Web Development Information

Websites: You Get What You Pay For!

So you finally decided to invest in a web presence or upgrade your current site? There are many available choices in "web designers" to choose from. This decision is an important one! You may have a relative or friend of a friend who will do your web site at a very low cost from the comfort of their house. At the same time you receive a quote of a higher price from a professional design house. Who do you choose? The first instinct is to always assume the lower price is a better choice. This article will discuss why this isn?t always true, and why "YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR!"

Email Addresses in Web Pages

You want to give your site's visitors a way to contact you by email but don't want your emali address to be abused. Here are a few ways to protect your email address when building your website.

Using Psychology Easily on Your Website to Make More Sales!

Psychology is a long word which everyone thinks, "no, that's not for me, it'll be too difficult". Apart from being lazy, anyone who thinks this is wrong. Applying psychology on your website is easy and extremely effective. Also, the fact that most webmasters take the lazy view of applying psychology gives you the edge over your competition.

4 Rock Solid Reasons For Building Your Own Website

What is the point of having a website, you may ask, when the affiliate programme you have joined has provided you with your own web page to promote? This is a fair question. The answer has to be that with your own site - and of course your own domain name - you will have a lot more control over your business. Here are four reasons why you should be grabbing your piece of internet real estate - right now.

KISS Your Website!

Many web developers today are starting to KISS their website, and it shows!

Introductory PHP For Non-Programmers

When you started reading this sentence you assumed lo acabar�a en ingl�s. However, I didn't finish in English. This begs the question, 'In which language did I finish?' Unless I tell you the language, you'd have to run around and compare the words against known words in order to learn that it was Spanish, but I'd bet you'd give up and move on first. Servers work much the same way; if you don't let it know the language it assumes you're speaking to someone else (the browser) and sends it along. Servers aren't even friendly enough to give it a whack and see how it comes out.

Making the Most of Your Website: Start with the Basics

One of my most salient memories from when I sold real estate in Oregon for my Dad?s company was listing a property where the owners had initially tried to sell it For-Sale-By-Owner with no success. After the listing contract was signed my Dad told them, ?Next time put your phone number on your sign.?

Is Your Website Innovative? Increase Your Business Over Night!

While studying online for IT investment opportunities, I found that one main factor was constant. All of the biggest money makers have eye-catching, simple, innovative, and the cleanest websites online!

Newsletter Management Using PHP w/o mySQL for Beginners

Let's begin by setting some limits. If you're like me, you like to keep it simple. All we're doing is collecting email addresses together for our mailing list, so biochemical engineering is out the window. If you're using Thunderbird (or that MS product), you can send nicely formatted newsletters out and retain all of the other awesome features of your email program so there's really no need for databases, logins, or pretty much anything else. We're going to stay far away from anything non-essential.

5 Tips To Supercharge Your Website Sales Copy

The art of turning website visitors into paying customers depends almost entirely on good sales copy. What is that?

Is Your Website Doomed for Failure Before Youve Built It?

One of the things that many people overlook when building a new website is keywords. I have to admit, I did exactly the same thing myself when I started out. You can build the flashiest, most professional looking website, with lots of great content, but if you don't think about keywords first your website is most likely to be doomed for failure - at least as far as search engines are concerned.

Dreamweaver 8 Preview

August 8 2005, Macromedia announced a release of Studio 8. Based on the feedback of previous users, Macromedia made it's already very powerful software even better.

Pick Up Your Own Domain Name

Think up a name and check if yourname.com is available. Personally, I like to use http://www.whois.com to check if a domain name is available. You may also check the registrant contact information using ?whois? service if you want to negotiate about purchasing the domain you like from people who registered it first.

Make Your Own Brand!

There are millions and millions of websites on the Internet. You NEED to be different in some way from all of them! If you could get a visitor to your website, that means nothing. Only returning visitors must be counted. When they return the second time, "branding" starts to occur. Huge companies advertise not because they want to provide you with information about their product. They do that because they're trying to "brand" its name and image. Actually, it is the brand you are paying the money for when you buy something from "Adidas?, ?Nike? or ?Coca-cola?. People will actually be willing to pay for the brand they know, so make it as bright and memorable as possible. However, it is useful to remember that too complex logo will definitely slip out of peoples' minds.

Successful Commercial Sites

Do you make your website just to entertain yourself or do you want it to be a great web store? The fact is more than 80% of websites are trying to sell you something. There is nothing wrong if you want to get some money from the website you made, but remember to put some REALLY interesting information on your pages. This information must be free, unique and necessary to as many people as possible.

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