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Make Your Own Website - General Website Design Tips
Wow, we`ve already taken a domain and chosen a web host. Great job ! Now it`s time for something special: making your own website. You could`ve completed this step before, but at the time you`d had finished it, the domain name could`ve been taken. We don`t want any complications right ? You have 2 possible routes now (..as it is in the life right..) : The first one, learning HTML, the "programming" language of the WWW, and all of the "add-on" languages such as Javascript, PHP, ASP... is more rewarding in longterm, but it takes a lot more time to set your site up and going. It takes about 3-6 months just to master the standard HTML, but longterm, you could become a website programmer and gain reputation. Not to mention that you`ll have unlimited possibilities of designing your websites. Personally, I`ve taken this path. It important to mention though: It won`t, under any circumstances, affect your website traffic or income. You see, how the website looks like really doesn`t matter much. We will cover that aspect later. Here are some of the top HTML tutorials that will teach you how to make your own website from scratch. Zero knowledge required (.. you do know how to open notepad, or any other text editor, don`t you.. ). w3schools.com HTMLgoodies.com Webdiner.com The second one, buying a specialized website building software, will make building a website a lot more pleasant experience (.. who wants to learn coding and programming these days :) ). It`ll also make it a lot shorter one. Generally, I think this is a better option. To attract website traffic and generate income, you don`t have to know programming. All you have to know is to draw tables and write text. Your website design will be a little bit limited with the exceptions of software like Macromedia Dreamweaver or Microsoft Frontpage (..although they do require some skills..) . However, there is a software called Site Build It! that I honestly recommend, Not only it`s an outstanding website building tool, it also helps you in marketing it. You could call it an "ultimate package". I`ve tried it, and it really works. It will save you a lot of time. The interface is nice-looking too. There is also a website building software called xSitePro, wich is also a great option. It can build a fully functional search engine optimized website for you in less than 60 minutes. I haven`t tried it personally, but I noticed that people on various forums speak great words for this software. You might check it out. Ok, now that you know where to learn how to make your own website, here are some useful tips on how to actually design it:
Keep your website small. There is nothing more frustrating than loading a website. Make your website load longer than 5 seconds, and it`s a good chance that the majority of frustrated visitors will leave. Prevent that by not putting too many images on your website. Navigation. Make your navigation clear and visible. It pains me even to see how the "big websites" deal with this issue. Their navigation is totally unclear, and they even sometimes mix it with advertisements. I`d just click "back" on my browser (.. which is Firefox .. :)) ) and never visit that site again. Keep the navigation clear and visible. As always, if you liked the article, feel free to distribute it on your website or newsletter, just please keep the links as they are and give link-back to Cosntruct-a-site.com You can visit my site at http://www.construct-a-site.com to learn how to make your own fully functional, money making website. You can also read interesting articles that contain website design and marketing tips and find out about hundreds of webmaster resources..Site is updated daily..Oh, I almost forgot: I`m only 16 y.o and still, I managed to succeed on internet...I metioned that just to inform you that this is not some scammy guru site, because I don`t sell anything that`s not worth of your money..
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What is The Google Toolbar? No matter what browser you may want to use, you should consider using Google's toolbar. Google.com, the innovative, stripped-down, add-free search engine that has taken the web by storm has provided an innovative interface through most web browsers; mainly Internet Explorer. This toolbar has many great features for searching around the Internet as well as blocking those annoying Pop-up ads that scream "BUY ME!" every twenty seconds. Website Conversion Rate: More Keywords Equals More Sales Your website conversion rate should concern you. This simply refers to how many visitors to your website it takes before you make a sale. It is called conversion because you are 'converting' a casual visitor into a buyer. Website conversion should concern you because when you can increase the rate at which your website visitors convert into buyers, you make more money without increase your costs. Let me explain. Benefits Of Making Your Website Accessible To Disabled Users ? Part 2: The Business Case The Disability Discrimination Act states that service providers must not discriminate against disabled people. A website is regarded as a service and therefore comes under this law. Build or Buy a CMS? However, careful analyses often reveals dangerous pitfalls and serious short comings with many custom built content management systems. Trinkets, Lockets And Empty Pockets It never ceases to amaze me how many people set-up a website, without any type of plan or clue about how to promote it, how to write a sales letter, how to write an ad-- nothing! Web Site Optimization: How To Speed Up Your Web Site By Minimizing Your GIF and PNG Image Bit-Depth Are bloated images slowing down your web site and causing you lost business? Images comprise over 50% of the average web page so putting them on a diet is essential to improving web performance. One of the best ways to optimize GIFs and PNGs is to minimize the "bit-depth" or the number of colors within your images. Improve Web Sales Figures Forever And Ever Amen! "How do I improve web site sales figures?" The CEO roared at the web developer. The web developer looked at his boss a little confused and mumbled something about it not being his core competence with him being a programmer and all. So next the CEO went to his marketing department and bellowed "How do I improve our web site sales conversion rates?" A few mouths opened as if to speak but nothing came out until finally exasperated the CEO tearing at his hair in frustration turned to a guy painting the wall and said, "Can you answer this question? How do I increase my web site sales figures?" Server Side Includes (SSI) with ASP People often have identical sections of code spread throughout many ASP pages, typically code at the top of the page (usually referred to as the header) and the lower part of the page (the footer). Similarly, you may have code that performs a certain set of instructions that you are repeating across multiple pages. Consider an example:- Launch Your Own Website Today - Its Easier Than You Think! Thousands of people are now making a living online and the opportunities are abundant as the Internet continues its growth. An added benefit of running an Internet business is that you can usually start one part-time while you maintain your job and steady income. An internet business can also be an extension of a regular brick-and-mortar business, adding credibility to your company and your offerings. Functions and Subroutines in ASP If you read our Tutorial on Include Files (SSI) then you learned how to encapsulate ASP code within include files and the benefits it brings us. As developers, we should endeavour to make our lives easier wherever possible... no one wants to re-invent the wheel after all. Functions and Subroutines exist to not only save us time, but to bring power to our ASP. They are just another way of encapsulating code, but have a lot more functionality than just 'saving some code for later'. First, let's look at Functions... Imagine a balloon salesman in the street. We've all seen them they require one piece of information when you buy a balloon, the colour. Let say we asked for a red balloon... The balloon salesman armed with this 'information' then does a pretty basic action... he hands you the balloon. The balloon you received is a direct result of the information you gave the balloon seller. Functions are just the same... they return to you a value based on the information you provided. Lets look at an example Function: - <% Function getBalloon(strColour) Dim Tempstr strColour = lcase(strColour) 'This converts the value lowercase. Select Case strColour Case "red" Tempstr = "Here is your red balloon" Case "yellow" Tempstr = "Here is your yellow balloon" Case "green" Tempstr = "Here is your green balloon" Case "blue" Tempstr = "Here is your blue balloon" Case Else Tempstr = "Sorry, we have sold out of that Colour" End Select getBalloon = Tempstr End Function%> The 5 Biggest Mistakes Almost All Web Designers Make Huge Mistake #1: Creating a Website with Flash -- Did you know in a recent study, top internet marketers discovered that having a website created with Flash, actually DECREASED the response from prospects and customers by as much as three-hundred-and-seventy percent? 3 Essential Tools Every Website Designer and Marketer Needs Appealing to others is really important when you have a web page. This is because you will not have any personal contact with visitors and cannot persuade them to buy from you or come into your store, not personally that is. Your web page is your medium for persuasion so you need to put as much thought and effort into the design of your website and how it will appeal to potential customers as you would into a physical store. Unfortunately, a lot of web designers and marketers don't think of their web pages this way and make a lot of mistakes that cost visitors and sales. Don't let this happen to you, instead focus on the importance of appearance and have fake visitors visit your site and let you know what works and what does not, anonymously of course, before you launch so you will have some real web input. Beyond that, there are some other important tools you will need to utilize as well if you want to have ea successful website. 4 Steps to Selling More With Your Web Site Most web sites are more like stage sets than real buildings; they make a good impression and they look substantial at first, but when you open a door, you end up back stage in the dark. They don't generate large numbers of leads, help build relationships with prospects or generate the desired volume of sales. FREE Amber Alert Tickers for Your Website Project Safekids provides webmasters a valuable tool which could save a child's life. Add our Amber Alert Ticker to your website today. Autoresponders Make You Look Like A Pro People like to get immediate responses to requests. Autoresponders are great for letting people know you are on the job and that their requests are being taken care of. These are much better than thank you pages. Do You Really Need A Website To Succeed Rosalind wants to share her inspirational poetry with a wider community. Alas, poor Rosalind lives in a remote town. Why Do I Need A Web Site? Even though the Internet has been around for a long time and many people are "educated" about the Internet, most have little knowledge about what a web site is and what can it do for their business. Dreamweaver 8 Preview August 8 2005, Macromedia announced a release of Studio 8. Based on the feedback of previous users, Macromedia made it's already very powerful software even better. How Disabled Users Access The Internet In 1995 a new era of accessibility for disabled people began. The Disability Discrimination Act was passed, stating that: The Top Ten Benefits of Having a Web Site Do you need a web site? Are you considering getting one but are unsure? Here we take a look at the main reasons why a web site could be beneficial to your organisation. ![]() |
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