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The Secret to a Longer, Healthier, Happy Life is a Strong Immune System!
How can I improve my health and lifestyle beyond diet and exercise? Imagine all your worries about what your health quality of life will be in like retirement melting away! At the age of 39, I shamefully looked back on years of over-eating and under-exercising. Years of putting my health second to my desires to enjoy the "simple pleasures" of life. Now with a wonderful wife and two young children I wanted to do all I could so that my future will not be a sad illness filled decline or even an early departure. I want to be there for my kids as they grow up. With my wife I want to have an active fun filled "retirement". Not to become some burden to them if my health fails. I had made many attempts to get the exercise bike going, bicycling, running, diets and juicers, but always failed to keep it up for more than a few months, until now. What made the difference? Prayer? Cancer scare? No but they too can help. What really made a difference was the discovery that boosting my immune system can make me feel so good, so strong, and so full of energy that I really can enjoy exercise and a healthy diet as a "blissful reward" rather than a "necessary evil" to get healthy. (More info on how to boost your immune system at http://immunotec.com/kevintaylor) Why? The simple truth is when you diet and or start to exercise you feel worse at first and not better. Unhealthy popular diets often rob you of the nutrients your body needs and are only short term fixes that, even if you stick with, don't last (studies show most gain back any lost weight or gain back even more!). Exercise and a real, permanent, healthy diet take a longer time to show noticeable results. For most this delay in seeing the benefit is longer than they can support before they lose the will and interest. You use the first event or crisis as an excuse to delay exercise or stop your diet. Sadly you never get back "on the wagon". What if you felt better, stronger, and more vital within weeks rather than months? This motivating early impact for me was tremendous. It just blew me away. When I started to use a whey product to boost my immune system my body responded. With that extra energy I was able to exercise more often without soreness and stick to eating healthier foods (not dieting) longer because I felt great! (More info on how this natural food product works at http://immunotec.com/kevintaylor) Of course with a stronger immune system you feel healthier. I still get the odd cold or flu but with less severity and for a much shorter time. I have been fortunate not have any serious or chronic illness previously and that has not changed, my main interest in boosting my immune system is prevention. Some friends and neighbors have also tried this immune boosting product and have been just as thrilled with the results. This is why I am writing this message online ? to share with others a great discovery that has changed my life and future lifestyle! Kevin Taylor is a freelance writer/webmaster living in Toronto, Canada. You can get more information from Kevin at http://immunotec.com/kevintaylor
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Dietary Supplement Vitamin Dietary Supplement Vitamin - why is it important? Nutritional Supplements: The Amazing Benefits of Vitamin E The real benefits of Vitamin E may surprise you. First of all, what is Vitamin E? Vitamin E is not one nutrient but actually a group of eight nutrients known as tocopherols and tocotrienols. Each one of these groups is further broken down into alpha, beta, gamma and delta. 4 Answers To Living Life On Lifes Terms 1. What supplements do you take? All-Natural HGH Releasers- Does Neugenisis Really Work? I began a quest to examine over 25 "leading products" in capsule, spray, or tablet form within the HGH field. Efficacy was examined, as well as product marketing approach, manufacturers reputation, and overall customer support and guidance. These were several areas of concentration throughout this review. I have found an unfortunate amount of "information" or "review" sites that fail to share actual valid or informative content on HGH, its importance, or role in the aging process. There seems to be many sites promoting their own products under the guise of certain "physician or nurse" type endorsers in an effort to claim legitimacy. Vitamin E to Protect Against Parkinsons Disease Moderate amounts of vitamin E in the diet can protect against Parkinson's disease, according to a study in the Lancet Neurology (2005;4:362?5). I Love My Glyconutrients In today's modern world most people, like us, just do not feel well and have no energy! Everybody around us is either getting sick, has some terrible disease or is dying! What in the world is going on, why is all this stuff happening to us, and what can we do about it? A Guide to Herbal Sleep Aids Difficulty sleeping can affect many aspects of life. People who don't get the recommended amount of sleep for their age groups can have a myriad of negative affects. Vitamin C - The Most Common Health Food Supplement Vitamin C or Ascorbic Acid was first isolated from lemons in 1932. The C in this very important vitamin is debatable and may stand for citrus, cold, or collagen for the following reasons. Can You Drink Your Way To Good Health? Many years ago I became convinced of the need to take vitamin and mineral supplements. Although I tried to eat healthy meals, mixing salads, fruits and vegetables, proteins and grains as wisely as I could, numerous studies pointed out the need to add nutritional supplements to my diet. How Colostrum Differs From Herbal Remedies At some time or another, most people have taken some sort of herbal remedy or supplement to help support their body in achieving optimal health. Now, however, you may be considering taking a Colostrum supplement, and wondering how it differs from standard herbal remedies, in the way it works to benefit your body. Vitamin C Is Useless In Fighting The Common Cold And Could Be Dangerous For Smokers Those who start eating lemons at first symptoms of the common cold should slow down. According to a recent study, Vitamin C does nothing to prevent the common cold. Should I Be Taking Vitamin Supplements? Most people believe that they are reasonably healthy. Exercise, having a solid diet, and keeping stress to a minimum is a great way to live a longer, happier, and healthier life. That being said, will taking vitamin supplements help you even more? Who should take vitamin supplements? Are vitamin supplements only for extremely unhealthy people who simply don't have the time to exercise and eat right? You may be surprised to find out that vitamin supplements are a good idea for everyone, even the healthiest people. Eight Glyconutrients Glyconutrients- the latest development in the health industry. What are glyconutrients? Is this just a craze or is there actually substantial evidence to their effectiveness. Why are glyconutrients so important to our health and what are the actual health benefits associated with these vital nutrients? You, too, can benefit from the use of glyconutrients in your diet as this new discovery is making headway across the globe. Increasing overall Health with Nutritional Supplements "But I eat healthy," you might say. That may be but if you are not supplementing your diet with nutritional supplements then you likely have certain nutritional deficiencies. You might be eating everything you should be but the problem is that the majority of our fruits and vegetables today do not have the nutrients they once had. They have been stripped of their valuable nutrients by big business farming practices, premature picking and improper storage practices. While we may think we are eating well we are eating empty calories from nutrient stripped food grown in land stripped of the necessary minerals to produce healthy food. Vitamin Treatment Guide Vitamins and minerals play a major role in becoming healthy and remaining healthy. Weather your new to nutrition or you've been a health-o-condreact for years, you know how hard it is to find the right supplementation that fits your specific needs. I Have a Headache! Actually, my headache is not the result of just thinking ? it's due more to what I've been thinking about. I can normally go for months and months and months without any perceptible twinge of intracranial discomfort. No problems at all. Well unless I decide to chance it and watch more than one reality show in a week. Then I'll notice a bit of distress. But apart from that, life is good and the old gray matter just keeps cruising along in the smiley mode. Why Do Liquid Form Nutritional Supplements Have Much Greater Bodily Absorption Than Pills? Did you know that when you take vitamins and minerals in the traditional tablet or capsule form your body only assimilates 10 to 12% of the nutrients, and that figure drops to 3 to 5% after 35-40 years of age? Liquid (also known as colloidal) vitamin form provides the highest possible assimilation of nutrients into the body. Colloidal minerals and vitamin particles are over 7000 times smaller than a human cell. Approximately 98% of liquid form supplements ingested can be used by the body within 15 to 30 minutes. This percentage is far superior to the 3 to 10% assimilation of traditional pill and capsule supplements and means that you would have to take 10 to 20 multi-vitamin pills every day to have comparable assimilation. That would be like swallowing one or two handfuls of those rock hard pills every morning which is definitely a tall order, especially for older people, children and people who hate taking vitamin pills--well, that covers just about everybody. Not to mention how expensive it would be to buy all of those pills! What to Look For In Selecting A High Quality Nutritional Supplement! Have you ever purchased something thinking you had bought a really good product only to later find out that you could have had a better product for the same money? I know I have. And our friend Henry is shortly about to discover this sick feeling for himself in a very personal way. You see, Henry had never seen the information contained in this report. Know Your Bodybuilding Supplement - BCAAs BCAA stands for branched chain amino acids and is increasingly being recognized as an important supplement in the field of sports nutrition. In short the term refers to three essential amino acids - leucine, isoleucine and valine. Discovering MSM MSM is a wonderful supplement with a low toxicity rating that naturally occurs in the body and targets a host of issues. Some of the problems it may help with include hair, skin, nails, muscle fatigue, allergies and scar tissue trouble. I have also heard of people with cancer utilizing the supplement. Once upon a time, there was a big craze about DSMO and how it helped arthritis sufferers. It has been observed that the solvent DSMO converts to MSM when it hits the blood stream. Taking MSM may be equivalent to using DSMO but without the side effects and problems that come with utilizing an industrial grade solvent. ![]() |
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