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Coenzyme Q10 - Learn All the Wonderful Properties of this Vitamin-Like Nutrient
Sometimes I ask myself why this wonderful antioxidant supplement was given such a technical name, many people feel intimidated by the name alone, thus refusing to take CoQ10. But the truth is that this nutrient is one of the most effective antioxidants and it has been proven to help many serious diseases. In this issue, we will study in depth the benefits and properties that researchers have found in this "vitamin like" substance called Coenzyme Q10. Probably you haven't even heard the name Coenzyme Q10, or if you have, you don't even know what it does or why you should take it. The potential and most of the properties found in CoQ10 have been recognized rather recently. CoQ10 is known to scientists as ubiquinol, this is a naturally occurring nutrient normally present in every cell in the body, so it is only logical to believe that it plays an important part in treating many conditions and preventing them. The body makes CoQ10, but most likely the majority of people don't make it well or enough of it, the good news is that we can absorb CoQ10 from foods, especially fish, and meats (particularly organ meats like liver, kidney, etc., more on this later), the bad news is that most people don't eat these types of meats, plus as we age the body loses it efficiency in manufacturing important nutrients, it has been proven that people suffering from heart diseases and cancer have lower levels of CoQ10, thus supplementation is recommended. You may ask yourself, why do you call it a "vitamin like substance" and not a vitamin, if it has so many properties? That is a great question, and the answer is that a vitamin is defined as any nutrient that cannot be manufactured by the body (at least not in sufficient amounts) and hence has to be taken by supplementation or by ingesting it through foods, that's the reason why it was not called a vitamin, although my personal opinion is that they should have named it a vitamin. The role of CoQ10 in our health and body functions This important nutrient plays two major roles in the body. First, CoQ10 helps in the energy production within each cell. The body, just like a car, needs fuel. Our primary source of fuel is through fats, proteins, and carbohydrates in our diet. After digestion in the stomach, the nutrients from foodstuffs are absorbed into the bloodstream and circulate to various tissues and cells. The cells have to break down the sugars, fats and amino acids in a form that makes energy. This energy production occurs in organelles, or microscopic organ-like structures, called mitochondria, and CoQ10 plays a key role in this activity. There are hundreds, sometimes thousands, of mitochondria within each cell. In a sense, they are the factories of your cells, with the final product being energy. The energy that is produced is stored in a chemical called adenosine triphosphate, or simply ATP. It is carried by electrons and protons, which are sub atomic particles. These energetic electrons and protons are moved around in cells to their destinations by numerous compounds. CoQ10 is one of the most important compounds. CoQ10 also serves as an antioxidant, which is its second role. By controlling the movement of electrons, CoQ10 limits the production of dangerous free radicals, which are molecules lacking one electron in what should be a pair. To learn more about free radicals and antioxidants go here http://www.homemademedicine.com/articles/antioxidants.html So far many researches and clinical studies have shown CoQ10 to be an amazing tool that helps us fight and prevent many dangerous conditions. Among these are: Congestive heart failure Another important aspect in the uses of CoQ10, is the prevention of many conditions, CoQ10 helps maintain normal heart function and preventing serious heart disease. Our heart works 24 hrs a day, using lots of energy, to pump blood though the body, and since CoQ10 plays an important role in energy production, it has shown to be a very valuable heart energizing nutrient. But why doctors don't recommend more the use of CoQ10? Hundreds of scientific studies have been published on CoQ10, including many involving humans. CoQ10 has also been the subject of ten international scientific and medical meetings. Furthermore, the role of CoQ10 in energy production was basis of the 1978 Nobel prize in chemistry, given to Peter Mitchell, Ph.D. Unfortunately, most doctors in the US are not familiar with the published research regarding the potential of CoQ10 because many of the journals they read rarely discuss the benefits of this and many other nutrients. The reason for this is very simple, nutrients cannot be patented so they are of very little interest to pharmaceutical companies and drug manufacturing laboratories and these are the companies that sponsor and publish most of the journals read by doctors. However, traveling around Europe, China, Japan and South America, has shown me that the story is completely different in the rest of the world, where most health-care professionals are treating their patients with heart failure and other conditions by prescribing CoQ10. In fact, CoQ10 is the fifth most commonly prescribed "drug" in Japan. But how much CoQ10 do we get from foods and is it enough? Dietary intake of CoQ10 normally ranges from 2 to 20 mg a day. Most of this comes from meats and fish. The richest source of CoQ10 is organ meat, like liver, kidney, and heart. If you don't eat these types of meats, chances are that your body does not have adequate level of CoQ10. Supplements in these cases is recommended. Younger people tend to get enough CoQ10 from food and from their own body production, but as we age the ability of the body to make and absorb CoQ10 drops significantly, for people in the middle age group I recommend a dosage of 30mg a day, although people taking 60 to 100 mg a day have reported a significant improvement in alertness, energy level, motivation, mood elevation, and enhanced focus. Fortunately, CoQ10 has no serious side effects, 1.5 percent of people taking 60 to 100 mg a day have reported nausea, and insomnia, due to the energizing effects of CoQ10. Also, this wonderful nutrient can be taken for years non-stop with only positive results. I recommend to start slow, with a dosage of 10 mg a day and gradually increase it to the desired dosage or until satisfactory results have been achieved. I hope this issue helps you come to the conclusion that Coenzyme Q10 is one of most important essential nutrients which are needed for a healthy body and to treat several conditions. If you are looking into buying CoQ10 from the web, please note that it's very important to get good quality and price, please visit our site to see more recommendations. *IMPORTANT*: Did you get your "Homemade Medicine e-Book 1st Edition " yet? If not checkout our site to read more about the benefits. Find out why thousands of people have joined us and they are so happy they ever did. http://www.homemademedicine.com __________________________________________________________ If you have any questions about our e-book or this topic e-mail us to [email protected] See you next time, in another issue of "The Homemade Medicine E-zine" Best regards Charles Silverman N.D. Author of "The Homemade Medicine e-Book 1st Edition" Owner of http://www.homemademedicine.com The Home Made Medicine e-book and the Home Made Medicine.com Web site were created by Charles Silverman a Naturalist and Herbalist since 1979. Charles is from Miami, FL and has dedicated part of his life to the preparation of natural remedies and natural products, to help people with allergies and chemical intolerance. He has travel around the world from Germany, France, and India, to the mountains of Peru and Argentina (South America), researching and studying the different domestic species of herbs and plants. All his knowledge has been transferred to his web site, and now to this amazing book, that takes advantage of the latest technology in order to bring you the most complete guide ever made.
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It turns out that L-Glutathione is one of the most effective antioxidants that our body produces. It works to protect our bodies from the thousands of daily hazards that we are exposed to such as pollution, second hand smoke, alcohol, and food chemicals and poisons. In fact, it is so effective that some researchers believe that it can actually slow down the aging process. Nutrition Supplementation Nutrition Supplement ? nutrition. What Are Nutraceuticals and Why Are the Drug Companies Upset? If you break the word apart, Nutra has to do with nutrition, and Ceuticals has to do with drug companies ? pharmaceuticals. So what is the big deal? Nutraceuticals are god-given nutrients that are readily available for our good health, but drug companies want to make them illegal to buy and use ? unless they can sell them to increase their bank accounts. What Is The Best Muscle Building Supplement Available Today? What's the best muscle building supplement available today? You might not like the answer. Using Bodybuilding Supplements To Build Muscle Mass! OK, first let's get something straight here... Selenium Can Lift Your Spirits In July of 1995, the United States Department of Agriculture officially published research information, which acknowledges Selenium as "an essential trace element known for its antioxidant prowess." Take Back Your Life 3 In parts one and two of this series, titled "Take Back Your Life" and "Take Back Your Life 2"; we discussed the importance of proper cell function and the necessity of having and maintaining a balanced endocrine system as they relate to wellness. Here in part 3, we shall examine why vitamins and minerals, including certain trace minerals are absolutely necessary to further insure and maintain a state of wellness and optimum health. Is Citrus Aurantium Really Bad for Your Health? Once again the "wisdom" of the FDA and the supplement hating Academia and the out of control trial lawyers - have gotten it wrong. And are doing everything they can to take away your right to take control of your own health. Coenzyme Q10 - Learn All the Wonderful Properties of this Vitamin-Like Nutrient Sometimes I ask myself why this wonderful antioxidant supplement was given such a technical name, many people feel intimidated by the name alone, thus refusing to take CoQ10. But the truth is that this nutrient is one of the most effective antioxidants and it has been proven to help many serious diseases. In this issue, we will study in depth the benefits and properties that researchers have found in this "vitamin like" substance called Coenzyme Q10. Vitamin E ? Just the Facts, Ma?am It is important to understand that we are ultimately responsible for our own well-being and should do whatever is necessary to maintain our health and assist our bodies in resisting and fighting disease. Since health practitioners agree that vitamins are essential for life and health, we must ensure that we receive adequate amounts for our bodies to function properly and to protect us from illnesses. Vitamin E is one of the vitamins to which we should pay particular attention. Vitamins and Minerals Help Ensure A Good Healthy Heart Taking good care of your body means that you are able to maintain adequate amounts of the minerals, vitamins and nutrients that are needed to ensure a totally healthy well-being. Also, it is very important to note that the heart requires a significant amount of attention too, in order for it to be able to function well and be able to have a healthy circulation of blood around the body. When the heart is healthy, it is able to respond efficiently to the body's changing needs for oxygen and nutrients, which vary with different activity levels throughout the day and night. There are several vitamins and minerals that specifically support the heart in these important tasks. Know Your Bodybuilding Supplement - L-Taurine Taurine is the second most abundant amino acid in the muscle after glutamine. It performs several useful functions and can act in a way similar to creatine in that it expands cells by helping the muscle to hold more water, thus increasing cell volume. The added benefit for bodybuilders is that these expanded muscle cells boost hydration and stimulate greater protein synthesis giving an enhanced muscle fullness. Increasing overall Health with Nutritional Supplements "But I eat healthy," you might say. That may be but if you are not supplementing your diet with nutritional supplements then you likely have certain nutritional deficiencies. You might be eating everything you should be but the problem is that the majority of our fruits and vegetables today do not have the nutrients they once had. They have been stripped of their valuable nutrients by big business farming practices, premature picking and improper storage practices. While we may think we are eating well we are eating empty calories from nutrient stripped food grown in land stripped of the necessary minerals to produce healthy food. Vitamin Information for Health Vitamin C may be the most famous vitamin. Tens of thousands of British sailors were dying of the disease scurvy until they began taking limes and other citrus fruit along on voyages. The vitamin C in the citrus prevented the disease. Vitamin C also works as an anti-oxidant and supports the synthesis of collagen, which helps keep the skin healthy and youthful. A good way to get some daily vitamin C is to drink a glass of orange juice with breakfast. Research on Hyaluronic Acid Knee Injections Hyaluronic acid, a key component of human tissue, aiding the body's flexibility, mobility and moisture retention is a popular component of many anti-aging products but can also provide a wealth of benefits in the medical sphere. Recently, in an attempt to find effective treatment methods for arthritis, scientists have found a strong association between levels of Hyaluronic acid and severe knee and hip arthritis known as osteoarthritis or OA. The History And Usefulness Of Coenzyme Q10 Throughout my childhood I was aware of the importance of eating well and taking my vitamins. But the science of dietary supplements has come a long way since those days. And one of the stars in this scientific progression is Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). CoQ10 is not a drug. It is a vitamin-like substance that is found in small amounts in a variety of foods and is synthesized within our body tissues. ![]() |
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