competition for market share a new and improved product the liquid vitamin supplement surfaced. Some Vitamin Supplements to Enhance Your Ironman Training Diet There are a host of choices for supplementing your Ironman diet. I'll give you descriptions of a few that I found helpful to my Ironman training and racing. I won't delve too deeply into the world of vitamins. This is an area best left to the experts. As I said earlier, if I have not used a product or diet or anything else concerning Ironman training, I won't recommend it. Here are a few of the supplements I had good success with. Is Lunesta Safe For You? Everyone has an occasional sleepless night, and this is not a problem for most people. Shockingly, as many as 30% of Americans report occasional sleeping problems, and for about 15% of the population it is a chronic problem. In these cases, the lack of restful sleep impairs the person's ability to carry out daily responsibilities because they are too tired or they have trouble concentrating. Chronic sleep conditions can also cause memory problems, irritability and even depression. Supplements and Drugs: A Hazardous Combination As I have become more involved in using functional nutritional therapy in my practice, I have come to realize that many people are still confused about the safety and effectiveness of various dietary supplements. Because these products are "natural", many feel they are always safe to use. Although supplements and herbs can be safer than pharmaceutical drugs, they can still function as drugs in the body and should be used with caution and respect. What Is The Best Muscle Building Supplement Available Today? What's the best muscle building supplement available today? You might not like the answer. B Vitamin Hype: With Ambitions of Fighting Acne, Rosacea and Tumors, What Can This Vitamin Really Do Vitamin B is no small time player in the high stakes game of the beauty. Just take the case of pellagra for example. Pellagra is a life threatening skin disease characterized by dementia, diarrhea, and dermatitis that results from a niacin (B vitamin) deficiency. In the early 20th century in the United States pellagra plagued thousands of people in the South and Midwest. The condition was thought to be contagious until investigators discovered the underlying nutritional deficiency. Are Bodybuilding Supplements Really Necessary? Bodybuilding supplements generally fall under the classification of dietary supplements, therefore they are not regulated by the FDA. There is absolutely nothing guaranteeing the purity of body building supplements, or the safety of using them. In addition, the manufacturer can claim benefits of the product that have not been tested or proven. Side Effects of Fish Oil Fish oil is oil derived from the tissues of fatty acids. Fish oil is recommended as source of Omega 3 fatty acids. Fish oil products are becoming increasingly popular due to the many health benefits. However, there are some side effects of fish oil. If you take large doses of supplements which contain high level of vitamins (especially vitamin D) in addition to Omega 3 fatty acids, the risk is possibility of vitamin poisoning. Vitamin poisoning is a condition wcan lead to toxic symptoms. For this reason, you should take fish body oil instead of fish liver based oil. Do You Need Glyconutrients? With all of the exciting things people are seeing in their lives as a result of adding glyconutrients to their diet, the question has been raised "Are glyconutrients a miracle cure or are the results people have seen a placebo effect?" All-Natural HGH Releasers- Does Neugenisis Really Work? I began a quest to examine over 25 "leading products" in capsule, spray, or tablet form within the HGH field. Efficacy was examined, as well as product marketing approach, manufacturers reputation, and overall customer support and guidance. These were several areas of concentration throughout this review. I have found an unfortunate amount of "information" or "review" sites that fail to share actual valid or informative content on HGH, its importance, or role in the aging process. There seems to be many sites promoting their own products under the guise of certain "physician or nurse" type endorsers in an effort to claim legitimacy. Treatment of Heart Disease with Coenzyme Q10 Since its discovery in the late 1950�??s Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) has received much attention as a necessary compound for proper cellular function. It is the essential coenzyme necessary for the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) upon which all cellular functions depend. Without ATP our bodies cannot function properly. Without CoQ10, ATP cannot function. This connection has made CoQ10 a very important object of study in relation to chronic disease. Herbal Life Supplements ? For Natural Treatment Herbal supplements have become hugely popular over the years, and with herbal life supplements you can enjoy a natural and effective way of maintaining or improving your health. Herbal life supplements are classed as self medication, and as with any other type of treatment need to be taken responsibly. When taken properly this type of vitamin offers a safe and effective way of health improvement and maintenance. However, these supplements are only effective when you buy quality products, and the best way to do this is to ensure that they are produced at GMP registered facilities, which means that they reach the necessary standards. Nutritional Vitamin Fiber Supplements ? Which One Is For You? Nutritional vitamin fiber supplements come in a variety of types, and you will find that each of the different types offers a variety of benefits. Despite various fallacies about taking such supplements, fiber is essential to our bodies for healthy functioning, and you will find many articles and much literature that will enable you to learn more about the benefits of such supplement products. One thing to remember about nutritional vitamin fiber supplements ? or any other vitamin supplements such as vitamin C ? is that they should be taken as directed in order to enjoy the maximum benefit. Why Supplements and Glyconutritionals? The Benefits of Whey Protein The benefits of whey protein are so numerous and apply to so many different groups of people, that listing them all would be quite a large undertaking. In the sense of an overview, the benefits of whey protein make it an excellent choice for individuals of all ages who struggle to maintain a healthy diet and to improve their overall health. Shopping for Supplements -- Living Healthy and Saving Money When it comes to personalized weight loss programs and their role in weight loss success, diet gurus and so-called experts have had a lot to say when it comes to nutritional supplements. Usually what they are writing and saying and urging you to do is BUY! BUY! BUY! Protein Supplement Protein Supplement ? whey protein. Vitamin Supplements, Do We Need Them? We live in a health conscious generation where vitamins and nutrition have become important topics. Through news, books, advertisements we are being educated as to why need to use vitamins. It's great to see our generation become more aware of our health, but: Do We need take vitamins? L-Glutathione, The Wonder Antioxidant A naturally occurring compound, L-Glutathione (Tathion,) has demonstrated that it is effective in fighting cancer, environmental poisons, and even cataracts. Sound like snake oil? Well, that is what I thought until I started doing research. It turns out that L-Glutathione is one of the most effective antioxidants that our body produces. It works to protect our bodies from the thousands of daily hazards that we are exposed to such as pollution, second hand smoke, alcohol, and food chemicals and poisons. In fact, it is so effective that some researchers believe that it can actually slow down the aging process. 3 Steps to Identify Supplements that Lack Scientific Evidence You read about a supplement that allegedly "Boosts your mood and motivation!" That sure sounds good so your surf over to the company's web site. The web site looks official--it's even got footnotes citing scientific journals. You're ready to purchase the supplement online until you ask yourself, "What if this supplement doesn't really possess any scientific evidence for its efficacy? How can I tell the difference between supplements with solid evidence for their reported benefits versus those lacking any scientific support?" Here are the 3 Steps to answer those questions: Step 1: Go to http://www.pubmed.org which is a National Library of Medicine (United States) web site where you can search for articles published in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Why check PubMed? Because the National Library of Medicine carefully selects only high-quality journals that offer value to medical scientists around the world. Selection criteria are detailed on this web page: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/pubs/factsheets/jsel.html Step 2: Once on the PubMed web site, search for research articles using the generic (scientific) name of the supplement in question. Supplement manufacturers must list the scientific name for their supplement's ingredients on the label and in advertisements. Supplements often contain many ingredients but usually only a few provide the purported benefits. Those are the ingredients you want to evaluate--they are often the same ones the manufacturer highlights in advertisements. Step 3: This is the step some supplement companies don't want you to know. Before you click on the "Search" button at PubMed.org, limit your search to studies that utilize the right research methodology with the right population. The right research methodology is a randomized controlled trial (the double-blind, placebo control group design fits under this category) and the right population is human beings. Specifying human subjects is important because you want to know if the ingredients in a supplement have been shown to produce the advertised benefits in real live human beings--not just in rats pressing levers for food pellets or in a "case study" with one person. This is not to say that basic science research, which is often conducted initially with animals, is unimportant. On the contrary, such research usually serves as a crucial building block for subsequent clinical research with humans. But basic science research does not provide scientific evidence for a supplement's beneficial health effects on human beings. Only research with human subjects, using randomized controlled trials, can offer such evidence. On the PubMed.org search page, click on the "Limits" tab located under the "Search" box. You will see a number of drop-down menus. First click on the Publication Type menu and then select Randomized Controlled Trial. Next click on the drop-down menu labeled, Humans or Animals and click on Humans. An Example Morinda citrifolia is the scientific name for a popular ingredient in a nutritional supplement. First search on PubMed for Morinda citrifolia, without placing Limits on your search. How many results did you receive? The count was 69 at the time I wrote this article. Looks impressive, huh? But now search for Morinda citrifolia after first placing Limits on the search as described above, so that you receive only those studies which provide more definitive scientific evidence for the positive effects of Morinda citrifolia. How many journal articles did you find searching with the specified limits? I found 1. Thus, out of 69 articles found on PubMed.org, only one provides some evidence for Morinda citrifolia's beneficial effects. ![]() |
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