Traffic Building Information
Dont Just Concentrate on Web Site Traffic - Focus on Sales Conversion
I cannot stress the importance of targeted traffic for the survival and prosperity of any web site and the importance increases when this web site is an ecommerce web site. But getting more and more traffic is not always the answer to increase your profits, I am not saying to stop working at increasing your traffic but I am saying that you must also focus on your 'traffic to sales conversion rate'.
Free Targeted Internet Traffic
Let others help with your marketing efforts. You can have strangers pass your site to others and span the globe with viral marketing. Create viral marketing with a free e-book or inviting email, it is powerful and free. To start a viral marketing campaign that grows exponentially and without effort send a witty or clever joke, picture, or poem to people in your address book. If enjoyed the recipient will pass it on to those in their list and so on. You may have received the Bill Gates free offer in your own box. This email has been circulated around the world for over three years and seen by countless. Be sure to include your url with a heading, either near the bottom or in a signature file. Do this once a month and watch your web traffic grow.
The Swank Meter - What Does Hilary Swank Have to Do With Page Rank?
Recently the wife and I were watching Million Dollar Baby.
After we were done watching the Movie my wife went on the
Internet to see which Karate Kid Movie Hilary was in. It
turns out that doing an MSN search on "hilary swank" came
up with 190,231 Web Pages, Doing an MSN Search on
"mike makler" brought up 2,737 results. So 190,231/2,737
is 69.5. My Hilary Swank Rating or Swank Meter is 69.5
Targeted Traffic to Your Mini-Site
Generating traffic for your mini-sites is the challenge.
7 Great Tips on Driving Targeted Traffic to Your Website
We all need traffic. It's the life-blood of an online business. But what are the best ways to drive targeted traffic directly to your website? Here are 7 great tips to help you decide.
3 Website Positioning Tactics Guaranteed to Boost Your Traffic
There are many tactics you can use to increase traffic to your website. However, three particularly effective suggestions include search engine optimization, keyword articles, and trading links with other web pages. When you incorporate these three strategies into your overall Web site strategy you will be sure to increase your traffic.
What is all the Buzz about LinkedIn and Does It Work?
Have you received invitations to join an online networking website? These new websites have created quite a buzz as the next big thing. People brag about having thousands of 'links' on LinkedIn.com. But this article attempts to explain what value, if any, derives from these networks. Basically, people are driven by the system to forge networks with complete strangers. One of the founders of LinkedIN, Konstantin, posted a message on another forum that was filled with idealistic platitudes that do not match the reality of LinkedIn. Here is my response to him.
Costly Link Exchange Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
When you are trying to promote your website, you want to make sure that you make as few mistakes as possible. However, there are a lot of mistakes people commit when making link exchanges that can be costly for their websites. Read the following ways to avoid making those costly link exchange mistakes:
5 Points to Remember While Placing or Accepting a Link Exchange Request
All we webmasters know the importance and procedure to exchange links. We are on the job all the time. There are some very important points that we overlook or are ignorant about, which affect our ranking in a big way. When we are working hard, we might as well be doing it in the right direction.
The Old But Reliable Ways of Attracting Free Online Traffics
Every home business owner should know that your WEBSITE TRAFFICS will determine the life span of your work at home online business. As suggested by many motivation expert, your best bet to be successful in ANYTHING you do will be to study and learn from those WHO are already successful.
Reciprocal Link Exchange Rampup - Winning the Link Popularity Contest
Getting links to your website all over the Internet is one of your best methods to get a higher ranking in the search engines. The reason for this is the more links you have, the more popular you are in the eyes of the search engines, and as a result you will be rewarded with a higher relevancy ranking than other websites with fewer links. So, what you want to do is joint venture with as many other websites as possible and get your links out on the Net. This will increase your traffic and ultimately your revenue, so it is certainly worth your while to put some serious effort into reciprocal linking. Follow these suggestions on how you can get started with reciprocal link exchanges and win the link popularity contest.
Increase Your Website Traffic in 10 Foolproof Steps
Increasing website traffic is certainly your goal if you have a website. However, creating web pages that attract visitors is significantly different than simply building an attractive website. You need to make sure you put as much effort or more into getting people to your website than you spend designing your web pages. Read the following 10 foolproof steps to increasing your web traffic and boosting your sales.
Increase Your Online Traffic in 60 Minutes or Less
Increasing your website traffic does not have to be a long drawn out procedure that takes up a lot of your precious time. In fact, there are a lot of things you can do to increase your website traffic in less than 60 minutes. Consider the following five tips that will take you little time and have huge results regarding traffic flow on your website.
Targeted Traffic for Your Website - 3 Guaranteed Ways to Create Lift-Off
Targeting traffic for your website is as easy as knowing how to simply direct traffic to your website rather than another one. The information web surfers are looking for is usually available on hundreds if not thousands of websites, so you have to make sure you are extremely diligent about keeping your website high in the search engine rankings. There are several ways you can do this which include links, keywords, and pay per click advertising.
How to Run a Successful Link Exchange Program
Link Exchanges are a very time consuming project. The time it takes to find the sites to exchange with, contact them and place a link on your page can seem like an eternity. The hardest part about link exchanges isn?t the research, it's the waiting. This article will give you some tips to help speed response time to your requests.
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11 Quick Tips To Drive More Return Traffic To Your Business Website
Sometimes you need a kick start to get of the ground when promoting your new business website. Use these 11 tips to get started. A combination of several tips will most likely guarantee return visitors on your website. Return visitors most likely mean more sales.
Ten Ways To Effectively Increase Your Site?s Prominence On The Web
It's a strange world, this place we call the internet. Many things here are stark opposites of their real life counterparts. Take for example the following. Whereas blind dating is a most dubious manner of meeting people in real life, it is the norm in cyberspace. Whereas multi-level marketing carries with it a stigma of disaster in the actual world, it is a venture very much sought on the web. And whereas traffic tends to irritate us in our daily existence, online denizens would kill to increase the same for their websites.
Thinking of Buying Hits To Your Website? Think Again!
Online marketing is an area where you can find a LOT of hype. Make a quick search at Google for 'buy hits', 'ad blaster' or 'email blaster' and you'll have an idea how wide those big void promises of getting 'automatic' traffic to your website. But it's not a real traffic...
Steal Traffic From Your Competitors
This interesting idea is likely to drive your competitors nuts.
How to Increase Web Site Visitors For Relevant Terms Using Your Less Relevant Listings
Completely by accident and through no effort of my own, besides the effort to get my site spidered by Yahoo's Slurp Search Engine Spider and Google's Googlebot Search Engine spider, I've seen an accidental increase in the visitors to my web site.
A Million Visitors
Recently I came across a web site with the heading "How to get a million visitors without spending a dime in advertising." Unfortunately the web site didn't actually tell me how I could do that - that information was only available through an eBook sold on the site. The price of the eBook was around $200USD. Now I live in New Zealand so $200USD is more like $400 and is kind of a bit beyond my budget, or more exactly what I'm willing to pay for an eBook I haven't even seen.
3 Ways to Build Your Web Traffic Quickly
It's a common story. Someone builds a great site, populates it with lots of fantastic content and beautiful graphics. They spend weeks or month making sure everything is perfect before the big launch day arrives. Then in the hours, days and weeks after the upload, a few people trickle in but nothing really explosive. What happened? How can such a great site not naturally take the internet community by storm? Simple ? the marketing of the site was not planned (and often not even thought about!).
How to Drive Traffic to Your Website with Traffic Exchanges
The number one problem new website owners have is, "How do I drive targeted traffic to my website?"
Combine Links with Quality Resources and Youre on a Winner
There are 1001 ways to drive traffic to your websites.
Increase Online Traffic - What NOT To Do
Since everyone is so obsessed with ways to increase our website traffic (and of course we should be) people often are quick to jump at anything that might help. We are always talking about ways to increase search engine traffic. But, what about what we shouldn't do? The following I'll share a few tricks that you shouldn't be doing.
Why Traffic Touts and List Pushers Are Bad For Your Business
In this Article we look at the second competitive advantage of successful Internet Marketers - Warm Traffic and True O'pt- In Lists.
7 Ways to Drive Traffic to your Website
If you sell products or services, chances are you have a website promoting these products and services. All website owners are looking for fresh ideas on how to get qualified visitors to their website and convert these visitors into buyers.
Costly Link Exchange Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
When you are trying to promote your website, you want to make sure that you make as few mistakes as possible. However, there are a lot of mistakes people commit when making link exchanges that can be costly for their websites. Read the following ways to avoid making those costly link exchange mistakes:
9 Hot Tips for Linking With Other Sites
If you have a website the chances are you receive e-mails from Webmasters asking you to make a link exchange with them. But how do you know whether you should link to their website or not? Well here are 9 rules of thumb, to help guide you through the linking maze.
Web Traffic Wonder: Are You Using This Free List Building Tool?
Yes, if need more web traffic, this free list building tool could be a painless way to steadily build more prospects, more web traffic, and more income.
Dont Be A Reciprocal Linking Turkey!
I had an email exchange with an SEO client today after his webmaster called him pushing reciprocal linking software (when all this web designer was after was to generate some extra work from a client that hasn't needed him for awhile). Then that client called me after he received my email de- nouncing the software, fully convinced by a follow-up phone call from his web designer that the reciprocal linking soft- ware WAS valuable.
10 Mistakes to Avoid When Setting Up a Link Directory
When adding a link directory to a web site there are important mistakes to avoid, or else you'll be storing up big problems for later on. I know, because I made some of these mistakes and didn't have anyone to offer any advice or tell me what I'm about to tell you.
Maximizing The True Value Of Your Traffic
You may be shocked to hear this.
John Reeses Top Traffic Secrets!
Track all sources of traffic generation.
Using Free Publicity to Build Your Web Site Links and Traffic
So, you have a great product or service, yet your web site is not getting the high rankings and traffic you desire from the top search engines like Google and MSN Search.